"./bisync.test -test.v -test.timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestLinkbox: -verbose" - Starting (try 1/5) 2025/03/01 01:07:29 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-gaboqit9wari" 2025/03/01 01:07:29 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf" 2025/03/01 01:07:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/rclone2664230551" === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal 2025/03/01 01:07:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu" 2025/03/01 01:07:30 NOTICE: remote: TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/all_changed 2025/03/01 01:07:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu" 2025/03/01 01:07:30 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf" 2025/03/01 01:07:31 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:07:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/all_changed/path1" 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu" 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/all_changed/path2" 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_all_changed/initial" 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_all_changed-kusunig7" 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_all_changed-kusunig7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_all_changed-kusunig7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:39 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:39 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:07:40 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:07:40 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:07:40 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_all_changed-kusunig7 2025/03/01 01:07:40 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:40 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:40 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:40 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:40 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:40 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:40 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:40 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:07:44 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:44 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:44 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:44 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:46 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:46 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:46 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:46 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/all_changed/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:46 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/all_changed/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:47 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/backupdir 2025/03/01 01:07:47 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:07:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/backupdir/path1" 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/backupdir/path2" 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_backupdir/initial" 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_backupdir-bimomoq9" 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_backupdir-bimomoq9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_backupdir-bimomoq9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_backupdir/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_backupdir-reziveh2" 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_backupdir-reziveh2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_backupdir-reziveh2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:07:50 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:07:50 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:07:50 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:07:50 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:07:50 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_backupdir-bimomoq9 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/backupdir/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:51 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/backupdir/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:07:54 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:54 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:54 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:54 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:54 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:54 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:54 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:54 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:07:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/basic 2025/03/01 01:07:57 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:07:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/basic/path1" 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/basic/path2" 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_basic/initial" 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_basic-bucatut8" 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_basic-bucatut8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_basic-bucatut8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_basic/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_basic-zawuwow6" 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_basic-zawuwow6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_basic-zawuwow6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:00 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:00 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:00 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:08:00 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:08:00 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_basic-bucatut8 2025/03/01 01:08:01 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:01 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:01 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:01 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:01 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:01 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:01 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:01 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:04 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:04 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:04 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:04 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:04 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:06 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:06 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:06 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/basic/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:06 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:06 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/basic/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:09 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/changes 2025/03/01 01:08:09 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:09 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/changes/path1" 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/changes/path2" 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_changes/initial" 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_changes-qokodub1" 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_changes-qokodub1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_changes-qokodub1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_changes/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_changes-cufavak4" 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_changes-cufavak4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_changes-cufavak4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:11 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:11 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:12 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:08:12 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:08:12 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_changes-qokodub1 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/changes/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:12 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/changes/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:16 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:16 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:16 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:16 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:16 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:16 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:16 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:16 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:18 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_access 2025/03/01 01:08:18 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_access/path1" 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/check_access/path2" 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_access/initial" 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_access-yacokub8" 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_access-yacokub8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_access-yacokub8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_access/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_access-bihunug8" 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_access-bihunug8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_access-bihunug8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:21 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:21 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:21 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:08:21 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:08:21 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_access-yacokub8 2025/03/01 01:08:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:22 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:22 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:27 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:27 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:27 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:27 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:27 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:27 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:27 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:27 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_access/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:27 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_access/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:30 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:30 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_access_filters 2025/03/01 01:08:30 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_access_filters/path1" 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/check_access_filters/path2" 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_access_filters/initial" 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_access_filters-tagerig9" 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir-not: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not", newDst=subdir-not 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdirX: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX", newDst=subdirX 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirA", newDst=subdir/subdirA 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirB", newDst=subdir/subdirB 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not/subdir-not2", newDst=subdir-not/subdir-not2 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdirX/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX/subdirX1", newDst=subdirX/subdirX1 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_access_filters-tagerig9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_access_filters-tagerig9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir-not/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_access_filters/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_access_filters-tuyonuy6" 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_access_filters-tuyonuy6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_access_filters-tuyonuy6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: md5 = 5fcc6205d7df1c2e9ed3a15a1356b345 OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt.9180e6d6.partial: renamed to: exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt: md5 = 2ec13b2813141ed088e5978ef5a47b0e OK 2025/03/01 01:08:33 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt.5fb1cd78.partial: renamed to: include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:08:33 INFO : include-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:33 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:08:33 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:08:33 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_access_filters-tagerig9 2025/03/01 01:08:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:34 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:39 INFO : subdir-not: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:41 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:41 INFO : subdirX: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:41 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:41 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:41 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:44 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:44 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:44 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:44 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:44 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:44 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:44 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:44 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:44 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:45 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:46 ERROR : subdirX/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:46 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:46 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:47 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:47 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:49 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:51 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:51 ERROR : subdir-not/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:08:51 ERROR : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:51 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_access_filters/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:51 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_access_filters/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:08:53 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:53 ERROR : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:55 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:55 ERROR : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:55 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:55 ERROR : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:08:55 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:57 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:58 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:08:58 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_filename 2025/03/01 01:08:58 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:08:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_filename/path1" 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/check_filename/path2" 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Config file has changed externally - reloading 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_filename/initial" 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_filename-davicuc6" 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_filename-davicuc6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_filename-davicuc6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : .chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : .chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: .chk_file 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : .chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/.chk_file 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : subdir/.chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_filename/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_filename-locibir2" 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_filename-locibir2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_filename-locibir2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:01 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:01 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:01 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:01 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:01 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_filename-davicuc6 2025/03/01 01:09:02 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:02 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:02 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:02 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:02 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:02 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:09:08 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:08 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:08 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:08 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:08 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:08 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_filename/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:08 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_filename/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:08 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:08 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:09 ERROR : subdir/.chk_file: Failed to copy: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 2025/03/01 01:09:09 ERROR : .chk_file: Failed to copy: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 bisync_test.go:1943: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:1943 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:458 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Received unexpected error: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 Test: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_filename Messages: setting up path1 2025/03/01 01:09:09 NOTICE: checking Path1 Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_filename/path1' fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 1s for list eventual consistency: 1/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 2s for list eventual consistency: 2/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 4s for list eventual consistency: 3/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:299: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:299 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:332 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:460 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Should be true Test: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_filename Messages: listing wrong, want .chk_file (109), file1.txt (0), file2.txt (0), file3.txt (0), file4.txt (0), subdir/.chk_file (109), subdir/file20.txt (0) got fstest.go:197: Not found ".chk_file" fstest.go:197: Not found "file1.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file2.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file3.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file4.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "subdir/.chk_file" fstest.go:197: Not found "subdir/file20.txt" fstest.go:200: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:200 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:304 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:332 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:460 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Not equal: expected: 0 actual : 7 Test: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_filename Messages: 7 objects not found 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/check_filename/path2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/check_filename/path2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : .chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : .chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: .chk_file 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : .chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/.chk_file 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : subdir/.chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:09:22 NOTICE: checking path2 Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/check_filename/path2 2025/03/01 01:09:22 NOTICE: (01) : test check-filename 2025/03/01 01:09:22 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/03/01 01:09:22 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync bisync_test.go:968: skipping test as at least one remote does not support setting modtime === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_sync 2025/03/01 01:09:22 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:09:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_sync/path1" 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/check_sync/path2" 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_sync/initial" 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_sync-tapileg0" 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_sync-tapileg0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_sync-tapileg0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_sync/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_sync-jahewuk7" 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_sync-jahewuk7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_check_sync-jahewuk7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: md5 = fdb18e0dff6961813e12c57227d2e854 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst.c670fe74.partial: renamed to: _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: md5 = d6ce44a26af9c2110b1750fe88dc4b69 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:24 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst.c670fe74.partial: renamed to: _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst 2025/03/01 01:09:24 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:25 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:25 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:25 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_check_sync-tapileg0 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_sync/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:25 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/check_sync/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:29 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:29 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:29 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:29 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:29 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:29 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:29 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:29 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:32 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/compare_all 2025/03/01 01:09:32 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:09:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/compare_all/path1" 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/compare_all/path2" 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_compare_all/initial" 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_compare_all-nahupis3" 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_compare_all-nahupis3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_compare_all-nahupis3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_compare_all/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_compare_all-qojubuy1" 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_compare_all-qojubuy1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_compare_all-qojubuy1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:34 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:34 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:34 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:34 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_compare_all-nahupis3 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/compare_all/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:35 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/compare_all/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:38 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:38 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:38 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:38 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:38 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:38 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:38 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:38 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:41 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/concurrent 2025/03/01 01:09:41 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:09:41 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/concurrent/path1" 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/concurrent/path2" 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_concurrent/initial" 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_concurrent-xufiyuc2" 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_concurrent-xufiyuc2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_concurrent-xufiyuc2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_concurrent/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_concurrent-gurohak6" 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : dummy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_concurrent-gurohak6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : dummy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : dummy.txt.c38ef0f8.partial: renamed to: dummy.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : dummy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_concurrent-gurohak6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file1.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file10.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file11.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file2.txt.3e46d057.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file5L.txt.816264c5.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file6.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file7.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:09:44 DEBUG : file5R.txt.816264c5.