"./bisync.test -test.v -test.timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestChunkerChunk50bYandex: -verbose -size-limit 1024 -test.run '^TestBisyncLocalRemote$/^(changes|check_access|check_access_filters|check_filename|check_sync|compare_all|concurrent|createemptysrcdirs|dry_run|equal|ext_paths|extended_filenames|filters|filtersfile_checks|ignorelistingchecksum|max_delete_path1|max_delete_path2_force|nomodtime|normalization|rclone_args|resolve|resync|resync_modes|rmdirs|volatile)$|^TestBisyncRemoteLocal$/^(compare_all|createemptysrcdirs|resync|resync_modes|rmdirs|volatile)$'" - Starting (try 2/5) 2025/02/13 22:10:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-fudopoj9zumi" 2025/02/13 22:10:01 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf" 2025/02/13 22:10:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-fudopoj9zumi" 2025/02/13 22:10:02 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:10:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/rclone1149043824" === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal 2025/02/13 22:10:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega" 2025/02/13 22:10:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega" 2025/02/13 22:10:02 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:10:02 NOTICE: remote: TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/compare_all 2025/02/13 22:10:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa" 2025/02/13 22:10:02 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf" 2025/02/13 22:10:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa" 2025/02/13 22:10:03 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:10:03 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:10:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1" 2025/02/13 22:10:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1" 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa" 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2" 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_compare_all/initial" 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_compare_all-tarohay2" 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_compare_all-tarohay2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_compare_all-tarohay2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_compare_all/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5" 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:10:05 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:05 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:06 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:10:06 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:10:06 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_compare_all-tarohay2 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:10:06 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:10:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:10:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:10:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:10:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:10:13 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nci4nj: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:13 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:13 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:13 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:10:14 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nci49a: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:14 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:14 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:14 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:10:15 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nci48a: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:15 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:15 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:16 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:10:20 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncia9f: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:20 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:20 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:20 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncib6l: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:20 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:20 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:21 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:10:21 DEBUG : file8.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:10:23 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncidju: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:23 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:23 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:25 INFO : file8.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nciilp: Moved (server-side) to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:25 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:25 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:25 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nciits: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:25 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:25 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:27 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_nci4mc: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:10:29 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_nci4mc: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:10:31 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_nci4mc: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:10:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:10:33 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:33 NOTICE: checking Path1 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1' 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:34 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:34 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:34 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:34 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:34 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:34 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:34 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:10:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:10:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:34 NOTICE: checking path2 Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2 2025/02/13 22:10:34 NOTICE: (01) : test changes compare-all 2025/02/13 22:10:34 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:10:34 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync compare-all 2025/02/13 22:10:39 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nciv4r: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:10:43 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": true, "HashType1": 1, "HashType2": 1, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": true } 2025/02/13 22:10:43 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:10:43 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:10:43 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:10:44 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:10:44 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:10:44 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:10:44 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:10:44 NOTICE: (04) : test make modifications on both paths 2025/02/13 22:10:44 NOTICE: (05) : test new on path2 - file10 2025/02/13 22:10:44 NOTICE: (06) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/file10.txt /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:10:44 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:44 NOTICE: (07) : test newer on path2 - file1 2025/02/13 22:10:44 NOTICE: (08) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/file1.txt /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:10:44 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:10:44 NOTICE: (09) : test new on path1 - file11 2025/02/13 22:10:44 NOTICE: (10) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/file11.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:10:51 INFO : file11.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncj6c3: Moved (server-side) to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:10:51 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:10:51 NOTICE: (11) : test newer on path1 - file2 2025/02/13 22:10:51 NOTICE: (12) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/file2.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:10:58 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:00 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncjcnu: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:00 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:11:00 NOTICE: (13) : test deleted on path2 - file3 2025/02/13 22:11:00 NOTICE: (14) : delete-file /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:00 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:00 NOTICE: (15) : test deleted on path1 - file4 2025/02/13 22:11:00 NOTICE: (16) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:05 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:05 NOTICE: (17) : test deleted on both paths - file8 2025/02/13 22:11:05 NOTICE: (18) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:09 INFO : file8.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:09 NOTICE: (19) : delete-file /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:09 INFO : file8.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:09 NOTICE: (20) : test changed on both paths - file5 (file5R, file5L) 2025/02/13 22:11:09 NOTICE: (21) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/ file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:09 NOTICE: (22) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/file5R.txt /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:09 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:09 NOTICE: (23) : touch-glob 2001-03-04 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/ file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:09 NOTICE: (24) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/file5L.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:17 INFO : file5.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:19 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncjvfz: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:19 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:19 NOTICE: (25) : test newer on path2 and deleted on path1 - file6 2025/02/13 22:11:19 NOTICE: (26) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/file6.txt /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:11:19 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:11:19 NOTICE: (27) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:23 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:23 NOTICE: (28) : test newer on path1 and deleted on path2 - file7 2025/02/13 22:11:23 NOTICE: (29) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_compare_all-lenacaw5/file7.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:11:32 INFO : file7.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:34 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nck9bu: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:34 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:11:34 NOTICE: (30) : delete-file /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:34 INFO : file7.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:34 NOTICE: (31) : test bisync run 2025/02/13 22:11:34 NOTICE: (32) : bisync compare-all 2025/02/13 22:11:39 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nckjzj: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:11:43 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": true, "HashType1": 1, "HashType2": 1, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": true } 2025/02/13 22:11:43 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:11:43 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path1 File is new - file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : Path1: 7 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  3 deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller,  3 hash differs) 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path2 File is new - file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : Path2: 7 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  3 deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller,  3 hash differs) 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 NOTICE: - WARNING New or changed in both paths - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:44 NOTICE: - Path1 Renaming Path1 copy - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:11:47 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:11:47 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:11:47 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:11:47 NOTICE: - Path2 Renaming Path2 copy - /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:11:47 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:11:47 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:11:47 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:47 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - /tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:47 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:47 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:47 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:47 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:11:52 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nckxr7: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:52 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:11:52 INFO : file5.txt.conflict2.rclone_chunk.001_nckwee: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:11:52 INFO : file5.txt.conflict2: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:11:54 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:55 INFO : file10.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nckxnf: Moved (server-side) to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:55 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:11:56 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nckw8n: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:11:56 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:11:59 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:11:59 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:12:00 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:00 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:12:00 INFO : file5.txt.conflict1: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:01 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:01 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:12:01 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:12:01 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/compare_all/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/compare_all/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:12:01 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST compare_all PASSED === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/createemptysrcdirs 2025/02/13 22:12:12 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1" 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1" 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2" 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_createemptysrcdirs/initial" 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-kozirof9" 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:13 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-kozirof9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:13 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-kozirof9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:12:13 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:13 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:13 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:13 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:13 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_createemptysrcdirs/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0" 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:13 DEBUG : placeholder.txt.4db661ca.partial: renamed to: placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:13 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:14 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:12:14 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:12:14 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-kozirof9 2025/02/13 22:12:14 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:14 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:14 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:14 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:14 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:14 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:14 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:14 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:12:14 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:12:15 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:12:15 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:12:15 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:12:16 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:12:21 INFO : file1.copy2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nclozk: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:21 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:21 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:21 INFO : file1.copy1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncloup: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:21 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:21 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:21 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:12:21 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:12:22 INFO : file1.copy3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nclofz: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:22 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:22 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:23 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:12:27 INFO : file1.copy5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nclu43: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:27 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:27 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:27 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_nclpht: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:12:29 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nclw9p: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:29 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:29 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:29 INFO : file1.copy4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncluj0: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:29 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:29 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:29 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_nclpht: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:12:31 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_nclpht: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:12:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:34 NOTICE: checking Path1 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1' 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:34 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:34 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:34 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:34 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:34 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:12:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:12:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:12:34 NOTICE: checking path2 Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2 2025/02/13 22:12:34 NOTICE: (01) : test createemptysrcdirs 2025/02/13 22:12:34 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:12:34 NOTICE: (03) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/ placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:34 NOTICE: (04) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:35 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:35 NOTICE: (05) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:37 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:37 NOTICE: (06) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:37 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:37 NOTICE: (07) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:38 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:38 NOTICE: (08) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:40 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:40 NOTICE: (09) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:41 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:41 NOTICE: (10) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:12:46 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncmead: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : file1.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:12:50 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:12:50 NOTICE: (11) : test 1. Create an empty dir on Path1 by creating subdir/placeholder.txt and then deleting the placeholder 2025/02/13 22:12:50 NOTICE: (12) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ subdir/placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:58 INFO : subdir/placeholder.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncmo1t: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:58 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: subdir/placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:12:58 NOTICE: (13) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ subdir 2025/02/13 22:12:58 NOTICE: (14) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/subdir/placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:13:05 INFO : placeholder.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:13:05 NOTICE: (15) : test 2. Run bisync without --create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:13:05 NOTICE: (16) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:13:10 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncn2ya: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:13:13 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:13:13 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:13:13 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:13:13 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:13:14 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:13:14 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:13:14 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:13:14 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:13:14 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:13:14 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:13:14 NOTICE: (17) : test 3. Confirm the subdir exists only on Path1 and not Path2 2025/02/13 22:13:14 NOTICE: (18) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:13:14 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:13:15 NOTICE: (19) : list-dirs /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:13:15 NOTICE: (20) : test 4.Run bisync WITH --create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:13:15 NOTICE: (21) : bisync create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:13:20 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncncx7: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : - Path1 File is new - subdir 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  1 new,  0 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/subdir 2025/02/13 22:13:24 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:13:25 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:13:25 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:13:25 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:13:25 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:13:25 NOTICE: (22) : test 5. Confirm the subdir exists on both paths 2025/02/13 22:13:25 NOTICE: (23) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:13:25 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:13:25 NOTICE: (24) : list-dirs /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:13:25 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:13:25 NOTICE: (25) : test 6. Delete the empty dir on Path1 using purge-children (and also add files so the path isn't empty) 2025/02/13 22:13:25 NOTICE: (26) : purge-children TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:14:02 NOTICE: (27) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:08 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncood6: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:08 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:08 NOTICE: (28) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:13 INFO : file1.copy1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncotal: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:13 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:13 NOTICE: (29) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:19 INFO : file1.copy2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncoy2k: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:19 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:19 NOTICE: (30) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:24 INFO : file1.copy3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncp5a0: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:24 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:24 NOTICE: (31) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:29 INFO : file1.copy4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncpahx: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:29 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:29 NOTICE: (32) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:35 INFO : file1.copy5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncpglc: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:35 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:14:35 NOTICE: (33) : test 7. Run bisync without --create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:14:35 NOTICE: (34) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:14:42 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncpl5d: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - subdir 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Path1: 2 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  2 deleted 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - subdir 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Path2: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:14:46 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:14:46 NOTICE: (35) : test 8. Confirm the subdir exists only on Path2 and not Path1 2025/02/13 22:14:46 NOTICE: (36) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:14:47 NOTICE: (37) : list-dirs /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:14:47 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:14:47 NOTICE: (38) : test 9. Reset, do the delete again, and run bisync WITH --create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:14:47 NOTICE: (39) : bisync resync create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:14:52 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncpw0i: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:14:56 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:14:56 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:14:56 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:14:56 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:14:56 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:14:56 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:14:56 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:14:57 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:14:57 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:14:57 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:14:57 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:14:57 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:14:57 NOTICE: (40) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:14:58 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:14:58 NOTICE: (41) : list-dirs /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:14:58 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:14:58 NOTICE: (42) : purge-children TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:15:24 NOTICE: (43) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:30 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncqy0f: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:30 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:30 NOTICE: (44) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:39 INFO : file1.copy1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncr5d4: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:39 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:39 NOTICE: (45) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:43 INFO : file1.copy2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncrc3h: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:43 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:43 NOTICE: (46) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:50 INFO : file1.copy3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncrhbp: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:50 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:50 NOTICE: (47) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:57 INFO : file1.copy4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncrn62: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:57 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:15:57 NOTICE: (48) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-yujizer0/placeholder.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:01 INFO : file1.copy5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncrutq: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:01 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:01 NOTICE: (49) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:16:02 NOTICE: (50) : list-dirs /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:16:02 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:16:02 NOTICE: (51) : bisync create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:16:10 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncrzkq: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:16:13 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:16:13 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:16:13 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:16:13 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:16:13 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - subdir 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/subdir 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : subdir: Removing directory 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:16:14 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:16:14 NOTICE: (52) : test 10. Confirm the subdir has been removed on both paths 2025/02/13 22:16:14 NOTICE: (53) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:16:14 NOTICE: (54) : list-dirs /tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:16:14 NOTICE: (55) : test 11. bisync again (because if we leave subdir in listings, test will fail due to mismatched modtime) 2025/02/13 22:16:14 NOTICE: (56) : bisync create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:16:19 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncscre: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:16:23 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:16:23 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------- 2025/02/13 22:16:23 NOTICE: | MISCOMPARE -Golden vs +Results for test.log 2025/02/13 22:16:23 NOTICE: | @@ -139,0 +140 @@ 2025/02/13 22:16:23 NOTICE: | +INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:16:23 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------- bisync_test.go:558: TEST createemptysrcdirs FAILED - 1 MISCOMPARED FILES === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resync 2025/02/13 22:16:32 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:16:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1" 2025/02/13 22:16:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1" 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2" 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resync/initial" 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_resync-roperay0" 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_resync-roperay0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_resync-roperay0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resync/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7" 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : fileA.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : fileB.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : fileA.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : fileA.txt.16ee54da.partial: renamed to: fileA.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : fileA.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : fileB.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:16:33 DEBUG : fileB.txt.f0a2c6af.partial: renamed to: fileB.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:33 INFO : fileB.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:33 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:16:33 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:16:33 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_resync-roperay0 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:16:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:16:40 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncsvr7: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:40 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:40 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:40 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:16:42 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncsvpw: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:42 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:42 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:42 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncsva9: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:42 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:42 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:42 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:16:42 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:16:45 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nct16r: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:45 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:45 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:45 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:16:46 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nct3mk: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:46 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:46 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:48 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nct3p7: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:48 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:48 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:49 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ncsvb4: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:16:51 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ncsvb4: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:16:52 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ncsvb4: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:16:52 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nct6tr: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:52 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:52 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:16:54 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:54 NOTICE: checking Path1 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1' 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:55 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:55 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:55 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:55 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:55 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:55 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:16:55 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:16:55 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:16:55 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:16:55 NOTICE: checking path2 Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2 2025/02/13 22:16:55 NOTICE: (01) : test resync 2025/02/13 22:16:55 NOTICE: (02) : test 1. resync with empty path1, resulting in copying all content from path2. 2025/02/13 22:16:55 NOTICE: (03) : purge-children TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:17:32 NOTICE: (04) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:17:37 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncuict: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:17:41 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:17:41 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:17:41 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:17:41 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:17:41 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:17:46 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncurpk: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:17:46 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:17:46 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncurqo: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:17:46 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:17:48 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncurwv: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:17:48 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:17:51 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncuvyu: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:17:51 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:17:53 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncuve5: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:17:53 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:17:53 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncuxpx: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:17:53 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:17:56 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ncure0: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:17:56 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncv0u7: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:17:56 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:17:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ncure0: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:17:59 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ncure0: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:18:02 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:02 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:18:03 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:18:03 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:18:03 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:18:03 NOTICE: (05) : move-listings empty-path1 2025/02/13 22:18:03 NOTICE: (06) : test 2. resync with empty path2, resulting in syncing all content to path2. 2025/02/13 22:18:03 NOTICE: (07) : purge-children /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:18:03 NOTICE: (08) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:18:09 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncvcxc: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:18:12 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:18:12 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:18:12 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:18:12 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:18:12 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:18:13 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:18:13 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:13 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:13 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:13 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:14 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:14 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:14 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:15 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:15 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:18:15 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:18:15 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:18:15 NOTICE: (09) : move-listings empty-path2 2025/02/13 22:18:15 NOTICE: (10) : test 3. exercise all of the various file difference scenarios during a resync. 2025/02/13 22:18:15 NOTICE: (11) : touch-glob 2002-02-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7/ fileA.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:15 NOTICE: (12) : touch-glob 1999-09-09 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7/ fileB.