"go test -v -timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestLinkbox: -verbose -test.run '^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsEncoding$/^(URL_encoding|control_chars|dot|dot_dot|leading_CR|leading_HT|leading_LF|leading_VT|leading_space|leading_tilde|punctuation|trailing_CR|trailing_HT|trailing_LF|trailing_VT|trailing_dot|trailing_space)$|^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsPutFiles$|^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsUploadUnknownSize$/^FsUpdateUnknownSize$'" - Starting (try 4/5)
=== RUN TestIntegration
fstests.go:442: Using remote "TestLinkbox:"
2025/02/01 01:55:34 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-viyajal6pifu"
2025/02/01 01:55:34 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf"
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/control_chars
fstests.go:711: testing "␀␁␂␃␄␅␆␇␈␉␊␋␌␍␎␏␐␑␒␓␔␕␖␗␘␙␚␛␜␝␞␟␡"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF3884A1B199C3FE7DA285A3Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGu1PV8fSSYrE/62SoOkxU5JxXQtc=PUT\n\n\n1738382139\nx-amz-cf-id:aUVYTwCUe0S6L8_WDRTCJ_7tgA-BjrwIUi_ad2YAh_oeKl2b-lQ-4A==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/f2b7e575a3b18632c21cb7458ed1a3e2_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 33 39 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 61 55 56 59 54 77 43 55 65 30 53 36 4c 38 5f 57 44 52 54 43 4a 5f 37 74 67 41 2d 42 6a 72 77 49 55 69 5f 61 64 32 59 41 68 5f 6f 65 4b 6c 32 62 2d 6c 51 2d 34 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 66 32 62 37 65 35 37 35 61 33 62 31 38 36 33 32 63 32 31 63 62 37 34 35 38 65 64 31 61 33 65 32 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/control_chars
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot
fstests.go:711: testing "."
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF388DB2B11F4688CC3B40A6Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG3d0fDCASIE+YzmOQFDWxHnIvIWI=PUT\n\n\n1738382141\nx-amz-cf-id:RXw61rsd12TqaYu221346OSpgUG6v-ooxI3kBQM1NE6tjTPrVmpW3w==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/c36e172ac78daa6e680496c4a5e2d51e_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 34 31 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 52 58 77 36 31 72 73 64 31 32 54 71 61 59 75 32 32 31 33 34 36 4f 53 70 67 55 47 36 76 2d 6f 6f 78 49 33 6b 42 51 4d 31 4e 45 36 74 6a 54 50 72 56 6d 70 57 33 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 63 33 36 65 31 37 32 61 63 37 38 64 61 61 36 65 36 38 30 34 39 36 63 34 61 35 65 32 64 35 31 65 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot_dot
fstests.go:711: testing ".."
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF389819B0D3051509E106B3Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGR9NWLLTOnCznIjzaMOha19Zbi44=PUT\n\n\n1738382144\nx-amz-cf-id:-PbG5BXp_nW3gEagHpqQckjaQYtAkwRl-pXmnrsKbsdowYZF2WeQzA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/08aead9f4cc4b11dc4a32ad6499ed069_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 34 34 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 2d 50 62 47 35 42 58 70 5f 6e 57 33 67 45 61 67 48 70 71 51 63 6b 6a 61 51 59 74 41 6b 77 52 6c 2d 70 58 6d 6e 72 73 4b 62 73 64 6f 77 59 5a 46 32 57 65 51 7a 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 30 38 61 65 61 64 39 66 34 63 63 34 62 31 31 64 63 34 61 33 32 61 64 36 34 39 39 65 64 30 36 39 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot_dot
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/punctuation
fstests.go:711: testing "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38A294B01320D7DBD0E3CEZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG6Nfs2JiOlwsG1ChmCrWdGYCcO1s=PUT\n\n\n1738382146\nx-amz-cf-id:JtEJIq6E6aKGqaUy4fwxZXqJk8qdPWbi0prN3hQA31T4XU9o89l9JA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/f089b10701ffb5771a820a3b11b31440_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 34 36 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 4a 74 45 4a 49 71 36 45 36 61 4b 47 71 61 55 79 34 66 77 78 5a 58 71 4a 6b 38 71 64 50 57 62 69 30 70 72 4e 33 68 51 41 33 31 54 34 58 55 39 6f 38 39 6c 39 4a 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 66 30 38 39 62 31 30 37 30 31 66 66 62 35 37 37 31 61 38 32 30 61 33 62 31 31 62 33 31 34 34 30 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/punctuation
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_space
fstests.go:711: testing " leading space"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38ABD7B199C3D680076621Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGd9Z4RIfbIxKKezT6VhZUediDY4c=PUT\n\n\n1738382149\nx-amz-cf-id:-uS7vAkP3soaoJ7w4eacDfYdOOJoRxLkiPwRkjp5STcQggy5-7OkpA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/7c7827a87344d750d1ba4dbe469d16af_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 34 39 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 2d 75 53 37 76 41 6b 50 33 73 6f 61 6f 4a 37 77 34 65 61 63 44 66 59 64 4f 4f 4a 6f 52 78 4c 6b 69 50 77 52 6b 6a 70 35 53 54 63 51 67 67 79 35 2d 37 4f 6b 70 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 37 63 37 38 32 37 61 38 37 33 34 34 64 37 35 30 64 31 62 61 34 64 62 65 34 36 39 64 31 36 61 66 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_space