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:44 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:44 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:44 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:44 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_concurrent-xufiyuc2 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/concurrent/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:45 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/concurrent/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:48 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:48 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:48 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:48 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:48 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:48 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:48 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:48 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:51 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/createemptysrcdirs 2025/03/01 01:09:51 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:09:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/createemptysrcdirs/path1" 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/createemptysrcdirs/path2" 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_createemptysrcdirs/initial" 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-ducufoh2" 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-ducufoh2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-ducufoh2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:53 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:53 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:53 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:53 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:53 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:09:53 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:53 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_createemptysrcdirs/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-pataniw5" 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-pataniw5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-pataniw5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:09:53 DEBUG : placeholder.txt.4db661ca.partial: renamed to: placeholder.txt 2025/03/01 01:09:53 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:09:54 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:54 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:09:54 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-ducufoh2 2025/03/01 01:09:54 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:54 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:54 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:54 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:54 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:09:54 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/createemptysrcdirs/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:54 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/createemptysrcdirs/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:09:57 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:57 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:57 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:57 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:57 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:09:57 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:00 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/dry_run 2025/03/01 01:10:00 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:10:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/dry_run/path1" 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/dry_run/path2" 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_dry_run/initial" 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_dry_run-mebozix1" 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_dry_run-mebozix1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_dry_run-mebozix1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_dry_run/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_dry_run-hepojon7" 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_dry_run-hepojon7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_dry_run-hepojon7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:03 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:03 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:03 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:03 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:03 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_dry_run-mebozix1 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/dry_run/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:04 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/dry_run/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:07 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:07 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:07 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:07 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:07 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:07 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:07 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:10 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/equal 2025/03/01 01:10:10 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:10:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/equal/path1" 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/equal/path2" 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_equal/initial" 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_equal-casatuc4" 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_equal-casatuc4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:12 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_equal-casatuc4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:12 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:10:12 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_equal/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_equal-suxogog0" 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_equal-suxogog0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_equal-suxogog0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 2b4975bb20f7be674e66d78570ba2fb1 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file1L.txt.a9dc541c.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:12 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file1R.txt.c0691a20.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:12 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:12 DEBUG : file2.txt.fbf6b964.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:12 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:13 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:13 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:13 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_equal-casatuc4 2025/03/01 01:10:13 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:13 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:13 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:13 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/equal/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:13 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/equal/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:17 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:17 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:19 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/ext_paths 2025/03/01 01:10:19 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:10:19 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/ext_paths/path1" 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/ext_paths/path2" 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_ext_paths/initial" 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_ext_paths-jivarah7" 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-04-17T01:00:03.064427195Z) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試Русский ěáñ", newDst=測試Русский ěáñ 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_ext_paths-jivarah7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_ext_paths-jivarah7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : 測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_ext_paths/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_ext_paths-gajudef7" 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_ext_paths-gajudef7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_ext_paths-gajudef7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : file1.txt.917a74a1.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:21 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt.1c47c956.partial: renamed to: 測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:21 INFO : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:22 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:22 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:22 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_ext_paths-jivarah7 2025/03/01 01:10:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:22 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:22 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:22 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:22 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:22 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:22 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:22 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:10:26 ERROR : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:28 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:28 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:28 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:28 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/ext_paths/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:28 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/ext_paths/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:28 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:28 ERROR : Русский.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:28 ERROR : 測試_check file: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:32 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:32 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:32 ERROR : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:32 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:32 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:35 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/extended_filenames 2025/03/01 01:10:35 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:10:35 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/extended_filenames/path1" 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/extended_filenames/path2" 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_extended_filenames/initial" 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_extended_filenames-mudipot1" 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir_with_ࢺ_", newDst=subdir_with_ࢺ_ 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_extended_filenames-mudipot1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_extended_filenames-mudipot1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : file1 - Copy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy (2).txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_extended_filenames/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_extended_filenames-wotapej5" 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_extended_filenames-wotapej5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_extended_filenames-wotapej5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 40b811fb5009223b6da573f169619d8e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file2.txt.761be064.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:37 DEBUG : file1.txt.f73bbb59.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:37 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:37 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:37 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:37 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_extended_filenames-mudipot1 2025/03/01 01:10:38 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:38 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:38 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:38 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:38 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:38 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:38 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:38 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:10:43 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:43 ERROR : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:43 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:43 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:43 ERROR : file1 - Copy.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:43 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:43 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/extended_filenames/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:43 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/extended_filenames/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:43 ERROR : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:43 ERROR : Русский.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:46 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:47 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:47 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:48 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:49 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/filters 2025/03/01 01:10:49 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:10:49 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/filters/path1" 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/filters/path2" 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_filters/initial" 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_filters-cucuwud0" 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_filters-cucuwud0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_filters-cucuwud0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_filters/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_filters-kuyatob1" 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : fileZ.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_filters-kuyatob1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_filters-kuyatob1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : fileZ.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : fileZ.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: fileZ.txt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : fileZ.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/03/01 01:10:52 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt.9f8671d3.partial: renamed to: filtersfile.flt 2025/03/01 01:10:52 INFO : filtersfile.flt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:10:52 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:52 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:10:52 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_filters-cucuwud0 2025/03/01 01:10:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:53 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:53 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:53 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:53 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:53 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:53 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:53 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:10:58 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:58 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:58 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:10:58 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:58 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:58 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:58 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:58 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/filters/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:58 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:10:58 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/filters/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:10:58 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:01 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/filtersfile_checks 2025/03/01 01:11:01 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:11:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/filtersfile_checks/path1" 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/filtersfile_checks/path2" 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_filtersfile_checks/initial" 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-tojedem9" 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:11:03 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:03 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:03 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-tojedem9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-tojedem9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:03 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:11:03 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:03 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_filtersfile_checks/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-cifenof9" 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-cifenof9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-cifenof9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt: md5 = 95acc1e3b5beda465d9b2cb32808588c OK 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt: md5 = cbf4389cb34d9e160689d1578eb5707f OK 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt.9f8671d3.partial: renamed to: filtersfile2.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:03 INFO : filtersfile2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt.f1af69b0.partial: renamed to: filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:03 INFO : filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:03 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:03 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:04 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:04 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:04 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-tojedem9 2025/03/01 01:11:04 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:04 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:04 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:04 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:11:10 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:10 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:10 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/filtersfile_checks/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:10 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:10 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:10 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/filtersfile_checks/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:14 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/ignorelistingchecksum 2025/03/01 01:11:14 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:11:14 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/ignorelistingchecksum/path1" 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/ignorelistingchecksum/path2" 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_ignorelistingchecksum/initial" 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-qinefij3" 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-qinefij3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-qinefij3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_ignorelistingchecksum/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-lotedub3" 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-lotedub3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-lotedub3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:16 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:16 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:17 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:17 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:17 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-qinefij3 2025/03/01 01:11:17 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:17 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:17 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:17 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:17 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:17 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:11:23 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:23 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:23 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/ignorelistingchecksum/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:23 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/ignorelistingchecksum/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:23 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:23 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:23 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:23 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:23 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:23 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:26 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/max_delete_path1 2025/03/01 01:11:26 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:11:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/max_delete_path1/path1" 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/max_delete_path1/path2" 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_max_delete_path1/initial" 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-xoriher5" 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-xoriher5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-xoriher5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_max_delete_path1/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-jeluyid2" 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-jeluyid2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-jeluyid2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:28 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:28 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:29 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:29 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:29 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-xoriher5 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/max_delete_path1/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:29 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/max_delete_path1/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:33 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:33 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:33 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:33 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:33 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:33 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:33 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:33 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:35 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/max_delete_path2_force 2025/03/01 01:11:35 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:11:35 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/max_delete_path2_force/path1" 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/max_delete_path2_force/path2" 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_max_delete_path2_force/initial" 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-jurugob3" 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-jurugob3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-jurugob3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_max_delete_path2_force/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-dafivaw8" 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-dafivaw8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-dafivaw8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:38 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:38 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:38 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:38 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:38 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-jurugob3 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/max_delete_path2_force/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:39 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/max_delete_path2_force/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:42 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:42 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:42 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:42 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:42 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:42 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:42 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:42 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:45 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/nomodtime 2025/03/01 01:11:45 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:11:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/nomodtime/path1" 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/nomodtime/path2" 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_nomodtime/initial" 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_nomodtime-tavemuy6" 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_nomodtime-tavemuy6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_nomodtime-tavemuy6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_nomodtime/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_nomodtime-xereron7" 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_nomodtime-xereron7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_nomodtime-xereron7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file1.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file10.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file11.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file2.txt.21f2ec7f.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file5R.txt.9ed658ed.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file5L.txt.9ed658ed.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file6.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:47 DEBUG : file7.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:47 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:48 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:48 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:48 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_nomodtime-tavemuy6 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/nomodtime/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:48 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/nomodtime/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:52 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:52 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:52 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:52 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:52 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:52 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:52 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:52 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:11:55 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/normalization 2025/03/01 01:11:55 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:11:55 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/normalization/path1" 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/normalization/path2" 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_normalization/initial" 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_normalization-pugirem7" 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:11:57 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ", newDst=測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_normalization-pugirem7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:57 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_normalization-pugirem7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:11:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:11:57 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:57 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:57 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:57 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_normalization/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_normalization-tacupig4" 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_normalization-tacupig4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_normalization-tacupig4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:57 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/03/01 01:11:57 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt.e8d47346.partial: renamed to: 測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:11:57 INFO : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:11:58 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:58 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:11:58 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_normalization-pugirem7 2025/03/01 01:11:58 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:58 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:11:58 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:12:04 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:04 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:04 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:04 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:04 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/normalization/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:04 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/normalization/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:04 ERROR : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:07 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:07 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/rclone_args 2025/03/01 01:12:07 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:12:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/rclone_args/path1" 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/rclone_args/path2" 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_rclone_args/initial" 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_rclone_args-qiqejij2" 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_rclone_args-qiqejij2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_rclone_args-qiqejij2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file21.