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:15 NOTICE: (13) : test = file - path1 - path2 - expected action - who wins 2025/02/13 22:18:15 NOTICE: (14) : test - file1.txt - exists - missing - sync path1 > path2 - path1 2025/02/13 22:18:15 NOTICE: (15) : delete-file /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:15 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:18:15 NOTICE: (16) : test - file2.txt - missing - exists - copy path2 > path1 - path2 2025/02/13 22:18:15 NOTICE: (17) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:19 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:18:19 NOTICE: (18) : test - file3.txt - exists - newer date - sync path1 > path2 - path1 2025/02/13 22:18:19 NOTICE: (19) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7/fileA.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/ file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:19 INFO : fileA.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:19 NOTICE: (20) : test - file4.txt - missing - newer date - copy path2 > path1 - path2 2025/02/13 22:18:19 NOTICE: (21) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:24 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:18:24 NOTICE: (22) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7/fileA.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/ file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:24 INFO : fileA.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:24 NOTICE: (23) : test - file5.txt - exists - older date - sync path1 > path2 - path1 2025/02/13 22:18:24 NOTICE: (24) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7/fileB.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:24 INFO : fileB.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:24 NOTICE: (25) : test - file6.txt - older date - newer date - sync path1 > path2 - path1 2025/02/13 22:18:24 NOTICE: (26) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7/fileB.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/ file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:31 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:18:33 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncvx1y: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:33 INFO : fileB.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:33 NOTICE: (27) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync-zadimel7/fileA.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/ file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:33 INFO : fileA.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:33 NOTICE: (28) : test - file7.txt - exists - exists (same) - none - same 2025/02/13 22:18:33 NOTICE: (29) : test run bisync with resync 2025/02/13 22:18:33 NOTICE: (30) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:18:44 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncw86d: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:18:48 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:18:48 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:18:48 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:18:48 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:18:48 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncwmxl: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncwmx9: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : file6.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:18:54 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:18:54 NOTICE: (31) : copy-listings mixed-diffs 2025/02/13 22:18:54 NOTICE: (32) : test run normal bisync 2025/02/13 22:18:54 NOTICE: (33) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:18:59 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncws4s: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:19:03 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:19:03 NOTICE: (34) : test 4. confirm critical error on normal sync of empty path. 2025/02/13 22:19:03 NOTICE: (35) : purge-children /tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:19:03 NOTICE: (36) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:19:09 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncx02k: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:19:12 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:19:12 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:19:12 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:19:12 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:19:13 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:19:13 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:19:13 ERROR : Empty current Path2 listing. Cannot sync to an empty directory: /tmp/221002fa/workdir/TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-leyodan7cega_221002fa_resync_path1..tmp_221002fa_resync_path2.path2.lst-new 2025/02/13 22:19:13 ERROR : Bisync critical error: empty current Path2 listing: /tmp/221002fa/workdir/TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-leyodan7cega_221002fa_resync_path1..tmp_221002fa_resync_path2.path2.lst-new 2025/02/13 22:19:13 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:19:13 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted bisync_test.go:558: TEST resync PASSED === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resync_modes 2025/02/13 22:19:25 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:19:25 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1" 2025/02/13 22:19:25 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1" 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2" 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resync_modes/initial" 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_resync_modes-foratet8" 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_resync_modes-foratet8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_resync_modes-foratet8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:26 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:26 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:19:26 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_resync_modes/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2" 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file2.txt.7cc9b07.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:26 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 705bb3c0ef02925739e834ca98c099c3 OK 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file1L.txt.7d07f91a.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:26 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:26 DEBUG : file1R.txt.cb75035e.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:26 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:27 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:19:27 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:19:27 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_resync_modes-foratet8 2025/02/13 22:19:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:27 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:19:27 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:19:28 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:19:28 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:19:28 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:19:34 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncxpdj: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:19:34 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:36 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncxpdy: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:19:36 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:40 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ncxpca: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:19:42 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ncxpca: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:19:43 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ncxpca: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:19:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:46 NOTICE: checking Path1 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1' 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:46 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:46 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:19:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:19:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:19:46 NOTICE: checking path2 Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2 2025/02/13 22:19:46 NOTICE: (01) : test resync-mode 2025/02/13 22:19:46 NOTICE: (02) : test changed on both paths and NOT identical - file1 (file1R, file1L) 2025/02/13 22:19:46 NOTICE: (03) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:46 NOTICE: (04) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1R.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:46 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:46 NOTICE: (05) : touch-glob 2001-03-04 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:46 NOTICE: (06) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1L.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:54 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:19:56 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncy8sz: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:56 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:19:56 NOTICE: (07) : test bisync run with --resync-mode=newer 2025/02/13 22:19:56 NOTICE: (08) : bisync resync resync-mode=newer 2025/02/13 22:20:01 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncyhs5: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:20:05 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:20:05 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:20:05 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:20:05 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:20:05 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:20:05 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:20:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:20:07 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:20:07 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:20:07 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:20:07 NOTICE: (09) : test changed on both paths and NOT identical - file1 (file1R, file1L) 2025/02/13 22:20:07 NOTICE: (10) : touch-glob 2001-07-23 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:07 NOTICE: (11) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1R.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:07 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:07 NOTICE: (12) : touch-glob 2001-08-26 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:07 NOTICE: (13) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1L.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:09 INFO : file1L.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:20:09 NOTICE: (14) : test bisync run with --resync-mode=path2 2025/02/13 22:20:09 NOTICE: (15) : bisync resync resync-mode=path2 2025/02/13 22:20:14 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ncyunp: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:20:18 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:20:18 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:20:18 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:20:18 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:20:18 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:20:29 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:20:32 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ncz31u: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:32 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:20:32 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:20:33 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:20:33 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:20:33 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:20:33 NOTICE: (16) : test changed on both paths and NOT identical - file1 (file1R, file1L) 2025/02/13 22:20:33 NOTICE: (17) : touch-glob 2002-07-23 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:33 NOTICE: (18) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1R.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:33 INFO : file1R.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:20:33 NOTICE: (19) : touch-glob 2002-08-26 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:33 NOTICE: (20) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1L.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:41 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:20:43 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nczjiu: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:43 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:20:43 NOTICE: (21) : test bisync run with --resync-mode=larger 2025/02/13 22:20:43 NOTICE: (22) : bisync resync resync-mode=larger 2025/02/13 22:20:48 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nczsv8: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:20:51 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:20:51 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:20:51 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:20:51 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:20:51 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:20:52 INFO : file1.txt: Path2 is larger. Path1: 33, Path2: 42, Difference: 9 2025/02/13 22:20:59 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:21:00 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd01gw: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:00 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:21:00 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:21:01 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:21:01 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:21:01 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:21:01 NOTICE: (23) : test changed on both paths and NOT identical - file1 (file1R, file1L) 2025/02/13 22:21:01 NOTICE: (24) : touch-glob 2003-07-23 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:01 NOTICE: (25) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1R.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:01 INFO : file1R.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:21:01 NOTICE: (26) : touch-glob 2003-09-04 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:01 NOTICE: (27) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1L.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:10 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:21:11 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd0bu3: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:11 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:11 NOTICE: (28) : test bisync run with --resync-mode=older 2025/02/13 22:21:11 NOTICE: (29) : bisync resync resync-mode=older 2025/02/13 22:21:16 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nd0lhv: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:21:20 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:21:20 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:21:20 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:21:20 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:21:20 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:21:20 INFO : file1.txt: Path2 is older. Path1: 2003-09-04 00:00:00 +0000 UTC, Path2: 2003-07-23 00:00:00 +0000 UTC, Difference: 1032h0m0s 2025/02/13 22:21:34 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:21:36 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd0tmh: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:36 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:21:36 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:21:36 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:21:36 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:21:36 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:21:36 NOTICE: (30) : test changed on both paths and NOT identical - file1 (file1R, file1L) 2025/02/13 22:21:36 NOTICE: (31) : touch-glob 2004-07-23 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:36 NOTICE: (32) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1R.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:36 INFO : file1R.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:21:36 NOTICE: (33) : touch-glob 2004-07-23 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:36 NOTICE: (34) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1L.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:45 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:21:47 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd1a8d: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:47 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:47 NOTICE: (35) : test bisync run with --resync-mode=smaller 2025/02/13 22:21:47 NOTICE: (36) : bisync resync resync-mode=smaller 2025/02/13 22:21:52 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nd1ksj: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:21:56 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:21:56 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:21:56 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:21:56 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:21:56 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:21:56 INFO : file1.txt: Path1 is smaller. Path1: 33, Path2: 42, Difference: 9 2025/02/13 22:21:56 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:21:57 INFO : file1.txt: Path1 is smaller. Path1: 33, Path2: 42, Difference: 9 2025/02/13 22:21:57 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:21:57 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:21:57 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:21:57 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:21:57 NOTICE: (37) : test changed on both paths and NOT identical - file1 (file1R, file1L) 2025/02/13 22:21:57 NOTICE: (38) : touch-glob 2005-01-02 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:57 NOTICE: (39) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1R.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:57 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:21:57 NOTICE: (40) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1R.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/ file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:11 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:22:13 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd1vhv: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:13 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:13 NOTICE: (41) : touch-glob 2006-03-04 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:13 NOTICE: (42) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1L.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:14 INFO : file1L.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:22:14 NOTICE: (43) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1L.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/ file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:14 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:14 NOTICE: (44) : test bisync run with --resync-mode=path1 2025/02/13 22:22:14 NOTICE: (45) : bisync resync resync-mode=path1 2025/02/13 22:22:19 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nd2baw: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:22:22 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:22:22 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:22:22 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:22:22 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:22:22 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:22:23 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:22:23 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:22:23 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:22:23 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:22:23 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:22:23 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:22:23 NOTICE: (46) : test no winner 2025/02/13 22:22:23 NOTICE: (47) : touch-glob 2022-02-22 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:23 NOTICE: (48) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1R.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:23 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:23 NOTICE: (49) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1R.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/ file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:25 INFO : file1R.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:22:25 NOTICE: (50) : touch-glob 2022-02-22 /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/ file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:25 NOTICE: (51) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1L.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:26 INFO : file1L.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:22:26 NOTICE: (52) : copy-as /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_resync_modes-furogoz2/file1L.txt /tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/ file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:26 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:26 NOTICE: (53) : test bisync run with --resync-mode=newer 2025/02/13 22:22:26 NOTICE: (54) : bisync resync resync-mode=newer 2025/02/13 22:22:32 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nd2nur: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:22:36 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:22:36 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:22:36 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:22:36 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:22:36 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:22:43 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:22:44 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:22:45 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd2x29: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:45 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:22:50 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd2xs1: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:22:50 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:22:50 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:22:51 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:22:51 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/resync_modes/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/resync_modes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:22:51 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST resync_modes PASSED === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/rmdirs 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1" 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1" 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2" 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_rmdirs/initial" 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_rmdirs-qasonuw3" 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_rmdirs-qasonuw3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_rmdirs-qasonuw3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_rmdirs/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_rmdirs-karocux0" 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_rmdirs-karocux0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_rmdirs-karocux0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:23:00 DEBUG : file1.txt.13f42ab5.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:00 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:01 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:23:01 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:23:01 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_rmdirs-qasonuw3 2025/02/13 22:23:01 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:01 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:01 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:01 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:01 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:01 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:01 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:01 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:23:01 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:23:02 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:23:02 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:23:02 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:23:03 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:03 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:23:03 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:23:07 INFO : file1.copy1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd3nsz: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:07 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:07 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:07 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:23:08 INFO : file1.copy3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd3n47: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:08 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:08 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:08 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:23:09 INFO : file1.copy2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd3mxz: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:09 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:09 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:10 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:23:12 INFO : file1.copy5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd3ty8: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:12 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:12 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:13 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:23:15 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd3vap: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:15 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:15 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:16 INFO : file1.copy4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd3scg: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:16 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:16 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:17 INFO : subdir/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd3yy7: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:17 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:17 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_nd3n5a: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:23:36 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_nd3n5a: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:23:38 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_nd3n5a: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 NOTICE: checking Path1 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1' 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:23:41 NOTICE: checking path2 Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2 2025/02/13 22:23:41 NOTICE: (01) : test rmdirs 2025/02/13 22:23:41 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:23:41 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:23:46 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nd4rw0: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:23:51 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:23:51 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:23:51 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:23:51 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:23:51 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:23:51 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:23:51 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:23:52 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:23:52 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:23:52 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:23:52 NOTICE: (04) : test 1. delete path1 subdir file 2025/02/13 22:23:52 NOTICE: (05) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1/subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:23:56 INFO : file20.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:23:56 NOTICE: (06) : test 2. run bisync without remove-empty-dirs 2025/02/13 22:23:56 NOTICE: (07) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:24:01 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nd559l: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:24:05 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:24:05 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:24:05 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:24:05 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:24:05 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:24:06 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:24:06 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:06 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:24:06 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:24:06 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:24:06 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - /tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2/subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:06 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:24:07 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:24:07 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:24:07 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:24:07 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:24:07 NOTICE: (08) : test 3. confirm the subdir still exists on both paths 2025/02/13 22:24:07 NOTICE: (09) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:24:07 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:24:08 NOTICE: (10) : list-dirs /tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:24:08 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:24:08 NOTICE: (11) : test 4. run bisync with remove-empty-dirs 2025/02/13 22:24:08 NOTICE: (12) : bisync remove-empty-dirs 2025/02/13 22:24:13 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nd5hsz: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:24:16 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:24:16 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:24:16 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:24:16 INFO : Synching Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1/" with Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:24:16 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:24:17 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:24:17 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:24:17 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:24:17 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:24:17 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "/tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:24:17 INFO : Removing empty directories 2025/02/13 22:24:18 INFO : subdir: Removing directory 2025/02/13 22:24:22 INFO : subdir: Removing directory 2025/02/13 22:24:22 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:24:22 NOTICE: (13) : test 5. confirm the subdir has been removed on both paths 2025/02/13 22:24:22 NOTICE: (14) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/rmdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:24:22 NOTICE: (15) : list-dirs /tmp/221002fa/rmdirs/path2/ bisync_test.go:558: TEST rmdirs PASSED === RUN TestBisyncRemoteLocal/volatile 2025/02/13 22:24:32 INFO : path1: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/volatile/path1" 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/volatile/path1" 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/volatile/path2" 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_volatile/initial" 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_volatile-duyuyax5" 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_volatile-duyuyax5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_volatile-duyuyax5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_volatile/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_volatile-favuwak9" 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : dummy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_volatile-favuwak9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/datadir/test_volatile-favuwak9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file1.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file10.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : dummy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : dummy.txt.75bafa33.partial: renamed to: dummy.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : dummy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file11.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file2.txt.8872da9c.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file7.txt.6bedbe24.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file6.txt.ae546193.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/02/13 22:24:33 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:33 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:34 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:24:34 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:24:34 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/initdir/test_volatile-duyuyax5 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/volatile/path1': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/volatile/path1': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:24:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:24:40 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd67et: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:40 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:40 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:40 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:24:41 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd6776: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:41 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:41 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:41 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:24:42 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd67vb: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:42 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:42 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:43 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:24:45 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd6dru: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:45 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:45 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:45 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:24:47 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_nd67h7: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:24:48 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd6ebv: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:48 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:48 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:48 DEBUG : file8.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:24:48 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd6gp4: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:48 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:48 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:50 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_nd67h7: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:24:51 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_nd67h7: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:24:51 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd6ie5: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:51 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:51 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:55 INFO : file8.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd6lr9: Moved (server-side) to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:55 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:55 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:56 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:24:56 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:56 NOTICE: checking Path1 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega/221002fa/volatile/path1' 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:57 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:57 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:57 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:57 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/volatile/path2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/volatile/path2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:57 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:57 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:24:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:24:57 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:24:57 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:24:57 NOTICE: checking path2 Local file system at /tmp/221002fa/volatile/path2 2025/02/13 22:24:57 NOTICE: (01) : test volatile 2025/02/13 22:24:57 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:24:57 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync bisync_test.go:935: skipping 'volatile' test on non-local as it requires uploading 100 files 2025/02/13 22:24:57 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-leyodan7cega': Purge remote --- FAIL: TestBisyncRemoteLocal (903.64s) --- PASS: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/compare_all (130.07s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/createemptysrcdirs (259.78s) --- PASS: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resync (173.02s) --- PASS: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/resync_modes (214.62s) --- PASS: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/rmdirs (92.51s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncRemoteLocal/volatile (24.63s) === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote 2025/02/13 22:25:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu" 2025/02/13 22:25:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu" 2025/02/13 22:25:06 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:25:06 NOTICE: remote: TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/changes 2025/02/13 22:25:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di" 2025/02/13 22:25:06 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf" 2025/02/13 22:25:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/changes/path1" 2025/02/13 22:25:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di" 2025/02/13 22:25:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di" 2025/02/13 22:25:06 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:25:06 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:25:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2" 2025/02/13 22:25:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2" 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_changes/initial" 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_changes-bikatul0" 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_changes-bikatul0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_changes-bikatul0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_changes/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7" 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:25:08 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:25:08 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_changes-bikatul0 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/changes/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/changes/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:25:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:25:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:08 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/changes/path1 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:25:09 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:25:14 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd7649: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:14 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:14 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:14 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd76pe: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:14 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:14 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:14 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:25:15 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:25:15 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd76gq: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:15 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:15 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:16 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:25:19 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd7b0p: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:19 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:19 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:19 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:25:21 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd7df0: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:21 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:21 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:21 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd7c0q: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:21 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:21 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:21 DEBUG : file8.