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_tilde
fstests.go:711: testing "~leading tilde"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38B64DB19B7E12D3D61A44Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGc0K2ien7PUCv0oUKLJU73KFXny8=PUT\n\n\n1738382151\nx-amz-cf-id:bzqxfz_MxZJQm30i0_P2diTtXQvgkcExdiIy75q2w5lM_xWnbYQjWQ==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/d10fda28191c485a23ca84e3cefcd21d_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 35 31 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 62 7a 71 78 66 7a 5f 4d 78 5a 4a 51 6d 33 30 69 30 5f 50 32 64 69 54 74 58 51 76 67 6b 63 45 78 64 69 49 79 37 35 71 32 77 35 6c 4d 5f 78 57 6e 62 59 51 6a 57 51 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 64 31 30 66 64 61 32 38 31 39 31 63 34 38 35 61 32 33 63 61 38 34 65 33 63 65 66 63 64 32 31 64 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_tilde
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_CR
fstests.go:711: testing "␍leading CR"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38BF8EB11ECE7D4A2F4BB8Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGtDAEtg38TSZny5zNE3FmmGN63oo=PUT\n\n\n1738382154\nx-amz-cf-id:Vwg7oT3N9xcKNqX9jZG4in5ysZ9zqfCV79P8C12Z9r8Is4Ox9Mp9jA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/d28121c11972cfd91ad1b5f8c96f53e0_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 35 34 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 56 77 67 37 6f 54 33 4e 39 78 63 4b 4e 71 58 39 6a 5a 47 34 69 6e 35 79 73 5a 39 7a 71 66 43 56 37 39 50 38 43 31 32 5a 39 72 38 49 73 34 4f 78 39 4d 70 39 6a 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 64 32 38 31 32 31 63 31 31 39 37 32 63 66 64 39 31 61 64 31 62 35 66 38 63 39 36 66 35 33 65 30 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_CR
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_LF
fstests.go:711: testing "␊leading LF"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38C8BBB2DF171EAA0ED5E2Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG1+nVjYmZnMJvgM5PMGWuuN1bY2s=PUT\n\n\n1738382156\nx-amz-cf-id:3S0bwRRIZeIYitmhFTHJmhmQ374qBbrAohTKzuXQp1UyoPRy4aNbNA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/6f8751bccd65f337e1827a561c8eaa3f_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 35 36 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 33 53 30 62 77 52 52 49 5a 65 49 59 69 74 6d 68 46 54 48 4a 6d 68 6d 51 33 37 34 71 42 62 72 41 6f 68 54 4b 7a 75 58 51 70 31 55 79 6f 50 52 79 34 61 4e 62 4e 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 36 66 38 37 35 31 62 63 63 64 36 35 66 33 33 37 65 31 38 32 37 61 35 36 31 63 38 65 61 61 33 66 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_LF
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_HT
fstests.go:711: testing "␉leading HT"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38D1ECB19B7E2DD60412D5Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGMvJPc3YpdOtWNEYohtU7P4/HZjo=PUT\n\n\n1738382159\nx-amz-cf-id:7gahcgWBNsyTteBWl6xUChrNFz1iY2yJRXWG6FWEJC83AL4uUy2q2g==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/1cffec69843b257037aaa39bd79050f1_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 35 39 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 37 67 61 68 63 67 57 42 4e 73 79 54 74 65 42 57 6c 36 78 55 43 68 72 4e 46 7a 31 69 59 32 79 4a 52 58 57 47 36 46 57 45 4a 43 38 33 41 4c 34 75 55 79 32 71 32 67 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 31 63 66 66 65 63 36 39 38 34 33 62 32 35 37 30 33 37 61 61 61 33 39 62 64 37 39 30 35 30 66 31 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_HT
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_VT
fstests.go:711: testing "␋leading VT"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38DC62B0167CA4A1B96849Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG83qC8+S/FsTnYe/o8yvKfReasxw=PUT\n\n\n1738382161\nx-amz-cf-id:8aZOYWOChWtp6O9721793gCTo25nEZbDLc0_XKrQDAJvfmedz5NbBw==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/5da9b94a73b3bb4b8990824e91341270_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 36 31 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 38 61 5a 4f 59 57 4f 43 68 57 74 70 36 4f 39 37 32 31 37 39 33 67 43 54 6f 32 35 6e 45 5a 62 44 4c 63 30 5f 58 4b 72 51 44 41 4a 76 66 6d 65 64 7a 35 4e 62 42 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 35 64 61 39 62 39 34 61 37 33 62 33 62 62 34 62 38 39 39 30 38 32 34 65 39 31 33 34 31 32 37 30 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_VT