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : subdir/file21.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 06bf632289064f6deae02a9f6f07856c OK 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file1.txt.dae86b42.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_rclone_args/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_rclone_args-tacidew6" 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_rclone_args-tacidew6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_rclone_args-tacidew6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file20.txt.b4075ff1.partial: renamed to: file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file21.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file21.txt.b4075ff1.partial: renamed to: file21.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : file21.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file1.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:10 DEBUG : file2.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:10 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:10 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:10 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:10 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_rclone_args-qiqejij2 2025/03/01 01:12:11 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:11 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:11 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:11 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:12:16 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:16 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:16 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/rclone_args/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:16 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:16 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:16 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/rclone_args/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:16 ERROR : subdir/file21.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:19 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:20 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resolve 2025/03/01 01:12:20 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:12:20 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/resolve/path1" 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/resolve/path2" 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resolve/initial" 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resolve-komutuv2" 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resolve-komutuv2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resolve-komutuv2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:22 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:22 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:12:22 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resolve/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_resolve-revaweb0" 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_resolve-revaweb0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_resolve-revaweb0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 2b4975bb20f7be674e66d78570ba2fb1 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file1R.txt.eafd8cfe.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:22 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file1L.txt.711f2f3a.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:22 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:22 DEBUG : file2.txt.cc713425.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:22 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:22 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:22 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:22 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resolve-komutuv2 2025/03/01 01:12:23 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:23 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:23 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:23 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/resolve/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:23 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/resolve/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:26 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:26 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:29 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resync 2025/03/01 01:12:29 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:12:29 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/resync/path1" 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/resync/path2" 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resync/initial" 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resync-dimufiw0" 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resync-dimufiw0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resync-dimufiw0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resync/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_resync-yuropum9" 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : fileA.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : fileB.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_resync-yuropum9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_resync-yuropum9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : fileA.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : fileA.txt.16ee54da.partial: renamed to: fileA.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : fileA.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : fileB.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:31 DEBUG : fileB.txt.f0a2c6af.partial: renamed to: fileB.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:31 INFO : fileB.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:32 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:32 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:32 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resync-dimufiw0 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/resync/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:33 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/resync/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:36 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:36 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:36 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:36 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:36 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:36 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:36 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:40 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resync_modes 2025/03/01 01:12:40 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:12:40 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/resync_modes/path1" 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/resync_modes/path2" 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resync_modes/initial" 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resync_modes-buwupav1" 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resync_modes-buwupav1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resync_modes-buwupav1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:42 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:42 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:12:42 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resync_modes/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_resync_modes-xakisot6" 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_resync_modes-xakisot6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_resync_modes-xakisot6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 705bb3c0ef02925739e834ca98c099c3 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file1L.txt.7d07f91a.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:42 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file1R.txt.cb75035e.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:42 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:42 DEBUG : file2.txt.7cc9b07.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:42 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:42 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:42 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:42 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_resync_modes-buwupav1 2025/03/01 01:12:43 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:43 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:43 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:43 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/resync_modes/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:43 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/resync_modes/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:46 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:46 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:50 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/rmdirs 2025/03/01 01:12:50 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:12:50 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/rmdirs/path1" 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/rmdirs/path2" 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_rmdirs/initial" 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_rmdirs-conurah4" 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_rmdirs-conurah4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_rmdirs-conurah4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_rmdirs/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_rmdirs-qaxeget4" 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_rmdirs-qaxeget4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_rmdirs-qaxeget4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:12:52 DEBUG : file1.txt.13f42ab5.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:12:52 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:12:52 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:52 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:12:52 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_rmdirs-conurah4 2025/03/01 01:12:53 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:53 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:53 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:53 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:53 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:53 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:12:58 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:58 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:12:58 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/rmdirs/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:58 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:58 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:58 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/rmdirs/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:12:58 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:58 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:58 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:12:58 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:01 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/volatile 2025/03/01 01:13:01 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:13:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/volatile/path1" 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/volatile/path2" 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_volatile/initial" 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_volatile-xozohug4" 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_volatile-xozohug4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_volatile-xozohug4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_volatile/modfiles" 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_volatile-kepaqul9" 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : dummy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_volatile-kepaqul9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/datadir/test_volatile-kepaqul9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : dummy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : dummy.txt.75bafa33.partial: renamed to: dummy.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : dummy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file1.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file10.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file11.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file2.txt.8872da9c.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file6.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 DEBUG : file7.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:04 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:04 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:04 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/010730pu/initdir/test_volatile-xozohug4 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/volatile/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:05 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu/010730pu/volatile/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:08 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:08 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:08 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:08 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:08 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:08 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:08 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:08 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:11 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files 2025/03/01 01:13:11 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-koturec3vupu': Purge remote --- FAIL: TestBisyncRemoteLocal (344.33s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/all_changed (17.17s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/backupdir (9.63s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/basic (11.69s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/changes (9.61s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_access (11.97s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_access_filters (27.92s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_filename (23.37s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_sync (9.92s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/compare_all (9.72s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/concurrent (9.50s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/createemptysrcdirs (9.49s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/dry_run (9.65s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/equal (9.31s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/ext_paths (15.24s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/extended_filenames (14.93s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/filters (11.67s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/filtersfile_checks (12.66s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/ignorelistingchecksum (12.21s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/max_delete_path1 (9.44s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/max_delete_path2_force (9.70s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/nomodtime (9.85s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/normalization (12.20s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/rclone_args (12.47s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resolve (9.73s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resync (10.29s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resync_modes (9.89s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/rmdirs (11.68s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/volatile (10.01s) === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote 2025/03/01 01:13:14 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju" 2025/03/01 01:13:15 NOTICE: remote: TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/all_changed 2025/03/01 01:13:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki" 2025/03/01 01:13:15 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf" 2025/03/01 01:13:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/all_changed/path1" 2025/03/01 01:13:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki" 2025/03/01 01:13:15 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:13:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/all_changed/path2" 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_all_changed-yogefuy1" 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_all_changed-yogefuy1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_all_changed-yogefuy1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:23 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:23 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:24 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:24 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_all_changed-yogefuy1 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/all_changed/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/all_changed/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:13:24 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/all_changed/path1 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:24 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:13:30 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:30 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:30 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:30 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/all_changed/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:30 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/all_changed/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:30 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:30 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:30 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:30 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:30 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:33 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/backupdir 2025/03/01 01:13:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/backupdir/path1" 2025/03/01 01:13:33 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:13:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/backupdir/path2" 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_backupdir-mituzat0" 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_backupdir-mituzat0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_backupdir-mituzat0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_backupdir-bagipis7" 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_backupdir-bagipis7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_backupdir-bagipis7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:35 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:35 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:35 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:36 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:36 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_backupdir-mituzat0 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/backupdir/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:13:36 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:36 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:36 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/backupdir/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:36 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:36 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:36 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:36 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:36 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:36 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:36 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/backupdir/path1 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/backupdir/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:36 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/backupdir/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:40 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:40 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:40 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:40 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:40 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:40 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:40 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:40 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:42 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/basic 2025/03/01 01:13:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/basic/path1" 2025/03/01 01:13:42 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:13:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/basic/path2" 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_basic-deyenov8" 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_basic-deyenov8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_basic-deyenov8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_basic-tixufaz7" 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_basic-tixufaz7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_basic-tixufaz7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:45 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:45 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:45 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:46 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:46 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_basic-deyenov8 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/basic/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/basic/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:13:46 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/basic/path1 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:46 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:13:52 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:52 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:52 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:52 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:52 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:52 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:52 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/basic/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:52 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/basic/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:52 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:13:55 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/changes 2025/03/01 01:13:55 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/changes/path1" 2025/03/01 01:13:55 DEBUG : Config file has changed externally - reloading 2025/03/01 01:13:55 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:13:55 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/changes/path2" 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_changes-tafequb2" 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_changes-tafequb2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_changes-tafequb2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_changes-suceqac6" 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_changes-suceqac6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_changes-suceqac6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:57 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:13:57 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_changes-tafequb2 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/changes/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/changes/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:13:57 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:13:57 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:13:57 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/changes/path1 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/changes/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:13:58 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/changes/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:02 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:02 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:02 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:02 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:02 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:02 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:02 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:02 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:04 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_access 2025/03/01 01:14:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/check_access/path1" 2025/03/01 01:14:04 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_access/path2" 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_access-pehivic0" 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_access-pehivic0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_access-pehivic0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_access-detaquk7" 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_access-detaquk7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_access-detaquk7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:14:07 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:14:07 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_access-pehivic0 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_access/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_access/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:07 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_access/path1 2025/03/01 01:14:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:08 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:13 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:13 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:13 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:13 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:13 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:13 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:13 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_access/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:13 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_access/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:13 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:16 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:16 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_access_filters 2025/03/01 01:14:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/check_access_filters/path1" 2025/03/01 01:14:16 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_access_filters/path2" 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_access_filters-vomiwot1" 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir-not: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not", newDst=subdir-not 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdirX: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX", newDst=subdirX 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX/subdirX1", newDst=subdirX/subdirX1 