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:25:22 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_nd7671: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:25:23 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd7gaw: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:23 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:23 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:24 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_nd7671: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:25:26 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_nd7671: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:25:27 INFO : file8.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd7i68: Moved (server-side) to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:27 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:25:27 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:28 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error [500 - InternalServerError] Internal Server Error (Ошибка сервера.)) 2025/02/13 22:25:28 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms 2025/02/13 22:25:31 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 15ms 2025/02/13 22:25:32 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 11.25ms 2025/02/13 22:25:32 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 10ms 2025/02/13 22:25:32 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:25:32 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:32 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2' 2025/02/13 22:25:33 NOTICE: (01) : test changes 2025/02/13 22:25:33 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:25:33 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:25:38 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nd7uqn: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:25:42 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:25:42 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:25:42 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/changes/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:25:42 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:25:42 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:25:42 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:25:43 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:25:43 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/changes/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:25:43 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:25:43 NOTICE: (04) : test make modifications on both paths 2025/02/13 22:25:43 NOTICE: (05) : test new on path2 - file10 2025/02/13 22:25:43 NOTICE: (06) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/file10.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:25:49 INFO : file10.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd84vm: Moved (server-side) to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:49 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:49 NOTICE: (07) : test newer on path2 - file1 2025/02/13 22:25:49 NOTICE: (08) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/file1.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:25:57 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:25:58 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd8apz: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:25:58 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:25:58 NOTICE: (09) : test new on path1 - file11 2025/02/13 22:25:58 NOTICE: (10) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/file11.txt /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:25:58 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:25:58 NOTICE: (11) : test newer on path1 - file2 2025/02/13 22:25:58 NOTICE: (12) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/file2.txt /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:25:58 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:25:58 NOTICE: (13) : test deleted on path2 - file3 2025/02/13 22:25:58 NOTICE: (14) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:01 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:01 NOTICE: (15) : test deleted on path1 - file4 2025/02/13 22:26:01 NOTICE: (16) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:01 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:01 NOTICE: (17) : test deleted on both paths - file8 2025/02/13 22:26:01 NOTICE: (18) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:01 INFO : file8.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:01 NOTICE: (19) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:05 INFO : file8.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:05 NOTICE: (20) : test changed on both paths - file5 (file5R, file5L) 2025/02/13 22:26:05 NOTICE: (21) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/ file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:05 NOTICE: (22) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/file5R.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:12 INFO : file5.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:13 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd8rx8: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:13 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:13 NOTICE: (23) : touch-glob 2001-03-04 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/ file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:13 NOTICE: (24) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/file5L.txt /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:13 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:13 NOTICE: (25) : test newer on path2 and deleted on path1 - file6 2025/02/13 22:26:13 NOTICE: (26) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/file6.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:26:21 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:23 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd8z8j: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:23 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:26:23 NOTICE: (27) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:23 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:23 NOTICE: (28) : test newer on path1 and deleted on path2 - file7 2025/02/13 22:26:23 NOTICE: (29) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_changes-qejokuh7/file7.txt /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:26:23 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:26:23 NOTICE: (30) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:26 INFO : file7.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:26 NOTICE: (31) : test bisync run 2025/02/13 22:26:26 NOTICE: (32) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:26:33 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nd9cvh: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/changes/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path1 File is new - file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Path1: 7 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  3 deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path2 File is new - file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Path2: 7 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  3 deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Checking potential conflicts... 2025/02/13 22:26:37 ERROR : file5.txt: md5 differ 2025/02/13 22:26:37 NOTICE: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2': 1 differences found 2025/02/13 22:26:37 NOTICE: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2': 1 errors while checking 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : Finished checking the potential conflicts. 1 differences found 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 NOTICE: - WARNING New or changed in both paths - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:37 NOTICE: - Path1 Renaming Path1 copy - /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:26:37 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:26:37 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:26:37 NOTICE: - Path2 Renaming Path2 copy - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:26:40 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:26:40 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:26:40 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:26:40 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:40 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:40 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:40 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:40 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/changes/path1/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:40 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:26:41 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:26:41 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:26:41 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:26:41 INFO : file5.txt.conflict2: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:26:41 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:41 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:26:46 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd9r45: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:46 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:26:47 INFO : file11.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd9rvp: Moved (server-side) to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:47 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:26:48 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:49 INFO : file5.txt.conflict1.rclone_chunk.001_nd9rxz: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:26:49 INFO : file5.txt.conflict1: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:26:52 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nd9rx4: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:26:52 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:26:55 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:26:55 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:26:55 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/changes/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/changes/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:26:55 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST changes PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_access 2025/02/13 22:27:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1" 2025/02/13 22:27:06 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:27:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2" 2025/02/13 22:27:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2" 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_access/initial" 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_access-mehahol3" 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_access-mehahol3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_access-mehahol3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_access/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_access-requsen1" 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_access-requsen1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_access-requsen1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:27:07 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:27:07 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_access-mehahol3 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_access/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_access/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:27:07 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_access/path1 2025/02/13 22:27:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:08 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:27:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:27:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:27:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:27:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:27:10 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:10 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:27:10 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:27:10 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:27:14 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndahgh: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:14 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:14 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:14 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:27:14 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndahvb: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:14 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:14 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:14 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:27:16 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndahu2: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:16 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:16 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:16 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:27:19 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndahr9: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:27:19 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndantp: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:19 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:19 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:21 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndahr9: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:27:21 INFO : subdir/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndapsz: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:27:21 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:27:21 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:22 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndahr9: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:27:24 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndan2w: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:27:25 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:27:25 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:26 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndan2w: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:27:27 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndan2w: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:27:30 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:27:30 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:27:30 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2' 2025/02/13 22:27:32 NOTICE: (01) : test check-access 2025/02/13 22:27:32 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:27:32 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:27:36 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndb5mj: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:27:40 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:27:40 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:27:40 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:27:40 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:27:40 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:27:40 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:27:42 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:27:42 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:27:42 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:27:42 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:27:42 NOTICE: (04) : test 1. see that check-access passes with the initial setup 2025/02/13 22:27:42 NOTICE: (05) : bisync check-access 2025/02/13 22:27:47 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndbfob: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:27:51 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:27:51 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:27:51 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:27:51 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:27:51 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:27:52 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:27:52 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:27:52 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:27:52 INFO : Found 2 matching "RCLONE_TEST" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:27:52 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:27:52 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:27:52 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:27:52 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:27:52 NOTICE: (06) : test 2. delete the path2 subdir RCLONE_TEST and run sync. should fail critical. 2025/02/13 22:27:52 NOTICE: (07) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:28:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:28:07 NOTICE: (08) : bisync check-access 2025/02/13 22:28:13 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndc4ls: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:28:20 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:28:20 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:28:20 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:28:20 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:28:20 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:28:21 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:28:21 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:28:21 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:28:21 INFO : Path2: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:28:21 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:28:21 ERROR : Access test failed: Path1 count 2, Path2 count 1 - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:28:21 ERROR : -  Access test failed: Path1 file not found in Path2 - subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:28:21 ERROR : Bisync critical error: check file check failed 2025/02/13 22:28:21 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:28:21 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:28:21 NOTICE: (09) : copy-listings path2-missing 2025/02/13 22:28:21 NOTICE: (10) : test 3. put the path2 subdir RCLONE_TEST back, resync. 2025/02/13 22:28:21 NOTICE: (11) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/subdir/RCLONE_TEST TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:28:22 NOTICE: (12) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:28:27 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndcjxr: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:28:31 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:28:31 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:28:31 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:28:31 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:28:31 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:28:31 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:28:32 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:28:43 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndcupl: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:28:45 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndcupl: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:28:46 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndcupl: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:28:49 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:28:49 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:28:49 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:28:49 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:28:49 NOTICE: (13) : test 4. run sync with check-access. should pass. 2025/02/13 22:28:49 NOTICE: (14) : bisync check-access 2025/02/13 22:28:56 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nddbv2: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Found 2 matching "RCLONE_TEST" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:29:00 NOTICE: (15) : test 5. delete path1 top level RCLONE_TEST, run sync. should fail critical. 2025/02/13 22:29:00 NOTICE: (16) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:00 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:29:00 NOTICE: (17) : bisync check-access 2025/02/13 22:29:05 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nddmh2: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:29:09 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:09 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:29:09 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:29:09 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:29:09 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:29:10 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:29:10 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:10 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:29:10 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:29:10 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:29:10 ERROR : Access test failed: Path1 count 1, Path2 count 2 - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:10 ERROR : -  Access test failed: Path2 file not found in Path1 - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:10 ERROR : Bisync critical error: check file check failed 2025/02/13 22:29:10 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:29:10 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:29:10 NOTICE: (18) : copy-listings path1-missing 2025/02/13 22:29:10 NOTICE: (19) : test 6. run again. should fail critical due to missing listings. 2025/02/13 22:29:10 NOTICE: (20) : bisync check-access 2025/02/13 22:29:15 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nddvot: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:29:19 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:19 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:29:19 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:29:19 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:29:19 ERROR : Bisync critical error: cannot find prior Path1 or Path2 listings, likely due to critical error on prior run Tip: here are the filenames we were looking for. Do they exist? Path1: /tmp/222506di/workdir/tmp_222506di_check_access_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_access_path2.path1.lst Path2: /tmp/222506di/workdir/tmp_222506di_check_access_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_access_path2.path2.lst Try running this command to inspect the work dir: rclone lsl "/tmp/222506di/workdir" 2025/02/13 22:29:19 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:29:19 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:29:19 NOTICE: (21) : move-listings missing-listings 2025/02/13 22:29:19 NOTICE: (22) : test 7. run resync, which will copy the path2 top level back to path1. 2025/02/13 22:29:19 NOTICE: (23) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:29:24 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nde44l: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:29:28 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:28 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:29:28 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:29:28 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:29:28 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:29:28 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:29:30 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:30 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:29:31 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:29:31 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:29:31 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:29:31 NOTICE: (24) : test 8. run sync with --check-access. should pass. 2025/02/13 22:29:31 NOTICE: (25) : bisync check-access 2025/02/13 22:29:36 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndegd3: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:29:40 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:40 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:29:40 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:29:40 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:29:40 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:29:41 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:29:41 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:29:41 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:29:41 INFO : Found 2 matching "RCLONE_TEST" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:29:41 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:29:41 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:29:41 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:29:41 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST check_access PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_access_filters 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1" 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2" 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2" 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_access_filters/initial" 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_access_filters-saheraf7" 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir-not: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not", newDst=subdir-not 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdirX: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX", newDst=subdirX 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX/subdirX1", newDst=subdirX/subdirX1 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirA", newDst=subdir/subdirA 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not/subdir-not2", newDst=subdir-not/subdir-not2 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirB", newDst=subdir/subdirB 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_access_filters-saheraf7: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_access_filters-saheraf7: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdirX/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir-not/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_access_filters/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_access_filters-cajored0" 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_access_filters-cajored0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_access_filters-cajored0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: md5 = 5fcc6205d7df1c2e9ed3a15a1356b345 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt.9180e6d6.partial: renamed to: exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt: md5 = 2ec13b2813141ed088e5978ef5a47b0e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:51 DEBUG : include-other-filtersfile.txt.5fb1cd78.partial: renamed to: include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:51 INFO : include-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:29:52 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:29:52 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_access_filters-saheraf7 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir-not: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not", newDst=subdir-not 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdirX: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX", newDst=subdirX 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir-not/subdir-not2", newDst=subdir-not/subdir-not2 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir-not/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdirX/subdirX1", newDst=subdirX/subdirX1 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirA", newDst=subdir/subdirA 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir/subdirB", newDst=subdir/subdirB 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdirX/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirB/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:29:52 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:52 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:29:53 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:29:53 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:29:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:29:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:29:55 INFO : subdir-not: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:29:57 INFO : subdirX: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:29:57 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:57 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:57 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:29:57 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:57 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:57 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:29:57 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:57 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:57 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:29:57 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:29:57 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:57 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:58 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:58 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:58 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:58 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:58 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:58 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:29:58 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:29:58 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:29:59 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndf2oe: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:29:59 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:29:59 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:29:59 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:00 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndf2nu: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:00 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:00 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:00 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:02 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndf2h6: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:02 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:02 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:02 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndf2wt: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:30:02 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:04 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndf2wt: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:30:04 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndf8xi: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:04 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:04 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:05 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:06 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndf2wt: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:30:08 INFO : subdirX/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndfbuw: Moved (server-side) to: subdirX/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:08 DEBUG : subdirX/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:08 INFO : subdirX/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:08 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:30:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:09 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:10 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndf9kd: Moved (server-side) to: subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:30:12 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndf9kd: Moved (server-side) to: subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:30:13 INFO : subdir/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndfhpx: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:13 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:13 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:13 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:13 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndf9kd: Moved (server-side) to: subdirX/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:30:16 DEBUG : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:30:16 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:17 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:18 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndfesg: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:30:19 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndfine: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:30:20 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndfesg: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:30:21 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndfine: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:30:22 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndfesg: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:30:22 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndfine: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:30:23 INFO : subdir-not/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndfmsa: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:23 DEBUG : subdir-not/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:23 INFO : subdir-not/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:23 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:24 DEBUG : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:30:24 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:25 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:26 DEBUG : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:30:26 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:26 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:26 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndfqm9: Moved (server-side) to: subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:30:28 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndfqm9: Moved (server-side) to: subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:30:28 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndfwqo: Moved (server-side) to: subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:28 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:28 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:29 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:30 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndfqm9: Moved (server-side) to: subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:30:30 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndfz38: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:30 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:30 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:31 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:33 DEBUG : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:30:33 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:33 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:34 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndfypi: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:30:36 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndfypi: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:30:36 INFO : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndg4es: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirB/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:36 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:36 INFO : subdir/subdirB/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:36 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:30:37 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndfypi: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:30:38 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndg212: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:30:40 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndg212: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:30:40 DEBUG : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:30:40 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:41 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndg212: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:30:42 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndg6p2: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:30:43 INFO : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndg9z7: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirA/file30.txt 2025/02/13 22:30:43 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:30:43 INFO : subdir/subdirA/file30.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:44 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndg6p2: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:30:46 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndg6p2: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:30:46 DEBUG : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:30:46 INFO : subdir/subdirB/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:48 DEBUG : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:30:48 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:48 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2' 2025/02/13 22:30:57 NOTICE: (01) : test check-access-filters 2025/02/13 22:30:57 NOTICE: (02) : test EXCLUDE - OTHER TESTS 2025/02/13 22:30:57 NOTICE: (03) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_access_filters-cajored0/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt /tmp/222506di/workdir/ 2025/02/13 22:30:57 INFO : exclude-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:30:57 NOTICE: (04) : test resync to get the filters file md5 built. 