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_space
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing space "
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38E571B2D74AB3775D437CZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGkxcEZMwXUnggg4KeB+KWBKnNDCE=PUT\n\n\n1738382164\nx-amz-cf-id:YZCgiQA6IVKYHtf_edpVvLBQDlUDFEduDxmDq83O8w-0ry7Xy53upA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/6f981c3526cb23375d11bb0eca154714_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 36 34 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 59 5a 43 67 69 51 41 36 49 56 4b 59 48 74 66 5f 65 64 70 56 76 4c 42 51 44 6c 55 44 46 45 64 75 44 78 6d 44 71 38 33 4f 38 77 2d 30 72 79 37 58 79 35 33 75 70 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 36 66 39 38 31 63 33 35 32 36 63 62 32 33 33 37 35 64 31 31 62 62 30 65 63 61 31 35 34 37 31 34 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_space
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_CR
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing CR␍"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38EEBDB11AAFDBE532378DZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGgDTboFOjznhPl2XPbFMiPxTsx1I=PUT\n\n\n1738382166\nx-amz-cf-id:5JeeihQ5-7Okw8s6s0p3YjEHHfSWYQHRNaXJpfDlzBxgxjBHEpmM8g==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/4409479c7c13acf62ad4d94177667983_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 36 36 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 35 4a 65 65 69 68 51 35 2d 37 4f 6b 77 38 73 36 73 30 70 33 59 6a 45 48 48 66 53 57 59 51 48 52 4e 61 58 4a 70 66 44 6c 7a 42 78 67 78 6a 42 48 45 70 6d 4d 38 67 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 34 34 30 39 34 37 39 63 37 63 31 33 61 63 66 36 32 61 64 34 64 39 34 31 37 37 36 36 37 39 38 33 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_CR
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_LF
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing LF␊"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF38F7FCB1957F89AD9BA5C2Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGBeug6ZD3PCMuimWyWKWnQrBLpBI=PUT\n\n\n1738382169\nx-amz-cf-id:boAjboIkmzl0Cf2TxswazLUluaW8xn2KxUa5vTmX_g9yVwPBxtNDHg==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/47e9a4b71a6291ef988274ea7614769d_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 36 39 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 62 6f 41 6a 62 6f 49 6b 6d 7a 6c 30 43 66 32 54 78 73 77 61 7a 4c 55 6c 75 61 57 38 78 6e 32 4b 78 55 61 35 76 54 6d 58 5f 67 39 79 56 77 50 42 78 74 4e 44 48 67 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 34 37 65 39 61 34 62 37 31 61 36 32 39 31 65 66 39 38 38 32 37 34 65 61 37 36 31 34 37 36 39 64 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_LF
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_HT
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing HT␉"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF390133B155343DC43DB182Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGcTdjGci2lJ85Afx3Fxfsc4LbzT8=PUT\n\n\n1738382171\nx-amz-cf-id:j9dwuJ4nP0sekZwhvZzJ2TMnuJzjPoufPYdz5J_W5Q2ABsOr6KsCAA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/0b1b3c983fa0a83aa0063e09878eacf3_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 37 31 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 6a 39 64 77 75 4a 34 6e 50 30 73 65 6b 5a 77 68 76 5a 7a 4a 32 54 4d 6e 75 4a 7a 6a 50 6f 75 66 50 59 64 7a 35 4a 5f 57 35 51 32 41 42 73 4f 72 36 4b 73 43 41 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 30 62 31 62 33 63 39 38 33 66 61 30 61 38 33 61 61 30 30 36 33 65 30 39 38 37 38 65 61 63 66 33 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_HT
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_VT
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing VT␋"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF390A5AB11AAF66E7016A6CZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGCNGI+54vGewJUmtbbUHtka8eHMg=PUT\n\n\n1738382173\nx-amz-cf-id:bapiEvHvSruCeD8wRri435BK2YblXPNBDOnGbufXlZFNhVbu4tSGxQ==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/df80874e386c848234a819289e5fb18d_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 37 33 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 62 61 70 69 45 76 48 76 53 72 75 43 65 44 38 77 52 72 69 34 33 35 42 4b 32 59 62 6c 58 50 4e 42 44 4f 6e 47 62 75 66 58 6c 5a 46 4e 68 56 62 75 34 74 53 47 78 51 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 64 66 38 30 38 37 34 65 33 38 36 63 38 34 38 32 33 34 61 38 31 39 32 38 39 65 35 66 62 31 38 64 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_VT
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_dot
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing dot."