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not/subdir-not2", newDst=subdir-not/subdir-not2 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdirX/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirA", newDst=subdir/subdirA 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirB", newDst=subdir/subdirB 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_access_filters-vomiwot1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_access_filters-vomiwot1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir-not/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_access_filters-picevos1" 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_access_filters-picevos1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_access_filters-picevos1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: md5 = 5fcc6205d7df1c2e9ed3a15a1356b345 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt: md5 = 2ec13b2813141ed088e5978ef5a47b0e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt.9180e6d6.partial: renamed to: exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:18 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt.5fb1cd78.partial: renamed to: include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:18 INFO : include-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:14:19 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:14:19 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_access_filters-vomiwot1 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir-not: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not", newDst=subdir-not 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdirX: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX", newDst=subdirX 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirA", newDst=subdir/subdirA 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirB", newDst=subdir/subdirB 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not/subdir-not2", newDst=subdir-not/subdir-not2 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX/subdirX1", newDst=subdirX/subdirX1 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_access_filters/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_access_filters/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir-not/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdirX/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:19 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_access_filters/path1 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:19 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:25 INFO : subdir-not: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:26 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:26 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:26 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:26 INFO : subdirX: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:26 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:28 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:28 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:28 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:28 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:28 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:28 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:28 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:28 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:28 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:30 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:30 ERROR : subdirX/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:30 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:32 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:32 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:34 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:36 ERROR : subdir-not/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:36 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:36 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:36 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:36 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:36 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:36 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_access_filters/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:36 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_access_filters/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:38 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:38 ERROR : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:39 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:39 ERROR : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:39 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:39 ERROR : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:41 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:41 ERROR : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:42 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:42 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:43 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:43 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_filename 2025/03/01 01:14:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/check_filename/path1" 2025/03/01 01:14:43 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_filename/path2" 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_filename-ricaber6" 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_filename-ricaber6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_filename-ricaber6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : .chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : .chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: .chk_file 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : .chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/.chk_file 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : subdir/.chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_filename-ripakuc1" 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_filename-ripakuc1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_filename-ripakuc1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:45 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:45 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:14:46 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:14:46 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_filename-ricaber6 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_filename/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_filename/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : .chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : .chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: .chk_file 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : .chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/.chk_file 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : subdir/.chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:14:46 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_filename/path1 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:46 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:14:52 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:14:52 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_filename/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:52 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_filename/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:14:52 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:52 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:52 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:52 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:52 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:14:53 ERROR : .chk_file: Failed to copy: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 2025/03/01 01:14:53 ERROR : subdir/.chk_file: Failed to copy: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 bisync_test.go:1943: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:1943 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:461 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Received unexpected error: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 Test: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_filename Messages: setting up path2 2025/03/01 01:14:53 NOTICE: checking path2 Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_filename/path2' fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 1s for list eventual consistency: 1/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 2s for list eventual consistency: 2/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 4s for list eventual consistency: 3/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:299: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:299 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:332 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:463 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Should be true Test: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_filename Messages: listing wrong, want .chk_file (109), file1.txt (0), file2.txt (0), file3.txt (0), file4.txt (0), subdir/.chk_file (109), subdir/file20.txt (0) got fstest.go:197: Not found "file2.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file3.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file4.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "subdir/.chk_file" fstest.go:197: Not found "subdir/file20.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found ".chk_file" fstest.go:197: Not found "file1.txt" fstest.go:200: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:200 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:304 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:332 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:463 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Not equal: expected: 0 actual : 7 Test: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_filename Messages: 7 objects not found 2025/03/01 01:15:05 NOTICE: (01) : test check-filename 2025/03/01 01:15:05 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/03/01 01:15:05 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync bisync_test.go:968: skipping test as at least one remote does not support setting modtime === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_sync 2025/03/01 01:15:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/check_sync/path1" 2025/03/01 01:15:05 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:15:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_sync/path2" 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_sync-xicosad7" 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_sync-xicosad7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_sync-xicosad7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_sync-waqofad7" 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_sync-waqofad7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_check_sync-waqofad7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: md5 = fdb18e0dff6961813e12c57227d2e854 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: md5 = d6ce44a26af9c2110b1750fe88dc4b69 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst.c670fe74.partial: renamed to: _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst.c670fe74.partial: renamed to: _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst 2025/03/01 01:15:07 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:07 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:08 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:08 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_check_sync-xicosad7 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_sync/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_sync/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:08 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:08 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:08 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:08 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:08 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:08 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:08 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:08 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:08 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/check_sync/path1 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_sync/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:08 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/check_sync/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:12 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:12 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:12 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:12 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:12 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:12 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:12 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:12 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:14 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/compare_all 2025/03/01 01:15:14 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/compare_all/path1" 2025/03/01 01:15:14 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:15:14 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/compare_all/path2" 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_compare_all-kejawuz9" 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_compare_all-kejawuz9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_compare_all-kejawuz9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_compare_all-badumaq8" 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_compare_all-badumaq8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_compare_all-badumaq8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:16 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:16 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:17 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:17 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_compare_all-kejawuz9 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/compare_all/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:17 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:17 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/compare_all/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:17 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:17 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:17 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:17 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:17 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:17 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:17 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:17 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/compare_all/path1 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/compare_all/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:17 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/compare_all/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:22 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:22 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:22 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:22 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:22 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:22 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:22 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:22 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:24 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/concurrent 2025/03/01 01:15:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/concurrent/path1" 2025/03/01 01:15:24 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:15:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/concurrent/path2" 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_concurrent-huqoroq2" 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_concurrent-huqoroq2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_concurrent-huqoroq2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_concurrent-hepobif0" 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : dummy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_concurrent-hepobif0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_concurrent-hepobif0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : dummy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : dummy.txt.c38ef0f8.partial: renamed to: dummy.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : dummy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file10.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file2.txt.3e46d057.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file1.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file11.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file5L.txt.816264c5.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file6.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file5R.txt.816264c5.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:26 DEBUG : file7.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:26 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:27 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:27 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_concurrent-huqoroq2 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/concurrent/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/concurrent/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:27 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:27 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:27 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:27 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:27 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:27 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:27 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:27 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:27 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:27 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/concurrent/path1 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/concurrent/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:27 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/concurrent/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:31 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:31 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:31 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:31 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:31 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:31 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:31 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:31 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/createemptysrcdirs 2025/03/01 01:15:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/createemptysrcdirs/path1" 2025/03/01 01:15:34 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:15:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/createemptysrcdirs/path2" 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-kuniboz6" 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-kuniboz6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-kuniboz6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:36 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:36 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:36 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:36 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:36 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:36 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:36 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-xijezoh0" 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-xijezoh0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-xijezoh0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:36 DEBUG : placeholder.txt.4db661ca.partial: renamed to: placeholder.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:36 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:36 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:37 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:37 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-kuniboz6 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/createemptysrcdirs/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:37 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/createemptysrcdirs/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:37 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:37 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:37 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:37 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:37 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:37 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:37 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/createemptysrcdirs/path1 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/createemptysrcdirs/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:37 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/createemptysrcdirs/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:41 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:41 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:41 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:41 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:41 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:41 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:43 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/dry_run 2025/03/01 01:15:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/dry_run/path1" 2025/03/01 01:15:43 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:15:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/dry_run/path2" 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_dry_run-zebatem5" 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_dry_run-zebatem5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_dry_run-zebatem5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_dry_run-dozeyac5" 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_dry_run-dozeyac5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_dry_run-dozeyac5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:46 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:46 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_dry_run-zebatem5 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/dry_run/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/dry_run/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:46 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:46 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:46 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/dry_run/path1 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/dry_run/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:47 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/dry_run/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:50 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:50 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:50 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:50 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:50 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:50 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:50 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:15:53 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/equal 2025/03/01 01:15:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/equal/path1" 2025/03/01 01:15:53 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:15:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/equal/path2" 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_equal-yeparam3" 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_equal-yeparam3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:55 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_equal-yeparam3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:55 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:55 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_equal-meteloy7" 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_equal-meteloy7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_equal-meteloy7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 2b4975bb20f7be674e66d78570ba2fb1 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file1R.txt.c0691a20.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:55 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file2.txt.fbf6b964.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:55 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:55 DEBUG : file1L.txt.a9dc541c.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:55 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:55 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:56 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:15:56 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_equal-yeparam3 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/equal/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/equal/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:56 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:15:56 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:15:56 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:15:56 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/equal/path1 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/equal/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:15:56 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/equal/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:00 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:00 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:02 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/ext_paths 2025/03/01 01:16:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/ext_paths/path1" 2025/03/01 01:16:02 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:16:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/ext_paths/path2" 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_ext_paths-xijecod4" 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-04-17T01:00:03.064427195Z) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試Русский ěáñ", newDst=測試Русский ěáñ 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_ext_paths-xijecod4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_ext_paths-xijecod4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_ext_paths-qinajaf8" 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_ext_paths-qinajaf8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_ext_paths-qinajaf8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file1.txt.917a74a1.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt.1c47c956.partial: renamed to: 測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:16:05 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:16:05 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_ext_paths-xijecod4 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-04-17T01:00:03.064427195Z) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試Русский ěáñ", newDst=測試Русский ěáñ 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/ext_paths/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/ext_paths/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:05 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:16:05 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/ext_paths/path1 2025/03/01 01:16:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:06 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:06 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:06 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:06 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:16:11 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:11 ERROR : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:11 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:11 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:11 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:11 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/ext_paths/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:11 ERROR : Русский.