2025/02/13 22:30:57 NOTICE: (05) : bisync resync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:31:04 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndgvqc: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : Storing filters file hash to /tmp/222506di/workdir/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt.md5 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:31:08 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:31:09 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:31:10 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:31:10 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:31:10 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:31:10 NOTICE: (06) : test EXCLUDE - test filters for check access 2025/02/13 22:31:10 NOTICE: (07) : bisync check-access filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:31:15 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndh8ws: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:31:20 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:31:21 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:31:21 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:31:21 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:31:21 INFO : Found 3 matching "RCLONE_TEST" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:31:21 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:31:21 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:31:21 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:31:21 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:31:21 NOTICE: (08) : copy-listings exclude-initial 2025/02/13 22:31:21 NOTICE: (09) : test EXCLUDE - delete RCLONE_TEST files in excluded directories 2025/02/13 22:31:21 NOTICE: (10) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:31:37 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:31:37 NOTICE: (11) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:31:37 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:31:37 NOTICE: (12) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:31:53 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:31:53 NOTICE: (13) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/subdirX/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:31:53 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:31:53 NOTICE: (14) : test EXCLUDE - test should PASS 2025/02/13 22:31:53 NOTICE: (15) : bisync check-access filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:31:58 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndief2: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:32:01 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:32:02 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:32:02 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:32:02 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:32:02 INFO : Found 3 matching "RCLONE_TEST" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:32:02 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:32:02 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:32:02 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:32:02 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:32:02 NOTICE: (16) : copy-listings exclude-pass-run 2025/02/13 22:32:02 NOTICE: (17) : test EXCLUDE - delete RCLONE_TEST files in included directories 2025/02/13 22:32:02 NOTICE: (18) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:32:16 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:32:16 NOTICE: (19) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:32:16 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:32:16 NOTICE: (20) : test EXCLUDE - test should ABORT 2025/02/13 22:32:16 NOTICE: (21) : bisync check-access filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:32:21 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndj2g3: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/exclude-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:32:25 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : Path2: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:32:26 ERROR : -  Access test failed: Path1 file not found in Path2 - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:32:26 ERROR : -  Access test failed: Path2 file not found in Path1 - subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:32:26 ERROR : Bisync critical error: check file check failed 2025/02/13 22:32:26 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:32:26 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:32:26 NOTICE: (22) : move-listings exclude-error-run 2025/02/13 22:32:26 NOTICE: (23) : test INCLUDE - OTHER TESTS 2025/02/13 22:32:26 NOTICE: (24) : test reset to the initial state 2025/02/13 22:32:26 NOTICE: (25) : copy-dir /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_access_filters/initial /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdir/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdirX/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:26 NOTICE: (26) : sync-dir /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/ TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:32:37 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndjc08: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:32:38 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndjddf: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:32:39 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndjcsa: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:32:39 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndjc08: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:32:40 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndjddf: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:32:40 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndjcsa: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:32:41 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndjc08: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:32:42 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndjddf: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:32:42 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndjcsa: Moved (server-side) to: subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:32:45 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:32:46 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:32:49 INFO : subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:32:49 NOTICE: (27) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_access_filters-cajored0/include-other-filtersfile.txt /tmp/222506di/workdir/ 2025/02/13 22:32:49 INFO : include-other-filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:32:49 NOTICE: (28) : bisync resync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:32:54 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndjydc: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : Storing filters file hash to /tmp/222506di/workdir/include-other-filtersfile.txt.md5 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:32:57 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:32:58 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:32:59 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:32:59 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:32:59 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:32:59 NOTICE: (29) : test INCLUDE - test include/exclude filters for check access 2025/02/13 22:32:59 NOTICE: (30) : bisync check-access filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:33:04 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndk83q: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:33:08 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:33:10 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:33:10 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:33:10 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:33:10 INFO : Found 5 matching "RCLONE_TEST" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:33:10 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:33:10 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:33:10 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:33:10 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:33:10 NOTICE: (31) : copy-listings include-initial 2025/02/13 22:33:10 NOTICE: (32) : test INCLUDE - delete RCLONE_TEST files in excluded directories 2025/02/13 22:33:10 NOTICE: (33) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/subdir/subdirA/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:33:25 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:33:25 NOTICE: (34) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/subdir-not/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:33:25 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:33:25 NOTICE: (35) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/subdir-not/subdir-not2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:33:41 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:33:41 NOTICE: (36) : test INCLUDE - test should PASS 2025/02/13 22:33:41 NOTICE: (37) : bisync check-access filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:33:46 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndle3r: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:33:50 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:33:51 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:33:51 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:33:51 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:33:51 INFO : Found 5 matching "RCLONE_TEST" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:33:51 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:33:51 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:33:51 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:33:51 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:33:51 NOTICE: (38) : copy-listings include-pass-run 2025/02/13 22:33:51 NOTICE: (39) : test INCLUDE - delete RCLONE_TEST files in included directories 2025/02/13 22:33:51 NOTICE: (40) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:34:08 NOTICE: (41) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:34:08 NOTICE: (42) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:34:08 NOTICE: (43) : test INCLUDE - test should ABORT 2025/02/13 22:34:08 NOTICE: (44) : bisync check-access filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:13 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndm5b8: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : subdir-not: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : subdirX: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : subdirX/subdirX1: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : subdir/subdirA: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : subdir/subdirB: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : subdir-not/subdir-not2: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_access_filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_access_filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/include-other-filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:17 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:34:19 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:34:19 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:19 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:19 INFO : Path1: 2 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  2 deleted 2025/02/13 22:34:19 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:34:19 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:19 INFO : Path2: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:34:19 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:34:19 ERROR : Access test failed: Path1 count 3, Path2 count 4 - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:19 ERROR : -  Access test failed: Path1 file not found in Path2 - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:19 ERROR : -  Access test failed: Path2 file not found in Path1 - subdirX/subdirX1/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:19 ERROR : -  Access test failed: Path2 file not found in Path1 - subdir/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:34:19 ERROR : Bisync critical error: check file check failed 2025/02/13 22:34:19 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:34:19 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:34:19 NOTICE: (45) : move-listings include-error-run bisync_test.go:558: TEST check_access_filters PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_filename 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1" 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2" 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2" 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_filename/initial" 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_filename-dorojuz3" 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_filename-dorojuz3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_filename-dorojuz3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : .chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : .chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: .chk_file 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : .chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/.chk_file 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : subdir/.chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_filename/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_filename-nizarib2" 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_filename-nizarib2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_filename-nizarib2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/02/13 22:34:34 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:34 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:34:35 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:34:35 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_filename-dorojuz3 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : .chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : .chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: .chk_file 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : .chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: subdir/.chk_file 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : subdir/.chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:34:35 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : .chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:35 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : .chk_file: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:34:35 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:34:37 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:37 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:34:37 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:34:37 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:34:41 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndmwii: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:41 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:41 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:41 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:34:42 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndmw8v: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:42 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:42 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:42 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:34:44 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndmw7g: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:44 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:44 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:45 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:34:46 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndn2e6: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:46 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:46 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:50 INFO : .chk_file.rclone_chunk.001_ndmwy3: Moved (server-side) to: .chk_file.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:34:50 INFO : subdir/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndn64j: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:34:50 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:34:50 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:51 INFO : .chk_file.rclone_chunk.002_ndmwy3: Moved (server-side) to: .chk_file.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:34:53 INFO : .chk_file.rclone_chunk.003_ndmwy3: Moved (server-side) to: .chk_file.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:34:56 INFO : subdir/.chk_file.rclone_chunk.001_ndn3m8: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/.chk_file.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:34:56 DEBUG : .chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:34:56 INFO : .chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:34:58 INFO : subdir/.chk_file.rclone_chunk.002_ndn3m8: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/.chk_file.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:34:59 INFO : subdir/.chk_file.rclone_chunk.003_ndn3m8: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/.chk_file.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:35:02 DEBUG : subdir/.chk_file: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:35:02 INFO : subdir/.chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:35:02 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2' 2025/02/13 22:35:04 NOTICE: (01) : test check-filename 2025/02/13 22:35:04 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:35:04 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:35:09 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndnpfl: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:35:13 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:35:13 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:35:13 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:35:13 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:35:13 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:35:13 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:35:14 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:35:16 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:35:16 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:35:16 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:35:16 NOTICE: (04) : test 1. see that check-access passes with the initial setup 2025/02/13 22:35:16 NOTICE: (05) : bisync check-access check-filename=.chk_file 2025/02/13 22:35:23 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndo1g3: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:35:27 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:35:27 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:35:27 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:35:27 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:35:27 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:35:28 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:35:28 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:35:28 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:35:28 INFO : Found 2 matching ".chk_file" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:35:28 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:35:28 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:35:28 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:35:28 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:35:28 NOTICE: (06) : copy-listings initial-pass 2025/02/13 22:35:28 NOTICE: (07) : test 2. delete the remote subdir .chk_file, run sync. should fail critical. 2025/02/13 22:35:28 NOTICE: (08) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/subdir/.chk_file 2025/02/13 22:35:43 INFO : .chk_file: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:35:43 NOTICE: (09) : bisync check-access check-filename=.chk_file 2025/02/13 22:35:49 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndotv2: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:35:53 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:35:53 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:35:53 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:35:53 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:35:53 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:35:54 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:35:54 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:35:54 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - subdir/.chk_file 2025/02/13 22:35:54 INFO : Path2: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:35:54 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:35:54 ERROR : Access test failed: Path1 count 2, Path2 count 1 - .chk_file 2025/02/13 22:35:54 ERROR : -  Access test failed: Path1 file not found in Path2 - subdir/.chk_file 2025/02/13 22:35:54 ERROR : Bisync critical error: check file check failed 2025/02/13 22:35:54 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:35:54 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:35:54 NOTICE: (10) : move-listings path2-missing 2025/02/13 22:35:54 NOTICE: (11) : test 3. put the remote subdir .chk_file back, run resync. 2025/02/13 22:35:54 NOTICE: (12) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/subdir/.chk_file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/subdir/ 2025/02/13 22:36:04 INFO : .chk_file.rclone_chunk.001_ndp35e: Moved (server-side) to: .chk_file.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:36:06 INFO : .chk_file.rclone_chunk.002_ndp35e: Moved (server-side) to: .chk_file.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:36:07 INFO : .chk_file.rclone_chunk.003_ndp35e: Moved (server-side) to: .chk_file.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:36:10 INFO : .chk_file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:10 NOTICE: (13) : bisync check-access resync check-filename=.chk_file 2025/02/13 22:36:15 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndpjfc: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:36:19 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:36:19 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:36:19 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:36:19 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:36:19 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:36:19 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:36:20 INFO : Found 2 matching ".chk_file" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:36:20 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:36:20 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:36:21 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:36:21 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:36:21 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:36:21 NOTICE: (14) : test 4. run sync with check-access. should pass. 2025/02/13 22:36:21 NOTICE: (15) : bisync check-access check-filename=.chk_file 2025/02/13 22:36:27 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndpu63: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:36:31 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:36:31 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:36:31 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:36:31 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:36:31 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:36:32 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:36:32 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:36:32 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:36:32 INFO : Found 2 matching ".chk_file" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:36:32 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:36:32 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:36:32 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_filename/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_filename/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:36:32 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST check_filename PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_sync 2025/02/13 22:36:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1" 2025/02/13 22:36:42 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:36:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2" 2025/02/13 22:36:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2" 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_sync/initial" 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_sync-fadunas4" 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_sync-fadunas4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_sync-fadunas4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_check_sync/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_sync-nojohug9" 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_sync-nojohug9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_sync-nojohug9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: md5 = fdb18e0dff6961813e12c57227d2e854 OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst.c670fe74.partial: renamed to: _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: md5 = d6ce44a26af9c2110b1750fe88dc4b69 OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst.c670fe74.partial: renamed to: _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:36:43 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:36:43 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_check_sync-fadunas4 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:43 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:43 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:43 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:36:44 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:36:50 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndqhb9: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:50 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:50 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:50 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:36:51 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndqh3o: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:51 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:51 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:51 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndqh6n: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:51 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:51 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:52 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:36:52 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:36:54 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndqhwj: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:36:56 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndqhwj: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:36:56 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndqpie: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:56 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:56 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:56 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndqnda: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:56 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:56 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:56 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:36:56 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndqpcc: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:36:56 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:36:56 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:36:57 DEBUG : file8.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:36:58 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndqhwj: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:37:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:37:00 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:37:02 INFO : file8.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndquy3: Moved (server-side) to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:37:02 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:37:02 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:37:02 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndqt00: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:37:02 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:37:02 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:37:02 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2' 2025/02/13 22:37:03 NOTICE: (01) : test check-sync 2025/02/13 22:37:03 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:37:03 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:37:08 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndr0nj: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:37:12 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:37:12 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:37:12 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:37:12 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:37:12 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:37:14 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:37:14 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:37:14 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:37:14 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:37:14 NOTICE: (04) : test 1. run check-sync-only on a clean sync 2025/02/13 22:37:14 NOTICE: (05) : bisync check-sync-only 2025/02/13 22:37:21 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndrb4e: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:37:25 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:37:25 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:37:25 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:37:25 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:37:25 NOTICE: (06) : test 2. inject modified listings into the workdir 2025/02/13 22:37:25 NOTICE: (07) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_sync-nojohug9/_testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst /tmp/222506di/workdir/ tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path1.lst 2025/02/13 22:37:25 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path1.lst: Copied (replaced existing) to: tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path1.lst 2025/02/13 22:37:25 NOTICE: (08) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_check_sync-nojohug9/_testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst /tmp/222506di/workdir/ tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path2.lst 2025/02/13 22:37:25 INFO : _testdir_path1.._testdir_path2.path2.lst: Copied (replaced existing) to: tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path2.lst 2025/02/13 22:37:25 NOTICE: (09) : test 3. run check-sync-only on modified listings 2025/02/13 22:37:25 NOTICE: (10) : bisync check-sync-only 2025/02/13 22:37:29 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndrmpq: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:37:33 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:37:33 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:37:33 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:37:33 ERROR : -  Path1 file not found in Path2 - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:37:33 ERROR : -  Path2 file not found in Path1 - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:37:33 ERROR : Bisync critical error: path1 and path2 are out of sync, run --resync to recover 2025/02/13 22:37:33 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:37:33 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:37:33 NOTICE: (11) : copy-listings check-sync-only 2025/02/13 22:37:33 NOTICE: (12) : test 4. run normal sync to check that it aborts 2025/02/13 22:37:33 NOTICE: (13) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:37:41 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndrvxs: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:37:45 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:37:45 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:37:45 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:37:45 ERROR : Bisync critical error: cannot find prior Path1 or Path2 listings, likely due to critical error on prior run Tip: here are the filenames we were looking for. Do they exist? Path1: /tmp/222506di/workdir/tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path1.lst Path2: /tmp/222506di/workdir/tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path2.lst Try running this command to inspect the work dir: rclone lsl "/tmp/222506di/workdir" 2025/02/13 22:37:45 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:37:45 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:37:45 NOTICE: (14) : test 5. prune failure listings after critical abort 2025/02/13 22:37:45 NOTICE: (15) : delete-glob /tmp/222506di/workdir/ *.lst 2025/02/13 22:37:45 NOTICE: (16) : delete-glob /tmp/222506di/workdir/ *.lst-err 2025/02/13 22:37:45 INFO : tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path1.lst-err: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:37:45 INFO : tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path2.lst-err: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:37:45 NOTICE: (17) : delete-glob /tmp/222506di/workdir/ *.lst-new 2025/02/13 22:37:45 INFO : tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path1.lst-new: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:37:45 INFO : tmp_222506di_check_sync_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_check_sync_path2.path2.lst-new: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:37:45 NOTICE: (18) : test 6. run resync 2025/02/13 22:37:45 NOTICE: (19) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:37:51 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nds67s: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:37:54 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:37:54 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:37:54 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:37:54 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:37:54 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:37:55 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:37:56 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:37:56 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:37:56 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:37:56 NOTICE: (20) : test 7. run normal sync with check-sync enabled (default) 2025/02/13 22:37:56 NOTICE: (21) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:38:01 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndshsz: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:38:05 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:38:05 NOTICE: (22) : test 8. run normal sync with no-check-sync 2025/02/13 22:38:05 NOTICE: (23) : bisync no-check-sync 2025/02/13 22:38:10 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndsqll: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:38:14 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:38:14 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:38:14 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/check_sync/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/check_sync/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:38:14 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:38:14 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:38:14 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:38:14 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:38:14 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:38:14 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST check_sync PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/compare_all 2025/02/13 22:38:25 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1" 2025/02/13 22:38:25 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2" 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2" 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_compare_all/initial" 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_compare_all-tokijoh6" 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_compare_all-tokijoh6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_compare_all-tokijoh6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_compare_all/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6" 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/02/13 22:38:26 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:26 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:38:27 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:38:27 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_compare_all-tokijoh6 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:38:27 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:27 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:27 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:27 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:27 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:27 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:27 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:27 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:27 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:27 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:38:27 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:38:31 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:38:34 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndtc2w: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:34 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:38:35 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndtcjk: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:35 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:35 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:38:36 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndtgm9: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:36 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:36 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:37 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:38:37 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndtcbn: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:38:39 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndtj54: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:39 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:39 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:39 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:38:39 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndtcbn: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:38:41 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndtkm0: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:41 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:41 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:41 DEBUG : file8.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:38:41 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndtcbn: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:38:44 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:38:44 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:45 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndto2m: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:45 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:45 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:45 INFO : file8.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndtqz2: Moved (server-side) to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:45 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:45 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:49 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndtmnu: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:38:49 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:38:49 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:38:49 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2' 2025/02/13 22:38:50 NOTICE: (01) : test changes compare-all 2025/02/13 22:38:50 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:38:50 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync compare-all 2025/02/13 22:38:55 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndtziu: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:38:59 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": true, "HashType1": 1, "HashType2": 1, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": true } 2025/02/13 22:38:59 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:38:59 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:38:59 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:39:00 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:39:00 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:39:00 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:39:00 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:39:00 NOTICE: (04) : test make modifications on both paths 2025/02/13 22:39:00 NOTICE: (05) : test new on path2 - file10 2025/02/13 22:39:00 NOTICE: (06) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/file10.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:39:05 INFO : file10.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndua6s: Moved (server-side) to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:05 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:39:05 NOTICE: (07) : test newer on path2 - file1 2025/02/13 22:39:05 NOTICE: (08) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/file1.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:39:18 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:39:20 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nduhfb: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:20 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:39:20 NOTICE: (09) : test new on path1 - file11 2025/02/13 22:39:20 NOTICE: (10) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/file11.txt /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:39:20 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:39:20 NOTICE: (11) : test newer on path1 - file2 2025/02/13 22:39:20 NOTICE: (12) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/file2.txt /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:39:20 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:39:20 NOTICE: (13) : test deleted on path2 - file3 2025/02/13 22:39:20 NOTICE: (14) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:24 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:39:24 NOTICE: (15) : test deleted on path1 - file4 2025/02/13 22:39:24 NOTICE: (16) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:24 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:39:24 NOTICE: (17) : test deleted on both paths - file8 2025/02/13 22:39:24 NOTICE: (18) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:24 INFO : file8.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:39:24 NOTICE: (19) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:28 INFO : file8.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:39:28 NOTICE: (20) : test changed on both paths - file5 (file5R, file5L) 2025/02/13 22:39:28 NOTICE: (21) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/ file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:28 NOTICE: (22) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/file5R.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:36 INFO : file5.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:39:37 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndv2dr: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:37 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:37 NOTICE: (23) : touch-glob 2001-03-04 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/ file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:37 NOTICE: (24) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/file5L.txt /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:37 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:37 NOTICE: (25) : test newer on path2 and deleted on path1 - file6 2025/02/13 22:39:37 NOTICE: (26) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/file6.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:39:45 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:39:47 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndvbau: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:47 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:39:47 NOTICE: (27) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:47 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:39:47 NOTICE: (28) : test newer on path1 and deleted on path2 - file7 2025/02/13 22:39:47 NOTICE: (29) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_compare_all-yujuful6/file7.txt /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:39:47 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:39:47 NOTICE: (30) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:39:51 INFO : file7.