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:11 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/ext_paths/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:11 ERROR : 測試_check file: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:15 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:15 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:15 ERROR : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:15 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:15 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:18 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/extended_filenames 2025/03/01 01:16:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/extended_filenames/path1" 2025/03/01 01:16:18 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:16:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/extended_filenames/path2" 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_extended_filenames-jomikut9" 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy (2).txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir_with_ࢺ_", newDst=subdir_with_ࢺ_ 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file1 - Copy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_extended_filenames-jomikut9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_extended_filenames-jomikut9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_extended_filenames-vimurij8" 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_extended_filenames-vimurij8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_extended_filenames-vimurij8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1.txt.f73bbb59.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 40b811fb5009223b6da573f169619d8e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file2.txt.761be064.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:16:20 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:16:20 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_extended_filenames-jomikut9 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir_with_ࢺ_", newDst=subdir_with_ࢺ_ 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/extended_filenames/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/extended_filenames/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy (2).txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file1 - Copy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:20 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:16:20 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/extended_filenames/path1 2025/03/01 01:16:21 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:21 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:21 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:21 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:21 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:21 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:21 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:21 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:16:27 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:27 ERROR : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:27 ERROR : file1 - Copy.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:27 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:27 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:27 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/extended_filenames/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:27 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/extended_filenames/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:27 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:27 ERROR : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:27 ERROR : Русский.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:30 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:30 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:31 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:31 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:33 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/filters 2025/03/01 01:16:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/filters/path1" 2025/03/01 01:16:33 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:16:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/filters/path2" 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_filters-falufek3" 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_filters-falufek3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_filters-falufek3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_filters-hayobaf0" 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : fileZ.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_filters-hayobaf0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_filters-hayobaf0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : fileZ.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : fileZ.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: fileZ.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : fileZ.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt.9f8671d3.partial: renamed to: filtersfile.flt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : filtersfile.flt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:16:36 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:16:36 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_filters-falufek3 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/filters/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/filters/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:16:36 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/filters/path1 2025/03/01 01:16:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:37 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:37 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:37 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:37 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:37 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:37 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:37 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:16:42 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:42 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:42 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/filters/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:42 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:42 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:42 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/filters/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:42 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:42 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:42 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:42 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:42 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:45 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/filtersfile_checks 2025/03/01 01:16:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/filtersfile_checks/path1" 2025/03/01 01:16:45 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:16:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/filtersfile_checks/path2" 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-qabimix9" 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-qabimix9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-qabimix9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-biyupav0" 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-biyupav0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-biyupav0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt: md5 = cbf4389cb34d9e160689d1578eb5707f OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt: md5 = 95acc1e3b5beda465d9b2cb32808588c OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt.f1af69b0.partial: renamed to: filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt.9f8671d3.partial: renamed to: filtersfile2.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : filtersfile2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:16:48 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:16:48 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-qabimix9 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/filtersfile_checks/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/filtersfile_checks/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:48 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:16:48 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/filtersfile_checks/path1 2025/03/01 01:16:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:49 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:49 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:16:54 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:54 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:54 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/filtersfile_checks/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:54 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/filtersfile_checks/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:54 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:16:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/ignorelistingchecksum 2025/03/01 01:16:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/ignorelistingchecksum/path1" 2025/03/01 01:16:57 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:16:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/ignorelistingchecksum/path2" 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-cisebat3" 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-cisebat3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-cisebat3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-pomafiw7" 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-pomafiw7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-pomafiw7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:16:59 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:16:59 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:00 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:00 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-cisebat3 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/ignorelistingchecksum/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/ignorelistingchecksum/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:17:00 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/ignorelistingchecksum/path1 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:00 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:17:06 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:06 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/ignorelistingchecksum/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:06 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:06 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/ignorelistingchecksum/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:06 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:06 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:06 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:06 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:06 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:06 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:09 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/max_delete_path1 2025/03/01 01:17:09 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/max_delete_path1/path1" 2025/03/01 01:17:09 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:17:09 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/max_delete_path1/path2" 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-ruramut1" 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-ruramut1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-ruramut1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-yevezez0" 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-yevezez0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-yevezez0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:11 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:11 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:12 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:12 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-ruramut1 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/max_delete_path1/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:12 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:12 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:12 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/max_delete_path1/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:12 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:12 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:12 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:12 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:12 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:12 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/max_delete_path1/path1 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/max_delete_path1/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:12 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/max_delete_path1/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:16 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:16 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:16 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:16 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:16 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:16 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:16 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:16 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:19 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/max_delete_path2_force 2025/03/01 01:17:19 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/max_delete_path2_force/path1" 2025/03/01 01:17:19 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:17:19 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/max_delete_path2_force/path2" 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-yoneziq6" 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-yoneziq6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-yoneziq6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-kapinen9" 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-kapinen9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-kapinen9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:21 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:21 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:22 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:22 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-yoneziq6 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/max_delete_path2_force/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/max_delete_path2_force/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:22 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:22 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:22 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:22 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:22 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:22 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:22 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:22 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:22 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:22 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/max_delete_path2_force/path1 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/max_delete_path2_force/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:22 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/max_delete_path2_force/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:26 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:26 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:26 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:26 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:26 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:26 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:26 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:26 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:29 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/nomodtime 2025/03/01 01:17:29 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/nomodtime/path1" 2025/03/01 01:17:29 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:17:29 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/nomodtime/path2" 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_nomodtime-lasohag9" 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_nomodtime-lasohag9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_nomodtime-lasohag9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_nomodtime-cikuvuf5" 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_nomodtime-cikuvuf5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_nomodtime-cikuvuf5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file1.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file10.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file2.txt.21f2ec7f.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file11.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file5R.txt.9ed658ed.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file5L.txt.9ed658ed.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file7.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:31 DEBUG : file6.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:31 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:31 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:32 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:32 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_nomodtime-lasohag9 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/nomodtime/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/nomodtime/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:32 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:32 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:32 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:17:32 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:32 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:32 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:32 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:32 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:32 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:32 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/nomodtime/path1 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/nomodtime/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:32 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/nomodtime/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:36 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:36 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:36 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:36 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:36 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:36 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:36 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:36 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:39 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/normalization 2025/03/01 01:17:39 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/normalization/path1" 2025/03/01 01:17:39 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:17:39 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/normalization/path2" 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_normalization-kuwahix4" 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:17:41 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ", newDst=測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:41 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_normalization-kuwahix4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_normalization-kuwahix4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:17:41 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:41 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:41 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:17:41 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:41 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_normalization-rufimoy4" 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_normalization-rufimoy4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_normalization-rufimoy4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:41 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:41 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt.e8d47346.partial: renamed to: 測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:41 INFO : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:41 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:42 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:42 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_normalization-kuwahix4 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:17:42 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ", newDst=測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:42 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:17:42 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/normalization/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/normalization/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:42 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:17:42 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:42 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:42 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:17:42 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/normalization/path1 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:42 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:42 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:17:47 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:47 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/normalization/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:47 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/normalization/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:47 ERROR : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:17:51 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:51 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:51 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/rclone_args 2025/03/01 01:17:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/rclone_args/path1" 2025/03/01 01:17:51 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:17:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/rclone_args/path2" 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_rclone_args-yacaxek5" 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_rclone_args-yacaxek5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_rclone_args-yacaxek5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 06bf632289064f6deae02a9f6f07856c OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file1.txt.dae86b42.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file21.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : subdir/file21.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_rclone_args-zesugaf1" 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_rclone_args-zesugaf1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file20.txt.b4075ff1.partial: renamed to: file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_rclone_args-zesugaf1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file21.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file2.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file21.txt.b4075ff1.partial: renamed to: file21.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : file21.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file1.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:54 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:17:54 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_rclone_args-yacaxek5 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/rclone_args/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/rclone_args/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 06bf632289064f6deae02a9f6f07856c OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file1.txt.dae86b42.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file21.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : subdir/file21.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:17:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:17:54 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/rclone_args/path1 2025/03/01 01:17:55 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:55 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:55 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:17:55 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:18:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:00 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:00 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:00 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/rclone_args/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:00 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/rclone_args/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:00 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:00 ERROR : subdir/file21.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:03 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:04 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/resolve 2025/03/01 01:18:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/resolve/path1" 2025/03/01 01:18:04 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:18:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/resolve/path2" 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resolve-poxomec9" 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resolve-poxomec9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resolve-poxomec9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:06 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:06 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:06 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_resolve-vezuyaw3" 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_resolve-vezuyaw3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_resolve-vezuyaw3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 2b4975bb20f7be674e66d78570ba2fb1 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file1R.txt.eafd8cfe.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:06 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file2.txt.cc713425.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/03/01 01:18:06 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:06 DEBUG : file1L.txt.711f2f3a.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:06 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:06 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:07 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:07 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resolve-poxomec9 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/resolve/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/resolve/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:07 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/resolve/path1 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/resolve/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:07 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/resolve/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:11 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:11 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:15 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync 2025/03/01 01:18:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/resync/path1" 2025/03/01 01:18:15 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:18:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/resync/path2" 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resync-xahuson9" 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resync-xahuson9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resync-xahuson9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_resync-dobubex1" 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : fileA.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : fileB.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_resync-dobubex1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_resync-dobubex1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : fileB.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : fileB.txt.f0a2c6af.partial: renamed to: fileB.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : fileB.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : fileA.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : fileA.txt.16ee54da.partial: renamed to: fileA.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : fileA.