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:39:51 NOTICE: (31) : test bisync run 2025/02/13 22:39:51 NOTICE: (32) : bisync compare-all 2025/02/13 22:39:56 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndvojs: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:40:00 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": true, "HashType1": 1, "HashType2": 1, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": true } 2025/02/13 22:40:00 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:40:00 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path1 File is new - file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : Path1: 7 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  3 deleted 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller,  3 hash differs) 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer), hash - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path2 File is new - file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : Path2: 7 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  3 deleted 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller,  3 hash differs) 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 NOTICE: - WARNING New or changed in both paths - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:01 NOTICE: - Path1 Renaming Path1 copy - /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:40:01 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:40:01 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:40:01 NOTICE: - Path2 Renaming Path2 copy - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:40:04 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : file5.txt.conflict2: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:40:04 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:40:13 INFO : file5.txt.conflict1.rclone_chunk.001_ndw6e8: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:40:13 INFO : file5.txt.conflict1: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:13 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndw571: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:13 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:16 INFO : file11.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndw5k0: Moved (server-side) to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:16 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:16 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:40:18 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndw57l: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:18 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:40:21 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:40:21 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:40:21 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/compare_all/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/compare_all/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:40:21 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST compare_all PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/concurrent 2025/02/13 22:40:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1" 2025/02/13 22:40:32 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:40:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2" 2025/02/13 22:40:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2" 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_concurrent/initial" 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_concurrent-daqinul1" 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_concurrent-daqinul1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_concurrent-daqinul1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_concurrent/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_concurrent-vuqekox9" 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : dummy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : dummy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : dummy.txt.c38ef0f8.partial: renamed to: dummy.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : dummy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_concurrent-vuqekox9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_concurrent-vuqekox9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file1.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file11.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5L.txt.816264c5.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file2.txt.3e46d057.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5R.txt.816264c5.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file10.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file6.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file7.txt.18606b58.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:40:33 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:40:33 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_concurrent-daqinul1 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:33 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:33 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:40:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:40:35 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:40:35 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:40:41 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndww5m: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:41 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:41 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:42 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:40:44 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndwvnt: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:40:45 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndwwvk: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:45 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:45 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:45 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:40:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndwvnt: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:40:48 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndwv11: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:48 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:48 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:48 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:40:48 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndx3w6: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:48 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:48 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:48 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:40:48 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndwvnt: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:40:51 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndx6cu: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:51 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:51 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:51 DEBUG : file8.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:40:51 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:40:51 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:53 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndx9ay: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:53 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:53 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:54 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndx91s: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:54 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:54 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:57 INFO : file8.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndxc0y: Moved (server-side) to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:40:57 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:40:57 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:40:57 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2' 2025/02/13 22:40:58 NOTICE: (01) : test concurrent 2025/02/13 22:40:58 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:40:58 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:41:02 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndxj4j: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:41:05 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:41:05 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:41:05 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:41:05 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:41:05 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:41:06 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:41:07 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:41:07 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:41:07 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:41:07 NOTICE: (04) : test changed on one path - file1 2025/02/13 22:41:07 NOTICE: (05) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_concurrent-vuqekox9/ file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:07 NOTICE: (06) : touch-glob 2023-08-26 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_concurrent-vuqekox9/ file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:07 NOTICE: (07) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_concurrent-vuqekox9/file5R.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:14 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:41:16 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndxs03: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:16 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:16 NOTICE: (08) : test bisync with file changed during 2025/02/13 22:41:16 NOTICE: (09) : concurrent-func 2025/02/13 22:41:16 NOTICE: (10) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:41:22 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndy1fx: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : Path2: 1 changes:  0 new,  1 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : (Modified:  1 newer,  0 older,  1 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:26 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:41:33 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:41:35 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndybc3: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:35 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:36 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:41:36 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:41:36 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:41:36 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:41:36 NOTICE: (11) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:41:40 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndyl99: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/concurrent/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/concurrent/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:41:44 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST concurrent PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/createemptysrcdirs 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1" 2025/02/13 22:41:58 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2" 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2" 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_createemptysrcdirs/initial" 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-berugih3" 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:58 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-berugih3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-berugih3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:58 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:41:58 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:58 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:58 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:58 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:58 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_createemptysrcdirs/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3" 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : placeholder.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:58 DEBUG : placeholder.txt.4db661ca.partial: renamed to: placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:58 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:59 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:41:59 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:41:59 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_createemptysrcdirs-berugih3 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:59 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:59 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:59 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:41:59 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:59 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:59 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:41:59 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:41:59 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:41:59 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:42:00 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:42:00 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:42:00 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:42:00 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:42:06 INFO : file1.copy2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndz9c7: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:06 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:42:06 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:42:06 INFO : file1.copy3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndz9g9: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:06 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:42:06 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:42:06 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:42:06 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:42:07 INFO : file1.copy1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndz9n4: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:07 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:42:07 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:42:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:42:10 INFO : file1.copy4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndzfm8: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:10 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:42:10 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:42:13 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndzheq: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:13 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:42:13 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:42:13 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ndz9fi: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:42:14 INFO : file1.copy5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ndzf3d: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:14 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:42:14 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:42:17 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ndz9fi: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:42:18 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ndz9fi: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:42:21 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:42:21 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:42:21 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2' 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (01) : test createemptysrcdirs 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (03) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/ placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (04) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:22 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (05) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:22 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (06) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:22 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (07) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:22 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (08) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:22 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (09) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:22 INFO : placeholder.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:22 NOTICE: (10) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:42:27 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ndzvyo: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:42:30 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:42:30 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:42:30 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:42:30 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:42:30 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:42:31 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:42:31 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:31 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:31 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:31 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:32 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:32 INFO : file1.txt: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:42:32 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:42:32 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:42:32 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:42:32 NOTICE: (11) : test 1. Create an empty dir on Path1 by creating subdir/placeholder.txt and then deleting the placeholder 2025/02/13 22:42:32 NOTICE: (12) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ subdir/placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:32 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: subdir/placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:32 NOTICE: (13) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ subdir 2025/02/13 22:42:32 NOTICE: (14) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/subdir/placeholder.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:32 INFO : placeholder.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:42:32 NOTICE: (15) : test 2. Run bisync without --create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:42:32 NOTICE: (16) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:42:38 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne0651: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:42:42 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:42:42 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:42:42 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:42:42 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:42:42 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:42:43 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:42:43 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:42:43 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:42:43 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:42:43 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:42:43 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:42:43 NOTICE: (17) : test 3. Confirm the subdir exists only on Path1 and not Path2 2025/02/13 22:42:43 NOTICE: (18) : list-dirs /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:42:43 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:42:43 NOTICE: (19) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:42:43 NOTICE: (20) : test 4.Run bisync WITH --create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:42:43 NOTICE: (21) : bisync create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:42:48 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne0gxt: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:42:52 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:42:52 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:42:52 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:42:52 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:42:52 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:42:53 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:42:53 INFO : - Path1 File is new - subdir 2025/02/13 22:42:53 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  1 new,  0 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:42:53 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:42:53 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:42:53 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/subdir 2025/02/13 22:42:53 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:42:53 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (22) : test 5. Confirm the subdir exists on both paths 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (23) : list-dirs /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (24) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (25) : test 6. Delete the empty dir on Path1 using purge-children (and also add files so the path isn't empty) 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (26) : purge-children /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : subdir: Removing directory 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (27) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (28) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (29) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (30) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (31) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (32) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (33) : test 7. Run bisync without --create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:42:54 NOTICE: (34) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:43:00 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne0sgh: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:43:03 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:43:03 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:43:03 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:43:03 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - subdir 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : Path1: 2 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  2 deleted 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - subdir 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : Path2: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:43:04 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:43:18 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:43:18 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:43:18 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:43:18 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:43:18 NOTICE: (35) : test 8. Confirm the subdir exists only on Path2 and not Path1 2025/02/13 22:43:18 NOTICE: (36) : list-dirs /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:43:18 NOTICE: (37) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:43:18 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:43:19 NOTICE: (38) : test 9. Reset, do the delete again, and run bisync WITH --create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:43:19 NOTICE: (39) : bisync resync create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:43:27 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne1g7s: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:43:31 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:43:31 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:43:31 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:43:31 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:43:31 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:43:31 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2025-02-13T22:42:53Z) 2025/02/13 22:43:32 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:43:32 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:43:32 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:43:32 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:43:32 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:43:32 NOTICE: (40) : list-dirs /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:43:32 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:43:32 NOTICE: (41) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: (42) : purge-children /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:43:33 INFO : subdir: Removing directory 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: (43) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: (44) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: (45) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: (46) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: (47) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: (48) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_createemptysrcdirs-vabewov3/placeholder.txt /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 INFO : placeholder.txt: Copied (new) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: (49) : list-dirs /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: (50) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:43:33 NOTICE: subdir/ - filename hash: 86ae37b338459868804e9697025ba4c2 2025/02/13 22:43:34 NOTICE: (51) : bisync create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:43:39 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne1vc4: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:43:43 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:43:43 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:43:43 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:43:43 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:43:44 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:43:44 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - subdir 2025/02/13 22:43:44 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:43:44 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:43:44 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:43:44 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/subdir 2025/02/13 22:43:44 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:43:44 INFO : subdir: Removing directory 2025/02/13 22:43:48 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:43:48 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:43:48 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:43:48 NOTICE: (52) : test 10. Confirm the subdir has been removed on both paths 2025/02/13 22:43:48 NOTICE: (53) : list-dirs /tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:43:48 NOTICE: (54) : list-dirs TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:43:49 NOTICE: (55) : test 11. bisync again (because if we leave subdir in listings, test will fail due to mismatched modtime) 2025/02/13 22:43:49 NOTICE: (56) : bisync create-empty-src-dirs 2025/02/13 22:43:54 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne2alj: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/createemptysrcdirs/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:43:57 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST createemptysrcdirs PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/dry_run 2025/02/13 22:44:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1" 2025/02/13 22:44:06 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2" 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2" 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_dry_run/initial" 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_dry_run-juxaboz5" 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_dry_run-juxaboz5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_dry_run-juxaboz5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_dry_run/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2" 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file2.txt.f8ac1735.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file5L.txt.c32cc336.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file5R.txt.aa998d0a.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file11.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file6.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file7.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:44:07 DEBUG : file10.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:07 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:07 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:44:08 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:44:08 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_dry_run-juxaboz5 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:44:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:08 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:08 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:08 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:08 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:08 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:08 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:08 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:08 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:44:08 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:44:14 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne2tji: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:14 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:14 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:14 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne2tug: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:14 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:14 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:14 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne2tfu: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:14 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:14 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:14 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:44:14 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:44:14 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:44:18 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ne2tyv: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:44:19 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne2zf2: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:19 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:19 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:19 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:44:20 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ne2tyv: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:44:21 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne2z70: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:21 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:21 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:22 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne2zrb: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:22 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:22 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:24 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne34tq: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:24 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:44:24 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:25 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ne2tyv: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:44:31 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:44:31 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:31 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2' 2025/02/13 22:44:32 NOTICE: (01) : test dry-run 2025/02/13 22:44:32 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:44:32 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:44:36 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne3h08: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:44:40 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:44:40 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:44:40 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:44:40 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:44:40 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:44:40 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:44:41 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:44:41 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:44:41 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:44:41 NOTICE: (04) : test new on path2 - file10 2025/02/13 22:44:41 NOTICE: (05) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/file10.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:44:46 INFO : file10.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne3qqv: Moved (server-side) to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:46 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:46 NOTICE: (06) : test newer on path2 - file1 2025/02/13 22:44:46 NOTICE: (07) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/file1.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:44:53 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:44:55 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne3v9d: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:55 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:44:55 NOTICE: (08) : test new on path1 - file11 2025/02/13 22:44:55 NOTICE: (09) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/file11.txt /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:44:55 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:44:55 NOTICE: (10) : test newer on path1 - file2 2025/02/13 22:44:55 NOTICE: (11) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/file2.txt /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:44:55 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:44:55 NOTICE: (12) : test deleted on path2 - file3 2025/02/13 22:44:55 NOTICE: (13) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:59 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:44:59 NOTICE: (14) : test deleted on path1 - file4 2025/02/13 22:44:59 NOTICE: (15) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:59 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:44:59 NOTICE: (16) : test changed on path2 and on path1 - file5 (file5R, file5L) 2025/02/13 22:44:59 NOTICE: (17) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/ file5R.txt 2025/02/13 22:44:59 NOTICE: (18) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/file5R.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:13 INFO : file5.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:45:15 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne48p7: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:15 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:15 NOTICE: (19) : touch-glob 2001-03-04 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/ file5L.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:15 NOTICE: (20) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/file5L.txt /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:15 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:15 NOTICE: (21) : test newer on path2 and deleted on path1 - file6 2025/02/13 22:45:15 NOTICE: (22) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/file6.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:45:22 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:45:23 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne4odb: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:23 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:45:23 NOTICE: (23) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:23 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:45:23 NOTICE: (24) : test newer on path1 and deleted on path2 - file7 2025/02/13 22:45:23 NOTICE: (25) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_dry_run-tekamus2/file7.txt /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/ 2025/02/13 22:45:23 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:45:23 NOTICE: (26) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:27 INFO : file7.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:45:27 NOTICE: (27) : test sync with dry-run and resync 2025/02/13 22:45:27 NOTICE: (28) : bisync dry-run resync 2025/02/13 22:45:32 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne50js: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:45:36 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:45:36 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:45:36 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:45:36 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:45:36 NOTICE: - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: file4.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 0) 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: file10.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 19) 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: file6.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 19) 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: file3.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 0) 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: file11.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 19) 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: file7.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 19) 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: file1.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 0) 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: file2.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 13) 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: file5.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 39) 2025/02/13 22:45:37 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:45:37 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: (29) : copy-listings dryrun-resync 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: (30) : test sync with dry-run 2025/02/13 22:45:37 NOTICE: (31) : bisync dry-run 2025/02/13 22:45:46 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne5c5f: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:45:49 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:45:49 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:45:49 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:45:49 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 File was deleted - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 File is new - file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : Path1: 6 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  2 deleted 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 File was deleted - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 File is new - file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : Path2: 6 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  2 deleted 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : Checking potential conflicts... 2025/02/13 22:45:50 ERROR : file5.txt: md5 differ 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2': 1 differences found 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2': 1 errors while checking 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : Finished checking the potential conflicts. 1 differences found 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - WARNING New or changed in both paths - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file5.txt: Skipped rename as --dry-run is set 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file5.txt: Skipped rename as --dry-run is set 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file10.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 19) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file6.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 19) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file1.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 19) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file3.txt: Skipped delete as --dry-run is set (size 0) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file11.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 19) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file7.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 19) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file2.txt: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 13) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 NOTICE: file4.txt: Skipped delete as --dry-run is set (size 0) 2025/02/13 22:45:50 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:45:51 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:45:51 NOTICE: (32) : copy-listings dryrun 2025/02/13 22:45:51 NOTICE: (33) : test sync without dry-run 2025/02/13 22:45:51 NOTICE: (34) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:45:56 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne5ozo: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path1 File is new - file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Path1: 6 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  2 deleted 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : - Path2 File is new - file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Path2: 6 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  2 deleted 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : (Modified:  3 newer,  0 older,  3 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:46:00 INFO : Checking potential conflicts... 2025/02/13 22:46:01 ERROR : file5.txt: md5 differ 2025/02/13 22:46:01 NOTICE: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2': 1 differences found 2025/02/13 22:46:01 NOTICE: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2': 1 errors while checking 2025/02/13 22:46:01 INFO : Finished checking the potential conflicts. 1 differences found 2025/02/13 22:46:01 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:01 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:01 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:01 NOTICE: - WARNING New or changed in both paths - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:01 NOTICE: - Path1 Renaming Path1 copy - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:46:01 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:46:01 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:46:01 NOTICE: - Path2 Renaming Path2 copy - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:46:03 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:46:03 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:46:03 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:46:03 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:03 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:03 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:03 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file10.