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:17 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:17 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resync-xahuson9 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/resync/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/resync/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:17 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:17 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:17 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/resync/path1 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/resync/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:18 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/resync/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:21 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:21 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:21 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:21 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:21 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:21 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:21 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:25 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync_modes 2025/03/01 01:18:25 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/resync_modes/path1" 2025/03/01 01:18:25 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:18:25 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/resync_modes/path2" 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resync_modes-biboxum1" 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resync_modes-biboxum1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resync_modes-biboxum1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:27 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:27 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:27 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_resync_modes-wayoxiz8" 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_resync_modes-wayoxiz8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_resync_modes-wayoxiz8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 705bb3c0ef02925739e834ca98c099c3 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1R.txt.cb75035e.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:27 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1L.txt.7d07f91a.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:27 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file2.txt.7cc9b07.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:27 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:27 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:27 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:27 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_resync_modes-biboxum1 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/resync_modes/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/resync_modes/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:27 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:27 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:27 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:27 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:27 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/resync_modes/path1 2025/03/01 01:18:28 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:28 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:28 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:28 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/resync_modes/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:28 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/resync_modes/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:31 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:31 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/rmdirs 2025/03/01 01:18:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/rmdirs/path1" 2025/03/01 01:18:34 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:18:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/rmdirs/path2" 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_rmdirs-naqayok1" 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_rmdirs-naqayok1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_rmdirs-naqayok1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_rmdirs-rasapey8" 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_rmdirs-rasapey8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_rmdirs-rasapey8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.txt.13f42ab5.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:37 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:37 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_rmdirs-naqayok1 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/rmdirs/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/rmdirs/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:37 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:18:37 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/rmdirs/path1 2025/03/01 01:18:38 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:38 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:38 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:38 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:38 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:38 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:38 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:38 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:18:43 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:43 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:43 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/rmdirs/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:43 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:43 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:43 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/rmdirs/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:43 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:43 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:43 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:43 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/volatile 2025/03/01 01:18:46 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/volatile/path1" 2025/03/01 01:18:46 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:18:46 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/volatile/path2" 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_volatile-gujuyos8" 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_volatile-gujuyos8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_volatile-gujuyos8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_volatile-vanogiq5" 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : dummy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : dummy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : dummy.txt.75bafa33.partial: renamed to: dummy.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : dummy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_volatile-vanogiq5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/datadir/test_volatile-vanogiq5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file1.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file11.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file10.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file2.txt.8872da9c.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file7.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file6.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:49 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:18:49 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/initdir/test_volatile-gujuyos8 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/volatile/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/volatile/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:18:49 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:18:49 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:18:49 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/011315ki/volatile/path1 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/volatile/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:50 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju/011315ki/volatile/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:18:53 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:53 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:53 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:53 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:53 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:53 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:53 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:53 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:18:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files 2025/03/01 01:18:57 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-xagewif6baju': Purge remote --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote (345.52s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/all_changed (18.14s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/backupdir (9.64s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/basic (12.10s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/changes (9.88s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_access (11.69s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_access_filters (27.10s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_filename (21.62s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_sync (9.30s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/compare_all (10.09s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/concurrent (9.70s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/createemptysrcdirs (9.49s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/dry_run (9.57s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/equal (9.49s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/ext_paths (15.07s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/extended_filenames (15.89s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/filters (11.82s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/filtersfile_checks (12.09s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/ignorelistingchecksum (11.90s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/max_delete_path1 (9.90s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/max_delete_path2_force (9.67s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/nomodtime (10.05s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/normalization (12.33s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/rclone_args (12.57s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/resolve (10.78s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync (10.00s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync_modes (9.92s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/rmdirs (11.86s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/volatile (10.23s) === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote 2025/03/01 01:18:59 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku" 2025/03/01 01:19:00 NOTICE: remote: TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/all_changed 2025/03/01 01:19:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu" 2025/03/01 01:19:00 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf" 2025/03/01 01:19:01 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/all_changed/path1" 2025/03/01 01:19:08 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/all_changed/path2" 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_all_changed-bapirij5" 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_all_changed-bapirij5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_all_changed-bapirij5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:13 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:13 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:19:14 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:19:14 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:19:14 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_all_changed-bapirij5 2025/03/01 01:19:15 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:15 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:15 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:15 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:15 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:15 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:15 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:15 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:20 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:20 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:20 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:20 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:20 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/all_changed/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:20 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:20 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/all_changed/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:20 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:20 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:20 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:23 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/backupdir 2025/03/01 01:19:23 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:23 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/backupdir/path1" 2025/03/01 01:19:25 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:25 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/backupdir/path2" 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_backupdir-zuwiyik3" 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_backupdir-zuwiyik3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_backupdir-zuwiyik3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_backupdir-zesibuq1" 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_backupdir-zesibuq1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_backupdir-zesibuq1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:27 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:27 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:28 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:19:28 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:19:28 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_backupdir-zuwiyik3 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/backupdir/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:29 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/backupdir/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:33 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:33 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:33 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:33 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:33 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:33 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:33 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:33 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:35 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/basic 2025/03/01 01:19:35 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:35 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/basic/path1" 2025/03/01 01:19:37 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/basic/path2" 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_basic-mujotab0" 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_basic-mujotab0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_basic-mujotab0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_basic-fowohek6" 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_basic-fowohek6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_basic-fowohek6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:40 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:40 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:41 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:19:41 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:19:41 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_basic-mujotab0 2025/03/01 01:19:42 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:42 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:42 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:42 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:42 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:42 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:42 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:42 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:47 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:47 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:47 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/basic/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:47 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/basic/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:47 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:47 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:47 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:47 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:47 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:47 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:19:50 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/changes 2025/03/01 01:19:50 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:50 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/changes/path1" 2025/03/01 01:19:52 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:19:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/changes/path2" 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_changes-riyuhuf8" 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_changes-riyuhuf8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_changes-riyuhuf8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_changes-bodobov9" 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_changes-bodobov9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_changes-bodobov9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:19:54 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:19:54 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:19:55 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:19:56 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:19:56 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_changes-riyuhuf8 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/changes/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:19:56 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/changes/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:00 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:00 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:00 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:00 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:00 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:00 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:00 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:00 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:03 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_access 2025/03/01 01:20:03 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_access/path1" 2025/03/01 01:20:05 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_access/path2" 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_access-pavoyad1" 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_access-pavoyad1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_access-pavoyad1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_access-wipifap9" 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_access-wipifap9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_access-wipifap9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:07 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:07 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:08 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:20:09 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:20:09 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_access-pavoyad1 2025/03/01 01:20:09 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:09 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:09 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:09 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:09 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:09 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:14 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:14 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:14 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:14 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:14 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:14 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:14 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:14 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_access/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:14 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_access/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:17 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:17 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_access_filters 2025/03/01 01:20:17 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_access_filters/path1" 2025/03/01 01:20:20 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:20 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_access_filters/path2" 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_access_filters-bowixut8" 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir-not: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not", newDst=subdir-not 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdirX: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX", newDst=subdirX 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX/subdirX1", newDst=subdirX/subdirX1 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirA", newDst=subdir/subdirA 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirB", newDst=subdir/subdirB 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not/subdir-not2", newDst=subdir-not/subdir-not2 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdirX/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_access_filters-bowixut8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_access_filters-bowixut8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir-not/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_access_filters-riraxeh6" 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_access_filters-riraxeh6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_access_filters-riraxeh6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: md5 = 5fcc6205d7df1c2e9ed3a15a1356b345 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt: md5 = 2ec13b2813141ed088e5978ef5a47b0e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt.9180e6d6.partial: renamed to: exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:22 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt.5fb1cd78.partial: renamed to: include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:22 INFO : include-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:23 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:20:23 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:20:23 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_access_filters-bowixut8 2025/03/01 01:20:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:24 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:24 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:24 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:24 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:29 INFO : subdir-not: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:31 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:31 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:31 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:31 INFO : subdirX: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:31 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:33 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:33 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:33 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:33 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:33 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:33 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:33 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:33 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:35 ERROR : subdirX/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:35 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:35 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:37 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:37 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:39 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:41 ERROR : subdir-not/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:41 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:41 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:41 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:41 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:41 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:41 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_access_filters/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:41 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_access_filters/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:43 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:43 ERROR : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:43 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:43 ERROR : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:44 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:44 ERROR : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:45 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:45 ERROR : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:46 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:46 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:47 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:48 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_filename 2025/03/01 01:20:48 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:48 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_filename/path1" 2025/03/01 01:20:50 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:50 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_filename/path2" 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_filename-rinopox4" 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_filename-rinopox4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_filename-rinopox4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : .chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : .chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: .chk_file 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : .chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/.chk_file 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : subdir/.chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_filename-gucicet9" 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_filename-gucicet9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_filename-gucicet9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:20:52 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:20:52 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:20:53 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:20:54 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:20:54 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_filename-rinopox4 2025/03/01 01:20:54 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:54 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:54 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:54 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:20:59 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:59 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:20:59 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_filename/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:59 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_filename/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:20:59 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:59 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:59 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:59 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:20:59 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:00 ERROR : .chk_file: Failed to copy: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 2025/03/01 01:21:01 ERROR : subdir/.chk_file: Failed to copy: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 bisync_test.go:1943: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:1943 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:458 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Received unexpected error: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 Test: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_filename Messages: setting up path1 2025/03/01 01:21:01 NOTICE: checking Path1 Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_filename/path1' fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 1s for list eventual consistency: 1/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 2s for list eventual consistency: 2/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 4s for list eventual consistency: 3/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:299: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:299 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:332 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:460 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Should be true Test: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_filename Messages: listing wrong, want .chk_file (109), file1.txt (0), file2.txt (0), file3.txt (0), file4.txt (0), subdir/.chk_file (109), subdir/file20.txt (0) got fstest.go:197: Not found "file4.