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:03 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:03 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:46:04 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:04 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:04 INFO : file5.txt.conflict2: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:04 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:46:04 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:46:04 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:46:09 INFO : file11.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne61we: Moved (server-side) to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:09 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:09 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne61u4: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:09 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:11 INFO : file5.txt.conflict1.rclone_chunk.001_ne627q: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:46:11 INFO : file5.txt.conflict1: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:12 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:46:13 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne61xi: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:13 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:46:16 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:46:16 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:46:16 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/dry_run/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/dry_run/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:46:16 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST dry_run PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/equal 2025/02/13 22:46:29 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/equal/path1" 2025/02/13 22:46:29 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:46:29 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2" 2025/02/13 22:46:29 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2" 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_equal/initial" 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_equal-wuxanap4" 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_equal-wuxanap4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_equal-wuxanap4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:30 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:30 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:46:30 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_equal/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0" 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1R.txt: md5 = 2b4975bb20f7be674e66d78570ba2fb1 OK 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1R.txt.c0691a20.partial: renamed to: file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:30 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 9fe822ddd1cb81d83aae00fa48239bd3 OK 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt.fbf6b964.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:30 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1L.txt: md5 = ea683c03f780b76a62405456b08ae6fd OK 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1L.txt.a9dc541c.partial: renamed to: file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:30 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:30 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:46:30 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:46:30 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_equal-wuxanap4 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:46:30 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:30 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/equal/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/equal/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:30 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:30 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/equal/path1 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:46:30 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:46:31 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:46:31 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:46:31 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:46:38 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne6szr: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:38 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:46:38 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:38 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne6sur: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:38 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:46:38 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:41 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ne6sx2: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:46:43 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ne6sx2: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:46:45 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ne6sx2: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:46:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:46:47 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:46:47 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2' 2025/02/13 22:46:48 NOTICE: (01) : test equal 2025/02/13 22:46:48 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:46:48 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:46:53 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne790b: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:46:57 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:46:57 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:46:57 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/equal/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:46:57 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:46:57 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:46:57 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:46:58 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:46:58 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/equal/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:46:58 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:46:58 NOTICE: (04) : test changed on both paths and NOT identical - file1 (file1R, file1L) 2025/02/13 22:46:58 NOTICE: (05) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0/ file1R.txt 2025/02/13 22:46:58 NOTICE: (06) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0/file1R.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:10 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:47:12 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne7omf: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:12 INFO : file1R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:12 NOTICE: (07) : touch-glob 2001-03-04 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0/ file1L.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:12 NOTICE: (08) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0/file1L.txt /tmp/222506di/equal/path1/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:12 INFO : file1L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:12 NOTICE: (09) : test changed on both paths and identical - file2 2025/02/13 22:47:12 NOTICE: (10) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0/ file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:12 NOTICE: (11) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0/file2.txt /tmp/222506di/equal/path1/ file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:12 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:47:12 NOTICE: (12) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_equal-cuqibub0/file2.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2/ file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:24 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:47:25 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne80s0: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:25 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:47:25 NOTICE: (13) : test bisync run 2025/02/13 22:47:25 NOTICE: (14) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:47:30 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ne8a2d: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/equal/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Path1: 2 changes:  0 new,  2 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : (Modified:  2 newer,  0 older,  2 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Path2: 2 changes:  0 new,  2 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : (Modified:  2 newer,  0 older,  2 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Checking potential conflicts... 2025/02/13 22:47:34 ERROR : file1.txt: md5 differ 2025/02/13 22:47:34 NOTICE: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2': 1 differences found 2025/02/13 22:47:34 NOTICE: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2': 1 errors while checking 2025/02/13 22:47:34 NOTICE: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2': 1 matching files 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : Finished checking the potential conflicts. 1 differences found 2025/02/13 22:47:34 NOTICE: - WARNING New or changed in both paths - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:34 NOTICE: - Path1 Renaming Path1 copy - /tmp/222506di/equal/path1/file1.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:47:34 INFO : file1.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:47:34 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2/file1.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:47:34 NOTICE: - Path2 Renaming Path2 copy - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2/file1.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:47:37 INFO : file1.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:47:37 INFO : file1.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:47:37 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/equal/path1/file1.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 22:47:37 NOTICE: - WARNING New or changed in both paths - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:37 INFO : Files are equal! Skipping: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:37 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:47:37 INFO : file1.txt.conflict2: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:37 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:47:43 INFO : file1.txt.conflict1.rclone_chunk.001_ne8n9w: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 22:47:43 INFO : file1.txt.conflict1: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:43 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:47:44 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/equal/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/equal/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:47:44 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST equal PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/ext_paths 2025/02/13 22:47:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1" 2025/02/13 22:47:52 DEBUG : Config file has changed externally - reloading 2025/02/13 22:47:52 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2" 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2" 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_ext_paths/initial" 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_ext_paths-hecejuz4" 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-04-17T01:00:03.064427195Z) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試Русский ěáñ", newDst=測試Русский ěáñ 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_ext_paths-hecejuz4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_ext_paths-hecejuz4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_check file 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : 測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_ext_paths/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ext_paths-yemisol8" 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ext_paths-yemisol8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ext_paths-yemisol8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : file1.txt.917a74a1.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:53 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt.1c47c956.partial: renamed to: 測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:53 INFO : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:53 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:47:54 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:47:54 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_ext_paths-hecejuz4 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_check file 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : 測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-04-17T01:00:03.064427195Z) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試Русский ěáñ", newDst=測試Русский ěáñ 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:47:54 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 DEBUG : 測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:54 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:47:55 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:47:55 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:47:55 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:47:55 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:47:57 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:57 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:57 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:47:57 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:47:57 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:48:01 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne94lo: Moved (server-side) to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/02/13 22:48:01 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:48:01 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:01 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne94it: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:48:01 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:48:01 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:01 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:48:01 DEBUG : Русский.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:48:06 INFO : Русский.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne9ai1: Moved (server-side) to: Русский.txt 2025/02/13 22:48:06 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:48:06 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:06 DEBUG : 測試_check file: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:48:10 INFO : 測試_check file.rclone_chunk.001_ne9fqv: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_check file 2025/02/13 22:48:10 DEBUG : 測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:48:10 INFO : 測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:10 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_ne9440: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:48:11 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:48:12 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne9469: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:48:12 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_ne9440: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:48:13 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_ne9469: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:48:14 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_ne9440: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:48:15 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_ne9469: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:48:16 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_ne9469: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 22:48:18 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_ne9469: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 22:48:18 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:48:18 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:18 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:48:19 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_ne9469: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 22:48:20 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne9aav: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:48:21 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_ne9aav: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:48:22 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:48:22 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:22 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:48:23 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_ne9aav: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:48:24 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_ne9aav: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 22:48:25 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne9knt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:48:27 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_ne9knt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:48:28 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_ne9aav: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 22:48:28 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_ne9knt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:48:29 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file.rclone_chunk.001_ne9vc8: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file 2025/02/13 22:48:29 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:48:29 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:29 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_ne9aav: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 22:48:31 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_ne9knt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 22:48:32 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:48:32 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:33 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_ne9knt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 22:48:33 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_ne9rlt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:48:35 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_ne9rlt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:48:37 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_ne9rlt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:48:37 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_ne9knt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 22:48:38 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_ne9rlt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 22:48:39 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:48:39 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:39 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_ne9rlt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 22:48:41 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_ne9rlt: Moved (server-side) to: 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 22:48:43 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error [500 - InternalServerError] Internal Server Error (Ошибка сервера.)) 2025/02/13 22:48:43 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms 2025/02/13 22:48:43 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 15ms 2025/02/13 22:48:43 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 11.25ms 2025/02/13 22:48:44 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 10ms 2025/02/13 22:48:44 DEBUG : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:48:44 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:48:44 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2' 2025/02/13 22:48:49 NOTICE: (01) : test extended-char-paths 2025/02/13 22:48:49 NOTICE: (02) : fix-names /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ/ 2025/02/13 22:48:49 ERROR : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ-rclone-move-dihemux9: Server side directory move failed: rename /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ-rclone-move-dihemux9: no such file or directory 2025/02/13 22:48:49 INFO : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ: Server side directory move failed - fallback to file moves: can't copy directory - destination already exists 2025/02/13 22:48:49 ERROR : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ-rclone-move-dihemux9: error reading source root directory: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:48:49 NOTICE: (03) : fix-names TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ/ 2025/02/13 22:48:51 ERROR : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский ěáñ-rclone-move-zugagat1': Server side directory move failed: couldn't move directory: [404 - DiskNotFoundError] Resource not found. (Не удалось найти запрошенный ресурс.) 2025/02/13 22:48:52 INFO : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский ěáñ/': Server side directory move failed - fallback to file moves: can't copy directory - destination already exists 2025/02/13 22:48:52 ERROR : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский ěáñ-rclone-move-zugagat1': error reading source root directory: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:48:52 NOTICE: (04) : fix-names /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ/測試_check{spc}file 2025/02/13 22:48:52 NOTICE: (05) : fix-names TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ/測試_check{spc}file 2025/02/13 22:48:57 NOTICE: (06) : fix-names /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:48:57 NOTICE: (07) : fix-names TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:48:59 NOTICE: (08) : fix-names /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試_check{spc}file 2025/02/13 22:48:59 NOTICE: (09) : fix-names TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試_check{spc}file 2025/02/13 22:49:03 NOTICE: (10) : fix-names /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ/測試_check{spc}file 2025/02/13 22:49:03 NOTICE: (11) : fix-names TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ/測試_check{spc}file 2025/02/13 22:49:05 NOTICE: (12) : test resync subdirs with extended chars 2025/02/13 22:49:05 NOTICE: (13) : bisync subdir=測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ resync 2025/02/13 22:49:10 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_neb2lu: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский ěáñ/" 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский ěáñ/" 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:49:14 NOTICE: (14) : copy-listings resync 2025/02/13 22:49:14 NOTICE: (15) : test place new files with extended chars on each side 2025/02/13 22:49:14 NOTICE: (16) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ext_paths-yemisol8/ file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:49:14 NOTICE: (17) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ext_paths-yemisol8/file1.txt /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ 測試_file1p1 2025/02/13 22:49:14 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) to: 測試_file1p1 2025/02/13 22:49:14 NOTICE: (18) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ext_paths-yemisol8/file1.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ 測試_file1p2 2025/02/13 22:49:19 INFO : 測試_file1p2.rclone_chunk.001_nebck3: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_file1p2 2025/02/13 22:49:19 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) to: 測試_file1p2 2025/02/13 22:49:19 NOTICE: (19) : test normal sync of subdirs with extended chars 2025/02/13 22:49:19 NOTICE: (20) : bisync subdir=測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ 2025/02/13 22:49:24 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nebhnb: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский ěáñ/" 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : - Path1 File is new - 測試_file1p1 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  1 new,  0 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : - Path2 File is new - 測試_file1p2 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : Path2: 1 changes:  1 new,  0 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский ěáñ/測試_file1p1 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ/測試_file1p2 2025/02/13 22:49:28 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:49:29 INFO : 測試_file1p2: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:49:29 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:49:38 INFO : 測試_file1p1.rclone_chunk.001_nebr7r: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_file1p1 2025/02/13 22:49:38 INFO : 測試_file1p1: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:49:38 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:49:38 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский ěáñ/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/測試Русский ěáñ/" 2025/02/13 22:49:38 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:49:38 NOTICE: (21) : move-listings normal-sync 2025/02/13 22:49:38 NOTICE: (22) : test check-filename with extended chars. check should fail. 2025/02/13 22:49:38 NOTICE: (23) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:49:43 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nebzrh: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:49:47 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:49:47 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:49:47 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:49:47 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:49:47 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:49:47 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:49:48 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:49:49 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:49:49 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:49:49 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:49:49 NOTICE: (24) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/測試Русский{spc}{spc}ěáñ/測試_check{spc}file 2025/02/13 22:49:49 INFO : 測試_check file: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:49:49 NOTICE: (25) : bisync check-access check-filename=測試_check{spc}file 2025/02/13 22:49:54 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_necby3: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:49:58 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:49:58 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:49:58 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:49:58 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:49:58 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:49:59 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:49:59 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file 2025/02/13 22:49:59 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  1 deleted 2025/02/13 22:49:59 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:49:59 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:49:59 ERROR : Access test failed: Path1 count 1, Path2 count 2 - 測試_check file 2025/02/13 22:49:59 ERROR : -  Access test failed: Path2 file not found in Path1 - 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file 2025/02/13 22:49:59 ERROR : Bisync critical error: check file check failed 2025/02/13 22:49:59 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:49:59 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:49:59 NOTICE: (26) : copy-listings check-access-fail 2025/02/13 22:49:59 NOTICE: (27) : test check-filename with extended chars. check should pass. 2025/02/13 22:49:59 NOTICE: (28) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:50:04 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_neckqn: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:50:08 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:50:08 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:50:08 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:50:08 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:50:08 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:50:08 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:50:09 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:50:09 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:50:09 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:50:12 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:50:12 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:50:12 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:50:12 NOTICE: (29) : bisync check-access check-filename=測試_check{spc}file 2025/02/13 22:50:17 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_necxnl: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:50:21 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:50:21 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:50:21 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:50:21 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:50:21 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:50:22 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:50:22 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:50:22 INFO : Checking access health 2025/02/13 22:50:22 INFO : Found 2 matching "測試_check file" files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:50:22 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:50:22 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:50:22 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:50:22 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:50:22 NOTICE: (30) : move-listings check-access-pass 2025/02/13 22:50:22 NOTICE: (31) : test filters-file path with extended chars - masks /fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:50:22 NOTICE: (32) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ext_paths-yemisol8/測試_filtersfile.txt /tmp/222506di/workdir/ 2025/02/13 22:50:22 INFO : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:50:22 NOTICE: (33) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/測試_filtersfile.txt resync 2025/02/13 22:50:29 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ned7mx: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:50:33 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:50:33 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:50:33 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:50:33 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:50:33 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:50:33 INFO : Storing filters file hash to /tmp/222506di/workdir/測試_filtersfile.txt.md5 2025/02/13 22:50:33 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:50:33 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:50:34 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:50:35 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:50:35 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:50:35 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:50:35 NOTICE: (34) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ext_paths-yemisol8/file1.txt /tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/ fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:50:35 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) to: fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:50:35 NOTICE: (35) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:50:39 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nedk3u: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:50:43 INFO : 測試Русский ěáñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:50:43 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:50:43 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:50:43 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:50:43 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:50:43 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:50:44 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:50:44 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:50:44 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:50:44 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:50:44 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ext_paths/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ext_paths/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:50:44 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST ext_paths PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/extended_filenames 2025/02/13 22:51:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1" 2025/02/13 22:51:05 DEBUG : Config file has changed externally - reloading 2025/02/13 22:51:05 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:51:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2" 2025/02/13 22:51:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2" 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_extended_filenames/initial" 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_extended_filenames-vuwaweg1" 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir_with_ࢺ_", newDst=subdir_with_ࢺ_ 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_extended_filenames-vuwaweg1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_extended_filenames-vuwaweg1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy (2).txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file1 - Copy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_extended_filenames/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_extended_filenames-bejuhoz2" 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_extended_filenames-bejuhoz2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_extended_filenames-bejuhoz2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt.f73bbb59.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = 40b811fb5009223b6da573f169619d8e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file2.txt.761be064.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:51:06 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:51:06 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_extended_filenames-vuwaweg1 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir_with_ࢺ_", newDst=subdir_with_ࢺ_ 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy (2).txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1 - Copy.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file1 - Copy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : Русский.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: Русский.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:51:06 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:06 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:51:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:07 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:07 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:09 DEBUG : Русский.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:09 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:09 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:51:09 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:51:09 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:51:12 INFO : file1 - Copy (2).txt.rclone_chunk.001_neeg85: Moved (server-side) to: file1 - Copy (2).txt 2025/02/13 22:51:12 DEBUG : file1 - Copy (2).txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:12 INFO : file1 - Copy (2).txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:12 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:13 INFO : file1 - Copy.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neegp8: Moved (server-side) to: file1 - Copy.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:13 DEBUG : file1 - Copy.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:13 INFO : file1 - Copy.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:14 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:14 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neeg9s: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:14 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:14 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:14 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:16 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neeli8: Moved (server-side) to: file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:16 DEBUG : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:16 INFO : file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:17 DEBUG : Русский.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:20 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_neegki: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:51:21 INFO : Русский.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neeq82: Moved (server-side) to: Русский.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:21 DEBUG : Русский.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:51:21 INFO : Русский.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:21 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:21 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_neegki: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:51:23 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_neegki: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:51:26 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:26 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:26 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:51:31 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neen4v: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:51:33 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_neen4v: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:51:33 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neeni9: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:51:34 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_neen4v: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:51:36 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_neen4v: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 22:51:36 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_neeni9: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:51:37 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neeu75: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:51:38 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_neen4v: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 22:51:39 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_neeu75: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:51:39 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_neeni9: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:51:39 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_neen4v: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 22:51:40 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_neeu75: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:51:41 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neezrs: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:51:41 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_neeni9: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 22:51:42 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_neeu75: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 22:51:42 DEBUG : filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:42 INFO : filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:42 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_neeni9: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 22:51:42 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_neezrs: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:51:43 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_neeu75: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 22:51:44 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_neezrs: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:51:44 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_neeni9: Moved (server-side) to: filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 22:51:45 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_neeu75: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 22:51:45 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_neezrs: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 22:51:47 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_neezrs: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 22:51:48 DEBUG : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:48 INFO : filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:48 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:48 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:48 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_neezrs: Moved (server-side) to: subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 22:51:50 DEBUG : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 22:51:50 INFO : subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:51:50 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2' 2025/02/13 22:51:53 NOTICE: (01) : test extended-filenames 2025/02/13 22:51:53 NOTICE: (02) : fix-names /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1/subdir_with_ࢺ_/ 2025/02/13 22:51:53 NOTICE: (03) : fix-names TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2/subdir_with_ࢺ_/ 2025/02/13 22:51:53 NOTICE: (04) : fix-names /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1/subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:53 NOTICE: (05) : fix-names TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2/subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:56 NOTICE: (06) : fix-names /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1/Русский.txt 2025/02/13 22:51:56 NOTICE: (07) : fix-names TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2/Русский.txt 2025/02/13 22:52:00 NOTICE: (08) : fix-names /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1/file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/02/13 22:52:00 NOTICE: (09) : fix-names TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2/file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt 2025/02/13 22:52:03 NOTICE: (10) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:52:03 NOTICE: (11) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:52:12 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_neg0b0: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:52:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "ě\x81\xfe áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾\u200d♀️💆🏿\u200d♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻\u200d🔧🧑\u200d🔬éö" 2025/02/13 22:52:16 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:52:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "ě\x81\xfe áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾\u200d♀️💆🏿\u200d♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻\u200d🔧🧑\u200d🔬éö" 2025/02/13 22:52:16 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:52:25 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001_negdna: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:52:26 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.002_negdna: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:52:28 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.003_negdna: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:52:36 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001_negsbu: Moved (server-side) to: ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö 2025/02/13 22:52:36 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:01 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001_nehetv: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:53:03 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.002_nehetv: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:53:04 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.003_nehetv: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:53:14 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001_nehsze: Moved (server-side) to: ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö 2025/02/13 22:53:14 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1033: Fs is incapable of running test as the paths produce different results, skipping: extended_filenames (path1: file1 - Copy (2).txtfile1 - Copy (2).txt (BOTH) path2: RCLONE_TESTRCLONE_TEST (RCLONE_TESTRCLONE_TEST)) (fs1: Local file system at /tmp/222506di/extended_filenames/path1 fs2: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/extended_filenames/path2') @@ -1 +1 @@ -file1 - Copy (2).txtfile1 - Copy (2).txt+RCLONE_TESTRCLONE_TEST === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/filters 2025/02/13 22:53:31 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/filters/path1" 2025/02/13 22:53:31 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2" 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2" 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_filters/initial" 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_filters-nulinev0" 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_filters-nulinev0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_filters-nulinev0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_filters/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filters-nuyimad5" 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : fileZ.