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "subdir/.chk_file" fstest.go:197: Not found "subdir/file20.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found ".chk_file" fstest.go:197: Not found "file1.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file2.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file3.txt" fstest.go:200: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:200 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:304 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:332 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:460 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Not equal: expected: 0 actual : 7 Test: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_filename Messages: 7 objects not found 2025/03/01 01:21:13 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:13 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:13 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:13 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:13 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:13 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:21:17 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:17 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:17 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:17 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_filename/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:17 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_filename/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:17 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:17 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:17 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:17 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:18 ERROR : .chk_file: Failed to copy: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 2025/03/01 01:21:18 ERROR : subdir/.chk_file: Failed to copy: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 bisync_test.go:1943: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:1943 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:461 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Received unexpected error: Update second step failed: Linkbox error 500: The file name needs to include a suffix, such as xxx.mp4 Test: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_filename Messages: setting up path2 2025/03/01 01:21:18 NOTICE: checking path2 Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_filename/path2' fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 1s for list eventual consistency: 1/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 2s for list eventual consistency: 2/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:292: Sleeping for 4s for list eventual consistency: 3/3 fstest.go:295: Flushing the directory cache fstest.go:299: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:299 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:332 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:463 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Should be true Test: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_filename Messages: listing wrong, want .chk_file (109), file1.txt (0), file2.txt (0), file3.txt (0), file4.txt (0), subdir/.chk_file (109), subdir/file20.txt (0) got fstest.go:197: Not found "subdir/.chk_file" fstest.go:197: Not found "subdir/file20.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found ".chk_file" fstest.go:197: Not found "file1.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file2.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file3.txt" fstest.go:197: Not found "file4.txt" fstest.go:200: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:200 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:304 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:332 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:463 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:358 Error: Not equal: expected: 0 actual : 7 Test: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_filename Messages: 7 objects not found 2025/03/01 01:21:30 NOTICE: (01) : test check-filename 2025/03/01 01:21:30 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/03/01 01:21:30 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync bisync_test.go:968: skipping test as at least one remote does not support setting modtime === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_sync 2025/03/01 01:21:30 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:21:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_sync/path1" 2025/03/01 01:21:32 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:21:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_sync/path2" 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_sync-botikil6" 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_sync-botikil6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_sync-botikil6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_sync-togovoq7" 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_sync-togovoq7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_check_sync-togovoq7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: md5 = d6ce44a26af9c2110b1750fe88dc4b69 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst.c670fe74.partial: renamed to: _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: md5 = fdb18e0dff6961813e12c57227d2e854 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:34 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst.c670fe74.partial: renamed to: _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst 2025/03/01 01:21:34 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:35 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:21:36 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:21:36 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_check_sync-botikil6 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_sync/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:36 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/check_sync/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:40 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:40 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:40 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:40 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:40 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:40 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:40 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:40 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:42 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/compare_all 2025/03/01 01:21:42 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:21:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/compare_all/path1" 2025/03/01 01:21:44 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:21:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/compare_all/path2" 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_compare_all-jehubuj1" 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_compare_all-jehubuj1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_compare_all-jehubuj1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_compare_all-parupeg3" 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_compare_all-parupeg3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_compare_all-parupeg3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:47 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:47 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:48 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:21:48 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:21:48 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_compare_all-jehubuj1 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/compare_all/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:48 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/compare_all/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:52 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:52 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:52 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:52 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:52 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:52 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:52 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:52 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:21:54 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/concurrent 2025/03/01 01:21:54 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:21:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/concurrent/path1" 2025/03/01 01:21:54 DEBUG : Config file has changed externally - reloading 2025/03/01 01:21:57 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:21:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/concurrent/path2" 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_concurrent-remehih2" 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_concurrent-remehih2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_concurrent-remehih2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_concurrent-mezugup6" 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : dummy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_concurrent-mezugup6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : dummy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : dummy.txt.c38ef0f8.partial: renamed to: dummy.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : dummy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_concurrent-mezugup6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file1.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file10.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file5L.txt.816264c5.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file11.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file5R.txt.816264c5.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file2.txt.3e46d057.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file6.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:21:59 DEBUG : file7.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:21:59 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:00 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:00 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:00 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_concurrent-remehih2 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/concurrent/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:00 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/concurrent/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:05 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:05 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:05 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:05 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:05 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:05 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:05 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:05 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/createemptysrcdirs 2025/03/01 01:22:07 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:22:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/createemptysrcdirs/path1" 2025/03/01 01:22:09 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:22:09 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/createemptysrcdirs/path2" 2025/03/01 01:22:11 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-rudufuf5" 2025/03/01 01:22:11 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-rudufuf5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-rudufuf5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:12 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:12 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:12 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:12 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:12 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:12 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:12 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-dipoliy8" 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-dipoliy8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-dipoliy8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:12 DEBUG : placeholder.txt.4db661ca.partial: renamed to: placeholder.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:12 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:13 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:13 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:13 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-rudufuf5 2025/03/01 01:22:13 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:13 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:13 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:13 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:13 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:13 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:13 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:13 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/createemptysrcdirs/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:13 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/createemptysrcdirs/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:17 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:17 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:17 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:17 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:17 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:17 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:19 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/dry_run 2025/03/01 01:22:19 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:22:19 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/dry_run/path1" 2025/03/01 01:22:21 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:22:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/dry_run/path2" 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_dry_run-yurehoz2" 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_dry_run-yurehoz2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_dry_run-yurehoz2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_dry_run-dudojoq9" 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_dry_run-dudojoq9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_dry_run-dudojoq9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:24 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:24 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:25 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:25 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:25 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_dry_run-yurehoz2 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/dry_run/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:25 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/dry_run/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:29 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:29 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:29 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:29 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:29 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:29 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:29 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:32 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/equal 2025/03/01 01:22:32 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:22:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/equal/path1" 2025/03/01 01:22:34 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:22:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/equal/path2" 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_equal-zaxewij9" 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_equal-zaxewij9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_equal-zaxewij9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:36 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:36 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:22:36 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_equal-zojewoj3" 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_equal-zojewoj3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_equal-zojewoj3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file1L.txt.a9dc541c.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:36 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 2b4975bb20f7be674e66d78570ba2fb1 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file1R.txt.c0691a20.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:36 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:36 DEBUG : file2.txt.fbf6b964.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:36 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:37 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:37 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:37 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_equal-zaxewij9 2025/03/01 01:22:38 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:38 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:38 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:38 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/equal/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:38 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/equal/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:42 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:42 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:45 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/ext_paths 2025/03/01 01:22:45 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:22:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/ext_paths/path1" 2025/03/01 01:22:47 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:22:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/ext_paths/path2" 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_ext_paths-turofaj4" 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-04-17T01:00:03.064427195Z) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試Русский ěáñ", newDst=測試Русский ěáñ 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_ext_paths-turofaj4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_ext_paths-turofaj4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : 測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_ext_paths-qosejos4" 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_ext_paths-qosejos4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_ext_paths-qosejos4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt.1c47c956.partial: renamed to: 測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:49 DEBUG : file1.txt.917a74a1.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:49 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:22:50 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:50 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:22:50 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_ext_paths-turofaj4 2025/03/01 01:22:51 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:51 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:51 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:51 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:51 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:51 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:51 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:51 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:22:56 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:56 ERROR : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:56 ERROR : Русский.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:56 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:56 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:56 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:22:56 ERROR : 測試_check file: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:22:56 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/ext_paths/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:22:56 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/ext_paths/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:00 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:00 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:00 ERROR : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:00 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:01 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:03 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/extended_filenames 2025/03/01 01:23:03 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/extended_filenames/path1" 2025/03/01 01:23:05 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/extended_filenames/path2" 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_extended_filenames-dunawow8" 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir_with_ࢺ_", newDst=subdir_with_ࢺ_ 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy (2).txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_extended_filenames-dunawow8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : file1 - Copy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_extended_filenames-dunawow8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_extended_filenames-quyayar0" 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_extended_filenames-quyayar0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_extended_filenames-quyayar0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.f73bbb59.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 40b811fb5009223b6da573f169619d8e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.761be064.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:08 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:23:08 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:23:08 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_extended_filenames-dunawow8 2025/03/01 01:23:09 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:09 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:09 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:09 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:09 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:09 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:09 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:09 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:13 ERROR : file1 - Copy.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:13 ERROR : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:14 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:14 ERROR : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:14 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:14 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:14 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:14 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/extended_filenames/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:14 ERROR : Русский.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:14 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/extended_filenames/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:18 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:18 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:19 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:19 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:21 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/filters 2025/03/01 01:23:21 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/filters/path1" 2025/03/01 01:23:23 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:23 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/filters/path2" 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_filters-foxoheg5" 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_filters-foxoheg5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_filters-foxoheg5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_filters-wirutun9" 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : fileZ.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_filters-wirutun9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_filters-wirutun9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt.9f8671d3.partial: renamed to: filtersfile.flt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : filtersfile.flt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : fileZ.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:25 DEBUG : fileZ.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: fileZ.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:25 INFO : fileZ.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:26 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:23:26 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:23:26 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_filters-foxoheg5 2025/03/01 01:23:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:27 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:27 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:27 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:32 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:32 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:32 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:32 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:32 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:32 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:32 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/filters/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:32 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/filters/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:32 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:32 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:32 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:35 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/filtersfile_checks 2025/03/01 01:23:35 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:35 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/filtersfile_checks/path1" 2025/03/01 01:23:37 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/filtersfile_checks/path2" 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-nikerem9" 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:23:39 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-nikerem9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-nikerem9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:39 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:39 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:23:39 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:39 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:39 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-gahufab7" 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-gahufab7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-gahufab7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt: md5 = cbf4389cb34d9e160689d1578eb5707f OK 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt: md5 = 95acc1e3b5beda465d9b2cb32808588c OK 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt.f1af69b0.partial: renamed to: filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:39 INFO : filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt.9f8671d3.partial: renamed to: filtersfile2.