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filters-nuyimad5: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filters-nuyimad5: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : fileZ.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : fileZ.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 DEBUG : filtersfile.flt.9f8671d3.partial: renamed to: filtersfile.flt 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : fileZ.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:32 INFO : filtersfile.flt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:53:33 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:53:33 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_filters-nulinev0 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/filters/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/filters/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:53:33 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/filters/path1 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:34 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:53:34 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:53:37 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:53:37 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:53:37 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:53:40 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neiju1: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:40 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:40 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:40 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neiju1: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:40 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:40 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:40 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:53:40 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:53:42 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neij6d: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:42 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:42 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:42 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:53:45 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_neijes: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:53:45 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neipac: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:45 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:45 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:45 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neip8c: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:45 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:45 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:45 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:53:45 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:53:47 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_neijes: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:53:47 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neir2h: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:47 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:47 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:48 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_neijes: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:53:50 INFO : subdir/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neiuwy: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:50 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:50 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:51 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:53:51 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:55 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neiugg: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:53:55 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:53:55 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:55 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2' 2025/02/13 22:53:57 NOTICE: (01) : test filters 2025/02/13 22:53:57 NOTICE: (02) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filters-nuyimad5/filtersfile.flt /tmp/222506di/workdir/ 2025/02/13 22:53:57 INFO : filtersfile.flt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:53:57 NOTICE: (03) : test resync to force building of the filters md5 hash 2025/02/13 22:53:57 NOTICE: (04) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.flt resync 2025/02/13 22:54:02 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nej6j8: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:54:07 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:54:07 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:54:07 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:54:07 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:54:07 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.flt 2025/02/13 22:54:07 INFO : Storing filters file hash to /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.flt.md5 2025/02/13 22:54:07 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:54:07 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:54:07 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:54:08 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:54:08 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filters/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:54:08 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:54:08 NOTICE: (05) : copy-listings resync 2025/02/13 22:54:08 NOTICE: (06) : test place new files on the remote 2025/02/13 22:54:08 NOTICE: (07) : touch-glob 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filters-nuyimad5/ fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:08 NOTICE: (08) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filters-nuyimad5/fileZ.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2/ fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:14 INFO : fileZ.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nejiie: Moved (server-side) to: fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:14 INFO : fileZ.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:14 NOTICE: (09) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filters-nuyimad5/fileZ.txt /tmp/222506di/filters/path1/subdir fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:14 INFO : fileZ.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:14 NOTICE: (10) : test bisync with filters-file. path2-side fileZ.txt will be filtered. 2025/02/13 22:54:14 NOTICE: (11) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.flt 2025/02/13 22:54:22 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nejnzf: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:54:26 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:54:26 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:54:26 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:54:26 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filters/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:54:26 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.flt 2025/02/13 22:54:26 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:54:27 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:54:27 INFO : - Path1 File is new - subdir/fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:27 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  1 new,  0 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:54:27 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:54:27 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:54:27 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2/subdir/fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:27 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:54:33 INFO : subdir/fileZ.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nek1cz: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/fileZ.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:33 INFO : subdir/fileZ.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:33 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:54:33 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filters/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filters/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:54:33 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST filters PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/filtersfile_checks 2025/02/13 22:54:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1" 2025/02/13 22:54:45 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:54:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2" 2025/02/13 22:54:45 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2" 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_filtersfile_checks/initial" 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-ramosal9" 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-ramosal9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-ramosal9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_filtersfile_checks/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-vohanan9" 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-vohanan9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-vohanan9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt: md5 = cbf4389cb34d9e160689d1578eb5707f OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt: md5 = 95acc1e3b5beda465d9b2cb32808588c OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : filtersfile.txt.f1af69b0.partial: renamed to: filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : filtersfile2.txt.9f8671d3.partial: renamed to: filtersfile2.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : filtersfile2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:54:46 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:54:46 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_filtersfile_checks-ramosal9 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2021-11-02T05:00:07Z) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:54:46 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:54:46 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1 2025/02/13 22:54:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:47 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:54:47 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:54:47 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:54:47 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:54:49 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:54:49 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:54:49 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:54:50 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:54:53 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nekk90: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:53 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:54:53 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:54 INFO : subdir/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neknjx: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:54 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:54:54 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:55 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nekkma: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:54:55 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:54:55 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:54:56 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_nekkpa: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:54:58 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_nekkpa: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:55:00 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_nekkpa: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:55:03 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:55:03 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:55:03 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2' fstest.go:121: Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:121 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:126 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:145 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:189 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:302 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstest.go:332 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:461 /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/bisync_test.go:356 Error: Should be true Test: TestBisyncLocalRemote/filtersfile_checks Messages: RCLONE_TEST: Modification time difference too big |-220222h55m2s| > 1ns (want 2000-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC vs got 2025-02-13 22:55:02 +0000 UTC) (precision 1ns) 2025/02/13 22:55:04 NOTICE: (01) : test filtersfile-checks 2025/02/13 22:55:04 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:55:04 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:55:10 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nel21y: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:55:14 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:55:14 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:55:14 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:55:14 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:55:14 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:55:14 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:55:14 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:55:16 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Updated modification time in destination 2025/02/13 22:55:16 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:55:16 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:55:16 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:55:16 NOTICE: (04) : test 1. inject filters file in workdir. 2025/02/13 22:55:16 NOTICE: (05) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-vohanan9/filtersfile.txt /tmp/222506di/workdir/ 2025/02/13 22:55:16 INFO : filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:55:16 NOTICE: (06) : test 2. run with filters-file but without md5. should abort. 2025/02/13 22:55:16 NOTICE: (07) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:55:21 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_neldxq: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:55:25 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:55:25 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:55:25 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:55:25 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:55:25 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:55:25 ERROR : Bisync critical error: filters file md5 hash not found (must run --resync): /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:55:25 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:55:25 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:55:25 NOTICE: (08) : test 3. run without filters-file. should be blocked due to prior abort. 2025/02/13 22:55:25 NOTICE: (09) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:55:29 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nelm93: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:55:33 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:55:33 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:55:33 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:55:33 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:55:33 ERROR : Bisync critical error: cannot find prior Path1 or Path2 listings, likely due to critical error on prior run Tip: here are the filenames we were looking for. Do they exist? Path1: /tmp/222506di/workdir/tmp_222506di_filtersfile_checks_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_filtersfile_checks_path2.path1.lst Path2: /tmp/222506di/workdir/tmp_222506di_filtersfile_checks_path1..TestChunkerChunk50bYandex_rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu_222506di_filtersfile_checks_path2.path2.lst Try running this command to inspect the work dir: rclone lsl "/tmp/222506di/workdir" 2025/02/13 22:55:33 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:55:33 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:55:33 NOTICE: (10) : test 4. run with filters-file and resync. 2025/02/13 22:55:33 NOTICE: (11) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt resync 2025/02/13 22:55:39 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nelvi5: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:55:42 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:55:42 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:55:42 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:55:42 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:55:42 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:55:42 INFO : Storing filters file hash to /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt.md5 2025/02/13 22:55:42 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:55:42 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:55:43 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:55:44 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:55:44 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:55:44 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:55:44 NOTICE: (12) : test 5. run with filters-file alone. should run. 2025/02/13 22:55:44 NOTICE: (13) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:55:50 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nem5oh: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:55:53 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:55:53 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:55:53 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:55:53 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:55:53 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:55:53 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:55:54 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:55:54 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:55:54 INFO : No changes found 2025/02/13 22:55:54 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:55:54 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:55:54 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:55:54 NOTICE: (14) : test 6. push changed filters-file to workdir. 2025/02/13 22:55:54 NOTICE: (15) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_filtersfile_checks-vohanan9/filtersfile2.txt /tmp/222506di/workdir/ filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:55:54 INFO : filtersfile2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:55:54 NOTICE: (16) : test 7. run with filters-file alone. should abort. 2025/02/13 22:55:54 NOTICE: (17) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:55:59 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nemf8h: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:56:03 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:56:03 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:56:03 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:56:03 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:56:03 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:03 ERROR : Bisync critical error: filters file has changed (must run --resync): /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:03 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:56:03 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted 2025/02/13 22:56:03 NOTICE: (18) : test 8. run with filters-file and resync and dry-run. should do the dry-run but still cause next non-resync run to abort. 2025/02/13 22:56:03 NOTICE: (19) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt resync dry-run 2025/02/13 22:56:08 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nemoc4: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:56:11 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:56:11 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:56:11 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:56:11 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:56:11 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:11 INFO : Skipped storing filters file hash to /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt.md5 as --dry-run is set 2025/02/13 22:56:11 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:56:11 NOTICE: - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:56:12 NOTICE: - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:56:13 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:56:13 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:56:13 NOTICE: (20) : test 9. run with filters-file alone. should abort. 2025/02/13 22:56:13 NOTICE: (21) : bisync filters-file=/tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:19 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nemyky: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:56:22 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:56:22 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:56:22 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:56:22 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/filtersfile_checks/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:56:22 INFO : Using filters file /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:22 ERROR : Bisync critical error: filters file has changed (must run --resync): /tmp/222506di/workdir/filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:22 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover. 2025/02/13 22:56:22 NOTICE: Bisync error: bisync aborted bisync_test.go:558: TEST filtersfile_checks PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/ignorelistingchecksum 2025/02/13 22:56:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1" 2025/02/13 22:56:33 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2" 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2" 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_ignorelistingchecksum/initial" 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-nubatuq6" 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-nubatuq6: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-nubatuq6: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_ignorelistingchecksum/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-rurisaz8" 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-rurisaz8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-rurisaz8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 22:56:34 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:34 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:34 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:56:34 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:56:35 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-nubatuq6 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : subdir: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : subdir: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "subdir", newDst=subdir 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:56:35 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:35 INFO : subdir: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:56:35 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:56:37 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:56:37 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:56:37 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:56:41 INFO : file1.copy2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nenkva: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy2.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:41 DEBUG : file1.copy2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:41 INFO : file1.copy2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:41 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:56:42 INFO : file1.copy1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nenkgv: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy1.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:42 DEBUG : file1.copy1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:42 INFO : file1.copy1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:42 INFO : file1.copy3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nenktw: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy3.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:42 DEBUG : file1.copy3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:42 INFO : file1.copy3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:43 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:56:43 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:56:47 INFO : file1.copy4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nenqds: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy4.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:47 DEBUG : file1.copy4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:47 INFO : file1.copy4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:47 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:56:47 INFO : file1.copy5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nensrk: Moved (server-side) to: file1.copy5.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:47 DEBUG : file1.copy5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:47 INFO : file1.copy5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:49 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nens5g: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:49 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:49 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:50 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_nenkf9: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:56:52 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_nenkf9: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:56:54 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_nenkf9: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:56:56 INFO : subdir/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nenw8x: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:56:56 DEBUG : subdir/file20.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:56:56 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:57 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:56:57 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:56:57 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2' 2025/02/13 22:56:59 NOTICE: (01) : test basic 2025/02/13 22:56:59 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:56:59 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:57:05 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_neo828: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:57:09 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:57:09 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:57:09 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:57:09 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:57:09 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:57:09 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:57:10 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:57:10 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:57:10 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:57:10 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:57:10 NOTICE: (04) : bisync resync ignore-listing-checksum 2025/02/13 22:57:17 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_neokvv: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:57:20 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:57:20 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:57:20 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:57:20 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:57:20 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:57:21 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:57:22 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:57:22 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:57:22 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:57:22 NOTICE: (05) : test place newer files on both paths 2025/02/13 22:57:22 NOTICE: (06) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-rurisaz8/file1.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2/ 2025/02/13 22:57:30 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:57:32 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neovxu: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:57:32 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:57:32 NOTICE: (07) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_ignorelistingchecksum-rurisaz8/file1.txt /tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1/subdir file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:57:32 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:57:32 NOTICE: (08) : test bisync run 2025/02/13 22:57:32 NOTICE: (09) : bisync ignore-listing-checksum 2025/02/13 22:57:37 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nep5mk: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:57:41 INFO : subdir: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 22:57:41 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:57:41 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:57:41 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : Path1: 1 changes:  0 new,  1 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : (Modified:  1 newer,  0 older,  1 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), time (newer) - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : Path2: 1 changes:  0 new,  1 modified,  0 deleted 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : (Modified:  1 newer,  0 older,  1 larger,  0 smaller) 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2/subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:57:42 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:57:43 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:57:43 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:57:51 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:57:53 INFO : subdir/file20.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nepgdf: Moved (server-side) to: subdir/file20.txt 2025/02/13 22:57:53 INFO : subdir/file20.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 22:57:53 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:57:53 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/ignorelistingchecksum/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:57:53 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST ignorelistingchecksum PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/max_delete_path1 2025/02/13 22:58:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1" 2025/02/13 22:58:04 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2" 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2" 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_max_delete_path1/initial" 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-jitomot2" 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-jitomot2: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-jitomot2: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_max_delete_path1/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-subikit8" 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-subikit8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_max_delete_path1-subikit8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/02/13 22:58:05 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:05 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:05 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:58:06 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:58:06 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_max_delete_path1-jitomot2 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:06 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:06 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:06 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:06 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:06 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:06 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:06 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:06 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:58:06 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:06 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:06 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:58:07 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:58:13 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neq4v7: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:13 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:13 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:13 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neq4gh: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:13 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:13 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:13 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:58:13 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:58:14 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neq45h: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:14 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:14 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:14 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:58:16 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neq4gc: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:16 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:16 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:16 DEBUG : file8.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:58:18 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neqaau: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:18 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:18 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:18 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neqam6: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:18 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:18 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:18 DEBUG : file9.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:58:18 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neqbaw: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:18 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:18 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:23 INFO : file8.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neqd3d: Moved (server-side) to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:23 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:58:23 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:28 INFO : file9.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neqf1b: Moved (server-side) to: file9.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:58:29 INFO : file9.txt.rclone_chunk.002_neqf1b: Moved (server-side) to: file9.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:58:31 INFO : file9.txt.rclone_chunk.003_neqf1b: Moved (server-side) to: file9.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:58:33 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:58:33 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:58:33 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2' 2025/02/13 22:58:34 NOTICE: (01) : test max-delete-path1 2025/02/13 22:58:34 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:58:34 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:58:39 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_neqv9x: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:58:42 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:58:42 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:58:42 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:58:42 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 22:58:42 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 22:58:43 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:58:43 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 22:58:43 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:58:43 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 22:58:43 NOTICE: (04) : test delete >50% of local files 2025/02/13 22:58:43 NOTICE: (05) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:43 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:58:43 NOTICE: (06) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:43 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:58:43 NOTICE: (07) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:43 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:58:43 NOTICE: (08) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:43 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:58:43 NOTICE: (09) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:43 INFO : file5.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:58:43 NOTICE: (10) : test sync should fail due to too many local deletes 2025/02/13 22:58:43 NOTICE: (11) : bisync 2025/02/13 22:58:49 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_ner4pd: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : Path1: 5 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  5 deleted 2025/02/13 22:58:53 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:58:53 ERROR : Safety abort: too many deletes (>50%, 5 of 9) on Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/". Run with --force if desired. 2025/02/13 22:58:53 NOTICE: Bisync aborted. Please try again. 2025/02/13 22:58:53 NOTICE: Bisync error: too many deletes 2025/02/13 22:58:53 NOTICE: (12) : copy-listings initial-fail 2025/02/13 22:58:53 NOTICE: (13) : test change max-delete limit to 60%. sync should run. 2025/02/13 22:58:53 NOTICE: (14) : bisync max-delete=60 2025/02/13 22:58:59 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nerezy: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : Path1: 5 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  5 deleted 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:04 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 22:59:08 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:59:08 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:59:08 INFO : file5.