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:39 INFO : filtersfile2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:39 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:39 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:40 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:23:40 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:23:40 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-nikerem9 2025/03/01 01:23:41 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:41 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:41 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:41 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:46 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:46 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:46 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/filtersfile_checks/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:46 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/filtersfile_checks/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:46 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:23:49 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/ignorelistingchecksum 2025/03/01 01:23:49 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:49 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/ignorelistingchecksum/path1" 2025/03/01 01:23:52 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:23:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/ignorelistingchecksum/path2" 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-vusapal9" 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-vusapal9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-vusapal9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-nivasep2" 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-nivasep2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-nivasep2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:23:54 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:23:54 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:23:55 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:23:56 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:23:56 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-vusapal9 2025/03/01 01:23:56 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:56 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:56 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:56 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:56 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:56 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:56 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:23:56 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:02 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:02 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:02 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:02 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:02 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:02 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:02 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:02 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/ignorelistingchecksum/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:02 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:02 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/ignorelistingchecksum/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:05 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/max_delete_path1 2025/03/01 01:24:05 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/max_delete_path1/path1" 2025/03/01 01:24:07 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/max_delete_path1/path2" 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-hezohed7" 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-hezohed7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-hezohed7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-wobumaw6" 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-wobumaw6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-wobumaw6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:09 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:09 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:10 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:24:11 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:24:11 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-hezohed7 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/max_delete_path1/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:11 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/max_delete_path1/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:15 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:15 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:15 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:15 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:15 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:15 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:15 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:15 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:18 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/max_delete_path2_force 2025/03/01 01:24:18 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/max_delete_path2_force/path1" 2025/03/01 01:24:20 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:20 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/max_delete_path2_force/path2" 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-wurajum7" 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-wurajum7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-wurajum7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-masimex1" 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-masimex1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-masimex1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:22 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:22 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:23 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:24:23 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:24:23 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-wurajum7 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/max_delete_path2_force/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:24 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/max_delete_path2_force/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:27 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:27 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:27 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:27 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:27 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:27 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:27 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:27 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:30 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/nomodtime 2025/03/01 01:24:30 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/nomodtime/path1" 2025/03/01 01:24:32 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/nomodtime/path2" 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_nomodtime-moguvay1" 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_nomodtime-moguvay1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_nomodtime-moguvay1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_nomodtime-nefubin9" 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_nomodtime-nefubin9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_nomodtime-nefubin9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file11.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file5L.txt.9ed658ed.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file2.txt.21f2ec7f.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file5R.txt.9ed658ed.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file6.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file7.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:34 DEBUG : file10.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:34 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:35 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:24:36 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:24:36 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_nomodtime-moguvay1 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/nomodtime/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:36 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/nomodtime/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:40 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:40 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:40 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:40 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:40 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:40 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:40 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:40 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:43 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/normalization 2025/03/01 01:24:43 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/normalization/path1" 2025/03/01 01:24:45 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/normalization/path2" 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_normalization-judonoy6" 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:24:47 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ", newDst=測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_normalization-judonoy6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_normalization-judonoy6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:47 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:24:47 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file 2025/03/01 01:24:47 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:47 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:47 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:47 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_normalization-totoseg3" 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_normalization-totoseg3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_normalization-totoseg3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:47 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/03/01 01:24:47 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt.e8d47346.partial: renamed to: 測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/03/01 01:24:47 INFO : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:48 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:24:49 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:24:49 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_normalization-judonoy6 2025/03/01 01:24:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:49 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:49 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:54 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:54 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:54 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:54 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:24:54 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/normalization/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:54 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/normalization/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:24:54 ERROR : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:24:58 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:58 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:24:58 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/rclone_args 2025/03/01 01:24:58 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:24:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/rclone_args/path1" 2025/03/01 01:25:00 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/rclone_args/path2" 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_rclone_args-velupac7" 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_rclone_args-velupac7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_rclone_args-velupac7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 06bf632289064f6deae02a9f6f07856c OK 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file21.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : subdir/file21.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file1.txt.dae86b42.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_rclone_args-cafuwas7" 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_rclone_args-cafuwas7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_rclone_args-cafuwas7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file21.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file1.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file20.txt.b4075ff1.partial: renamed to: file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file2.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:02 DEBUG : file21.txt.b4075ff1.partial: renamed to: file21.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:02 INFO : file21.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:03 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:03 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:03 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_rclone_args-velupac7 2025/03/01 01:25:04 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:04 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:04 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:04 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:09 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:09 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:09 DEBUG : subdir/file21.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:09 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/rclone_args/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:09 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:09 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/rclone_args/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:09 ERROR : subdir/file21.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:12 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:13 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/resolve 2025/03/01 01:25:13 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resolve/path1" 2025/03/01 01:25:15 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resolve/path2" 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resolve-borunem9" 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resolve-borunem9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resolve-borunem9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:17 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:17 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:25:17 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_resolve-dodekud4" 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_resolve-dodekud4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_resolve-dodekud4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file1L.txt.711f2f3a.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:17 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 2b4975bb20f7be674e66d78570ba2fb1 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file2.txt.cc713425.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:17 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:17 DEBUG : file1R.txt.eafd8cfe.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:17 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:19 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:19 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:19 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resolve-borunem9 2025/03/01 01:25:19 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:19 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:19 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:19 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resolve/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:19 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resolve/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:23 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:23 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:26 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/resync 2025/03/01 01:25:26 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resync/path1" 2025/03/01 01:25:28 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:28 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resync/path2" 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resync-decusew3" 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resync-decusew3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resync-decusew3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_resync-luciyav6" 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : fileA.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : fileB.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_resync-luciyav6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_resync-luciyav6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : fileB.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : fileB.txt.f0a2c6af.partial: renamed to: fileB.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : fileB.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : fileA.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:30 DEBUG : fileA.txt.16ee54da.partial: renamed to: fileA.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:30 INFO : fileA.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:32 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:32 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:32 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resync-decusew3 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resync/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:32 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resync/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:36 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:36 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:36 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:36 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:36 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:36 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:36 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:40 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/resync_modes 2025/03/01 01:25:40 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:40 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resync_modes/path1" 2025/03/01 01:25:40 DEBUG : Config file has changed externally - reloading 2025/03/01 01:25:42 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resync_modes/path2" 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resync_modes-bohojul5" 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : Config file has changed externally - reloading 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resync_modes-bohojul5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resync_modes-bohojul5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:44 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:44 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:25:44 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_resync_modes-mawasow9" 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_resync_modes-mawasow9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_resync_modes-mawasow9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 705bb3c0ef02925739e834ca98c099c3 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file1R.txt.cb75035e.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:44 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file1L.txt.7d07f91a.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:44 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:44 DEBUG : file2.txt.7cc9b07.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:44 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:45 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:46 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:46 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_resync_modes-bohojul5 2025/03/01 01:25:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:46 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resync_modes/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:46 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/resync_modes/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:50 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:50 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:25:53 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/rmdirs 2025/03/01 01:25:53 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/rmdirs/path1" 2025/03/01 01:25:55 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:25:55 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/rmdirs/path2" 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_rmdirs-yemuxap1" 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_rmdirs-yemuxap1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_rmdirs-yemuxap1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_rmdirs-daxirif6" 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_rmdirs-daxirif6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_rmdirs-daxirif6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:25:57 DEBUG : file1.txt.13f42ab5.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:25:57 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:25:58 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:59 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:25:59 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_rmdirs-yemuxap1 2025/03/01 01:25:59 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:59 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:59 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:59 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:59 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:25:59 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:26:05 ERROR : file1.copy1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:05 ERROR : file1.copy3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:05 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:05 ERROR : file1.copy2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:05 ERROR : file1.copy5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:05 ERROR : file1.copy4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:05 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:05 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/rmdirs/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:26:05 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/rmdirs/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:26:05 ERROR : subdir/file20.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files === RUN TestBisyncRemoteRemote/volatile 2025/03/01 01:26:08 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:26:08 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/volatile/path1" 2025/03/01 01:26:10 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/03/01 01:26:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/volatile/path2" 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_volatile-netevix4" 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_volatile-netevix4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_volatile-netevix4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_volatile-boguyop5" 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : dummy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_volatile-boguyop5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/datadir/test_volatile-boguyop5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : dummy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : dummy.txt.75bafa33.partial: renamed to: dummy.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : dummy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file1.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file2.txt.8872da9c.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file11.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file10.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file6.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/03/01 01:26:12 DEBUG : file7.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/03/01 01:26:12 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/03/01 01:26:13 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:26:14 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/03/01 01:26:14 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/011900xu/initdir/test_volatile-netevix4 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/volatile/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/03/01 01:26:14 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku/011900xu/volatile/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/03/01 01:26:17 ERROR : file2.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:17 ERROR : file3.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:17 ERROR : file1.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:17 ERROR : file6.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:17 ERROR : file7.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:17 ERROR : file5.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:17 ERROR : file4.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:17 ERROR : file8.txt: Failed to copy: can't upload empty files to this remote 2025/03/01 01:26:20 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1941: Skip test because remote cannot upload empty files 2025/03/01 01:26:20 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-vevurij7xuku': Purge remote --- FAIL: TestBisyncRemoteRemote (443.80s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/all_changed (22.74s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/backupdir (12.53s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/basic (14.31s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/changes (13.17s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_access (14.62s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_access_filters (30.52s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_filename (42.03s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_sync (12.24s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/compare_all (12.18s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/concurrent (12.83s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/createemptysrcdirs (12.03s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/dry_run (12.48s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/equal (12.73s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/ext_paths (18.33s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/extended_filenames (17.76s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/filters (14.12s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/filtersfile_checks (14.58s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/ignorelistingchecksum (15.76s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/max_delete_path1 (12.41s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/max_delete_path2_force (12.76s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/nomodtime (12.80s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/normalization (14.68s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/rclone_args (15.57s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/resolve (12.79s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/resync (13.46s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/resync_modes (13.45s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/rmdirs (14.90s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteRemote/volatile (12.59s) FAIL 2025/03/01 01:26:23 DEBUG : Linkbox root 'rclone-test-gaboqit9wari': Purge remote 2025/03/01 01:26:24 NOTICE: purge failed: directory not found "./bisync.test -test.v -test.timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestLinkbox: -verbose" - Finished ERROR in 18m54.911264951s (try 1/5): exit status 1: Failed [TestBisyncRemoteLocal/check_filename TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_filename TestBisyncRemoteRemote/check_filename]