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:59:08 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:59:08 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 22:59:08 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 22:59:08 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path1/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path1/path2/" 2025/02/13 22:59:08 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST max_delete_path1 PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/max_delete_path2_force 2025/02/13 22:59:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1" 2025/02/13 22:59:17 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 22:59:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2" 2025/02/13 22:59:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2" 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_max_delete_path2_force/initial" 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-bogafib9" 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-bogafib9: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-bogafib9: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_max_delete_path2_force/modfiles" 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-guwajen1" 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : hold.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-guwajen1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_max_delete_path2_force-guwajen1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : hold.txt: md5 = 628c2241b6ba4e313ef08bdfcf1cd964 OK 2025/02/13 22:59:18 DEBUG : hold.txt.627e309f.partial: renamed to: hold.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:18 INFO : hold.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:18 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:59:19 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 22:59:19 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_max_delete_path2_force-bogafib9 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:19 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:19 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:19 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:19 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:19 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:19 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:19 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file9.txt.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: file9.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:19 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:19 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:19 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:19 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file9.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:59:20 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:59:25 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nes54l: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:25 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:25 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:25 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:59:26 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nes5vl: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:26 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:26 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:26 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:59:28 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nes5ee: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:28 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:28 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:28 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:59:30 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nes5nl: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:30 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:30 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:30 DEBUG : file8.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:59:31 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nesapm: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:31 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:31 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:32 DEBUG : file9.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 22:59:32 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nesbho: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:32 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:32 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:34 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nesd00: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:34 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:34 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:37 INFO : file8.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nesfo9: Moved (server-side) to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 22:59:37 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 22:59:37 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:41 INFO : file9.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nesh7y: Moved (server-side) to: file9.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 22:59:44 INFO : file9.txt.rclone_chunk.002_nesh7y: Moved (server-side) to: file9.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 22:59:45 INFO : file9.txt.rclone_chunk.003_nesh7y: Moved (server-side) to: file9.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 22:59:48 DEBUG : file9.txt: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 22:59:48 INFO : file9.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 22:59:48 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2' 2025/02/13 22:59:48 NOTICE: (01) : test max-delete-path2-force 2025/02/13 22:59:48 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 22:59:48 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 22:59:55 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nesy1j: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 23:00:00 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 23:00:00 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 23:00:00 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/" 2025/02/13 23:00:00 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 23:00:00 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 23:00:00 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 23:00:00 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 23:00:00 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/" 2025/02/13 23:00:00 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 23:00:00 NOTICE: (04) : test delete >50% of remote files 2025/02/13 23:00:00 NOTICE: (05) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:04 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:04 NOTICE: (06) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:09 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:09 NOTICE: (07) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:13 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:13 NOTICE: (08) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:17 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:17 NOTICE: (09) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:21 INFO : file5.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:21 NOTICE: (10) : test sync should fail due to too many path2 deletes 2025/02/13 23:00:21 NOTICE: (11) : bisync 2025/02/13 23:00:26 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_netu7e: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/" 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:31 INFO : Path2: 5 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  5 deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:31 ERROR : Safety abort: too many deletes (>50%, 5 of 9) on Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/". Run with --force if desired. 2025/02/13 23:00:31 NOTICE: Bisync aborted. Please try again. 2025/02/13 23:00:31 NOTICE: Bisync error: too many deletes 2025/02/13 23:00:31 NOTICE: (12) : copy-listings initial-fail 2025/02/13 23:00:31 NOTICE: (13) : test apply force option. sync should run. 2025/02/13 23:00:31 NOTICE: (14) : bisync force 2025/02/13 23:00:39 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_neu4p5: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : Setting --ignore-listing-checksum as neither --checksum nor --compare checksum are set. 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": true, "Size": true, "Checksum": false, "HashType1": 0, "HashType2": 0, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": false } 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/" 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : Path2: 5 changes:  0 new,  0 modified,  5 deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:43 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 23:00:44 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:44 INFO : file5.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:44 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:44 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:44 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:00:44 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 23:00:44 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/max_delete_path2_force/path2/" 2025/02/13 23:00:44 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST max_delete_path2_force PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/nomodtime 2025/02/13 23:00:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1" 2025/02/13 23:00:52 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2" 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2" 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_nomodtime/initial" 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_nomodtime-wosujuf8" 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_nomodtime-wosujuf8: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_nomodtime-wosujuf8: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_nomodtime/modfiles" 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4" 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file10.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file11.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5L.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5R.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file11.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file11.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = fb3ecfb2800400fb01b0bfd39903e9fb OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file2.txt.21f2ec7f.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5L.txt: md5 = 0860a03592626642f8fd6c8bfb447d2a OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5L.txt.9ed658ed.partial: renamed to: file5L.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5R.txt: md5 = 979a803b15d27df0c31ad7d29006d10b OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5R.txt.9ed658ed.partial: renamed to: file5R.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file1.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file6.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file10.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file7.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file10.txt.7d45770.partial: renamed to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 23:00:53 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 23:00:53 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_nomodtime-wosujuf8 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file3.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file4.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file5.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file6.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file2.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file8.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:00:53 DEBUG : file7.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 23:00:53 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:00:53 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file3.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file4.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file5.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file6.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file7.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file8.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file2.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:00:54 DEBUG : file3.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:01:00 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neurda: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:00 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:01:00 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:00 INFO : file3.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neuryo: Moved (server-side) to: file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:00 DEBUG : file3.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:01:00 INFO : file3.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:00 DEBUG : file4.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:01:00 DEBUG : file5.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:01:00 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neuriq: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:00 DEBUG : file2.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:01:00 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:01 DEBUG : file6.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:01:06 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neuyn7: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:06 DEBUG : file6.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:01:06 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:06 DEBUG : file7.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:01:07 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neux4c: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:07 DEBUG : file5.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:01:07 INFO : file5.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:08 DEBUG : file8.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:01:08 INFO : file4.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neuxf9: Moved (server-side) to: file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:08 DEBUG : file4.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:01:08 INFO : file4.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:08 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_neurqi: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 23:01:10 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_neurqi: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 23:01:12 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_neurqi: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 23:01:12 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nev34y: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:12 DEBUG : file7.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:01:12 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:14 INFO : file8.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nev5ze: Moved (server-side) to: file8.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:14 DEBUG : file8.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:01:14 INFO : file8.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:15 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 23:01:15 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:15 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2' 2025/02/13 23:01:16 NOTICE: (01) : test changes 2025/02/13 23:01:16 NOTICE: (02) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 23:01:16 NOTICE: (03) : bisync resync nomodtime 2025/02/13 23:01:20 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nevdqo: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 23:01:24 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": false, "Size": true, "Checksum": true, "HashType1": 1, "HashType2": 1, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": true } 2025/02/13 23:01:24 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/" 2025/02/13 23:01:24 INFO : Copying Path2 files to Path1 2025/02/13 23:01:24 INFO : - Path2 Resync is copying files to - Path1 2025/02/13 23:01:25 INFO : - Path1 Resync is copying files to - Path2 2025/02/13 23:01:26 INFO : Resync updating listings 2025/02/13 23:01:26 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/" 2025/02/13 23:01:26 INFO : Bisync successful 2025/02/13 23:01:26 NOTICE: (04) : test make modifications on both paths 2025/02/13 23:01:26 NOTICE: (05) : test new on path2 - file10 2025/02/13 23:01:26 NOTICE: (06) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4/file10.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/ 2025/02/13 23:01:31 INFO : file10.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nevn4j: Moved (server-side) to: file10.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:31 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:31 NOTICE: (07) : test changed on path2 - file1 2025/02/13 23:01:31 NOTICE: (08) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4/file1.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/ 2025/02/13 23:01:39 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:01:41 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nevtxs: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:41 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 23:01:41 NOTICE: (09) : test new on path1 - file11 2025/02/13 23:01:41 NOTICE: (10) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4/file11.txt /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/ 2025/02/13 23:01:41 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:01:41 NOTICE: (11) : test changed on path1 - file2 2025/02/13 23:01:41 NOTICE: (12) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4/file2.txt /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/ 2025/02/13 23:01:41 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 23:01:41 NOTICE: (13) : test deleted on path2 - file3 2025/02/13 23:01:41 NOTICE: (14) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:47 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:01:47 NOTICE: (15) : test deleted on path1 - file4 2025/02/13 23:01:47 NOTICE: (16) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:47 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:01:47 NOTICE: (17) : test deleted on both paths - file8 2025/02/13 23:01:47 NOTICE: (18) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/file8.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:47 INFO : file8.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:01:47 NOTICE: (19) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/file8.txt 2025/02/13 23:01:51 INFO : file8.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:01:51 NOTICE: (20) : test changed on both paths - file5 (file5R, file5L) 2025/02/13 23:01:51 NOTICE: (21) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4/file5R.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:06 INFO : file5.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:02:08 INFO : file5.txt.rclone_chunk.001_newdwt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:08 INFO : file5R.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:08 NOTICE: (22) : copy-as /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4/file5L.txt /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/ file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:08 INFO : file5L.txt: Copied (replaced existing) to: file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:08 NOTICE: (23) : test changed on path2 and deleted on path1 - file6 2025/02/13 23:02:08 NOTICE: (24) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4/file6.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/ 2025/02/13 23:02:16 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:02:18 INFO : file6.txt.rclone_chunk.001_newuqa: Moved (server-side) to: file6.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:18 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 23:02:18 NOTICE: (25) : delete-file /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:18 INFO : file6.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:02:18 NOTICE: (26) : test changed on path1 and deleted on path2 - file7 2025/02/13 23:02:18 NOTICE: (27) : copy-file /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_nomodtime-cufunis4/file7.txt /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/ 2025/02/13 23:02:18 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 23:02:18 NOTICE: (28) : delete-file TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:22 INFO : file7.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:02:22 NOTICE: (29) : test bisync run 2025/02/13 23:02:22 NOTICE: (30) : bisync nomodtime 2025/02/13 23:02:28 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_nex7bo: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 23:02:32 INFO : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: { "Modtime": false, "Size": true, "Checksum": true, "HashType1": 1, "HashType2": 1, "NoSlowHash": false, "SlowHashSyncOnly": false, "SlowHashDetected": true, "DownloadHash": true } 2025/02/13 23:02:32 INFO : Synching Path1 "/tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/" with Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/" 2025/02/13 23:02:32 INFO : Building Path1 and Path2 listings 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : Path1 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), hash - file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), hash - file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file6.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path1 File changed: size (larger), hash - file7.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path1 File was deleted - file8.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path1 File is new - file11.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : Path1: 7 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  3 deleted 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : (Modified:  3 larger,  0 smaller,  3 hash differs) 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : Path2 checking for diffs 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), hash - file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), hash - file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path2 File changed: size (larger), hash - file6.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file7.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path2 File was deleted - file8.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path2 File is new - file10.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : Path2: 7 changes:  1 new,  3 modified,  3 deleted 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : (Modified:  3 larger,  0 smaller,  3 hash differs) 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : Applying changes 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/file11.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : - Path2 Queue delete - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/file4.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 NOTICE: - WARNING New or changed in both paths - file5.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:33 NOTICE: - Path1 Renaming Path1 copy - /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 23:02:33 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 23:02:33 NOTICE: - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 23:02:33 NOTICE: - Path2 Renaming Path2 copy - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 23:02:36 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 23:02:36 INFO : file5.txt: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 23:02:36 NOTICE: - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/file5.txt.conflict2 2025/02/13 23:02:36 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/file6.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:36 INFO : - Path1 Queue copy to Path2 - TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/file7.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:36 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:36 INFO : - Path2 Queue copy to Path1 - /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/file10.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:36 INFO : - Path1 Queue delete - /tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/file3.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:36 INFO : - Path2 Do queued copies to - Path1 2025/02/13 23:02:37 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 23:02:37 INFO : file6.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:02:37 INFO : file10.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:02:37 INFO : file5.txt.conflict2: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:02:37 INFO : file3.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:02:37 INFO : - Path1 Do queued copies to - Path2 2025/02/13 23:02:43 INFO : file5.txt.conflict1.rclone_chunk.001_nexnqa: Moved (server-side) to: file5.txt.conflict1 2025/02/13 23:02:43 INFO : file5.txt.conflict1: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:02:43 INFO : file7.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nexnmd: Moved (server-side) to: file7.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:43 INFO : file7.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:02:45 INFO : file2.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:02:47 INFO : file2.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nexnli: Moved (server-side) to: file2.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:47 INFO : file2.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 23:02:49 INFO : file11.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nexryk: Moved (server-side) to: file11.txt 2025/02/13 23:02:49 INFO : file11.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:02:52 INFO : file4.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:02:52 INFO : Updating listings 2025/02/13 23:02:52 INFO : Validating listings for Path1 "/tmp/222506di/nomodtime/path1/" vs Path2 "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/nomodtime/path2/" 2025/02/13 23:02:52 INFO : Bisync successful bisync_test.go:558: TEST nomodtime PASSED === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/normalization 2025/02/13 23:03:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/normalization/path1" 2025/02/13 23:03:05 INFO : path2: Making directory 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/normalization/path2" 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/normalization/path2" 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR" 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_normalization/initial" 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/initdir/test_normalization-foreriy1" 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 23:03:06 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ", newDst=測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:06 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_normalization-foreriy1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_normalization-foreriy1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file 2025/02/13 23:03:06 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:06 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:06 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 23:03:06 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:06 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/bisync/testdata/test_normalization/modfiles" 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/222506di/datadir/test_normalization-saqucod0" 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_normalization-saqucod0: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_normalization-saqucod0: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = 7fe98ed88552b828777d8630900346b8 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : file1.txt.925c801f.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:06 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt: md5 = 1cec24a8ae7c33c49693a14d53fd6a96 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:06 DEBUG : 測試_filtersfile.txt.e8d47346.partial: renamed to: 測試_filtersfile.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:06 INFO : 測試_filtersfile.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:07 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 23:03:07 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found 2025/02/13 23:03:07 NOTICE: checking initFs Local file system at /tmp/222506di/initdir/test_normalization-foreriy1 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory with metadata 2025/02/13 23:03:07 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Made directory with metadata (mtime=2024-01-25T05:00:02.874776175Z) 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ", newDst=測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/normalization/path1: Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST.cf9a93ac.partial: renamed to: RCLONE_TEST 2025/02/13 23:03:07 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : file1.txt.5028a97.partial: renamed to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:07 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:07 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file.5028a97.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file 2025/02/13 23:03:07 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.480f4fd7.partial: renamed to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:07 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : Local file system at /tmp/222506di/normalization/path1: Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 23:03:07 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Set directory modification time (using SetModTime) 2025/02/13 23:03:07 NOTICE: checking Path1 Local file system at /tmp/222506di/normalization/path1 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:07 DEBUG : file1.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:07 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ: Making directory 2025/02/13 23:03:08 DEBUG : file1.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:03:08 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:03:10 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:10 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:10 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination 2025/02/13 23:03:10 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/normalization/path2': Waiting for checks to finish 2025/02/13 23:03:10 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/normalization/path2': Waiting for transfers to finish 2025/02/13 23:03:10 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:03:10 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:03:14 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neyhh6: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:14 DEBUG : file1.txt: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:03:14 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:14 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: skip slow MD5 on source file, hashing in-transit 2025/02/13 23:03:18 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001_neyhiv: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 23:03:19 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file.rclone_chunk.001_neyns7: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file 2025/02/13 23:03:19 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e OK 2025/02/13 23:03:19 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/測試_check file: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:21 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002_neyhiv: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 23:03:22 INFO : RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003_neyhiv: Moved (server-side) to: RCLONE_TEST.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 23:03:25 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neyjgu: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 23:03:25 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: md5 = 294d25b294ff26a5243dba914ac3fbf7 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:25 INFO : RCLONE_TEST: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:27 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_neyjgu: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 23:03:28 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001_neyjer: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 23:03:28 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_neyjgu: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 23:03:30 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002_neyjer: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 23:03:30 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_neyjgu: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 23:03:31 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003_neyjer: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 23:03:32 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_neyjgu: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 23:03:35 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_neyjgu: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 23:03:37 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004_neyjer: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.004 2025/02/13 23:03:37 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:37 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ě_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:38 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005_neyjer: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.005 2025/02/13 23:03:40 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006_neyjer: Moved (server-side) to: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt.rclone_chunk.006 2025/02/13 23:03:45 DEBUG : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: md5 = 0033328434f9662a7dae0d1aee7768b6 OK 2025/02/13 23:03:45 INFO : 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ/filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:03:45 NOTICE: checking path2 Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/normalization/path2' 2025/02/13 23:03:47 NOTICE: (01) : test normalization 2025/02/13 23:03:47 NOTICE: (02) : touch-copy 2001-01-02 /tmp/222506di/datadir/test_normalization-saqucod0/file1.txt TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/normalization/path2/ 2025/02/13 23:03:54 INFO : file1.txt: Deleted 2025/02/13 23:03:55 INFO : file1.txt.rclone_chunk.001_nezkfh: Moved (server-side) to: file1.txt 2025/02/13 23:03:55 INFO : file1.txt: Copied (replaced existing) 2025/02/13 23:03:55 NOTICE: (03) : test initial bisync 2025/02/13 23:03:55 NOTICE: (04) : bisync resync 2025/02/13 23:04:01 INFO : modtime_write_test.rclone_chunk.001_neztk8: Moved (server-side) to: modtime_write_test 2025/02/13 23:04:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /tmp/222506di/normalization/path1: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "ě\x81\xfe áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾\u200d♀️💆🏿\u200d♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻\u200d🔧🧑\u200d🔬éö" 2025/02/13 23:04:05 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:04:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /tmp/222506di/normalization/path1: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "ě\x81\xfe áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾\u200d♀️💆🏿\u200d♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻\u200d🔧🧑\u200d🔬éö" 2025/02/13 23:04:05 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:04:16 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001_nf02tn: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 23:04:18 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.002_nf02tn: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 23:04:20 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.003_nf02tn: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 23:04:30 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001_nf0lrj: Moved (server-side) to: ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö 2025/02/13 23:04:30 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö: Copied (new) 2025/02/13 23:05:02 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001_nf18nj: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001 2025/02/13 23:05:04 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.002_nf18nj: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.002 2025/02/13 23:05:07 INFO : ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.003_nf18nj: Moved (server-side) to: ě áñhࢺ_測試Рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.003 2025/02/13 23:05:16 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö.rclone_chunk.001_nf1whs: Moved (server-side) to: ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö 2025/02/13 23:05:16 INFO : ě�� áñhࢺ_測試рускийěáñ👸🏼🧝🏾‍♀️💆🏿‍♂️🐨🤙🏼🤮🧑🏻‍🔧🧑‍🔬éö: Copied (new) bisync_test.go:1033: Fs is incapable of running test as the paths produce different results, skipping: normalization (path1: 測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ (NFC) path2: RCLONE_TESTRCLONE_TEST (RCLONE_TESTRCLONE_TEST)) (fs1: Local file system at /tmp/222506di/normalization/path1 fs2: Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu/222506di/normalization/path2') @@ -1 +1 @@ -測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ測試_Русский_ _ _ě_áñ+RCLONE_TESTRCLONE_TEST === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/rclone_args bisync_test.go:353: test rclone_args timed out - not enough time to start test (4m29.559538566s remaining, need 4m42.835617666s for test) === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/resolve bisync_test.go:353: test resolve timed out - not enough time to start test (4m29.559389878s remaining, need 4m42.835617666s for test) === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync bisync_test.go:353: test resync timed out - not enough time to start test (4m29.559237043s remaining, need 4m42.835617666s for test) === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync_modes bisync_test.go:353: test resync_modes timed out - not enough time to start test (4m29.559095529s remaining, need 4m42.835617666s for test) === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/rmdirs bisync_test.go:353: test rmdirs timed out - not enough time to start test (4m29.558965925s remaining, need 4m42.835617666s for test) === RUN TestBisyncLocalRemote/volatile bisync_test.go:353: test volatile timed out - not enough time to start test (4m29.558832226s remaining, need 4m42.835617666s for test) 2025/02/13 23:05:32 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-batuzid2kiyu': Purge remote --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote (2446.63s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/changes (120.26s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_access (164.74s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_access_filters (282.84s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_filename (128.62s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/check_sync (103.14s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/compare_all (126.62s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/concurrent (85.73s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/createemptysrcdirs (128.60s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/dry_run (142.76s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/equal (83.43s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/ext_paths (192.63s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/extended_filenames (146.31s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/filters (73.48s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote/filtersfile_checks (108.53s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/ignorelistingchecksum (90.52s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/max_delete_path1 (72.93s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/max_delete_path2_force (95.45s) --- PASS: TestBisyncLocalRemote/nomodtime (132.99s) --- SKIP: TestBisyncLocalRemote/normalization (147.05s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote/rclone_args (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote/resolve (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync_modes (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote/rmdirs (0.00s) --- FAIL: TestBisyncLocalRemote/volatile (0.00s) FAIL 2025/02/13 23:05:52 DEBUG : Chunked 'TestChunkerChunk50bYandex:rclone-test-fudopoj9zumi': Purge remote 2025/02/13 23:05:52 NOTICE: purge failed: [404 - DiskNotFoundError] Resource not found. (Не удалось найти запрошенный ресурс.) "./bisync.test -test.v -test.timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestChunkerChunk50bYandex: -verbose -size-limit 1024 -test.run '^TestBisyncLocalRemote$/^(changes|check_access|check_access_filters|check_filename|check_sync|compare_all|concurrent|createemptysrcdirs|dry_run|equal|ext_paths|extended_filenames|filters|filtersfile_checks|ignorelistingchecksum|max_delete_path1|max_delete_path2_force|nomodtime|normalization|rclone_args|resolve|resync|resync_modes|rmdirs|volatile)$|^TestBisyncRemoteLocal$/^(compare_all|createemptysrcdirs|resync|resync_modes|rmdirs|volatile)$'" - Finished ERROR in 55m51.06312473s (try 2/5): exit status 1: Failed [TestBisyncRemoteLocal/createemptysrcdirs TestBisyncLocalRemote/filtersfile_checks TestBisyncLocalRemote/rclone_args TestBisyncLocalRemote/resolve TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync TestBisyncLocalRemote/resync_modes TestBisyncLocalRemote/rmdirs TestBisyncLocalRemote/volatile]