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF3914D8B15E522D9E478E00Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGsdZat44jigJqbUStKVIVPQh8QgA=PUT\n\n\n1738382176\nx-amz-cf-id:_lQdOnoiCAtvGs5WQXMCTKm71BSVHMNc_zxG20Pb3a-8734xXfMtDw==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/5962f6e499b517a44ec4270f5e930bd4_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 37 36 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 5f 6c 51 64 4f 6e 6f 69 43 41 74 76 47 73 35 57 51 58 4d 43 54 4b 6d 37 31 42 53 56 48 4d 4e 63 5f 7a 78 47 32 30 50 62 33 61 2d 38 37 33 34 78 58 66 4d 74 44 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 35 39 36 32 66 36 65 34 39 39 62 35 31 37 61 34 34 65 63 34 32 37 30 66 35 65 39 33 30 62 64 34 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_dot
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/URL_encoding
fstests.go:711: testing "test%46.txt"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF391E05B2DAE5C880474272Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGjbAk/zFjQgD8CqFCq96r8hlcvqs=PUT\n\n\n1738382178\nx-amz-cf-id:Skx5yrr8RIQeWcJ6h2rKKNavtGb-ojxCYSuClyz1UiTDkzJnJbRn9A==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/431169da2553a4a2bde051d9f16250bb_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 37 38 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 53 6b 78 35 79 72 72 38 52 49 51 65 57 63 4a 36 68 32 72 4b 4b 4e 61 76 74 47 62 2d 6f 6a 78 43 59 53 75 43 6c 79 7a 31 55 69 54 44 6b 7a 4a 6e 4a 62 52 6e 39 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 34 33 31 31 36 39 64 61 32 35 35 33 61 34 61 32 62 64 65 30 35 31 64 39 66 31 36 32 35 30 62 62 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/URL_encoding
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsPutFiles
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF392263B0D297DDA9184977Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGWLoaSPX+HN90DdB2LE100IUFPRY=PUT\n\n\n1738382179\nx-amz-cf-id:qeV4A6UM7WDQS37yBfixJ8qf_wzt_JWiyunAwYnB_RrWmE4sgP8GCw==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/4068b0dc02edde3aaf8d283be1acddb4_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 37 39 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 71 65 56 34 41 36 55 4d 37 57 44 51 53 33 37 79 42 66 69 78 4a 38 71 66 5f 77 7a 74 5f 4a 57 69 79 75 6e 41 77 59 6e 42 5f 52 72 57 6d 45 34 73 67 50 38 47 43 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 34 30 36 38 62 30 64 63 30 32 65 64 64 65 33 61 61 66 38 64 32 38 33 62 65 31 61 63 64 64 62 34 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsPutFiles
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize/FsUpdateUnknownSize
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.00000194BF39259AB1553503C74EF607Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGIs7Dg8RGiTDxM2jLxuujCkAaGAU=PUT\n\n\n1738382180\nx-amz-cf-id:MVXBdz09O6Uaw1CE48DCGVmY54wWm53Qyi512JbQKFoXgTecmy4OMw==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/7d562c852656dd171fd3e20dd584a5a0_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 38 33 38 32 31 38 30 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 4d 56 58 42 64 7a 30 39 4f 36 55 61 77 31 43 45 34 38 44 43 47 56 6d 59 35 34 77 57 6d 35 33 51 79 69 35 31 32 4a 62 51 4b 46 6f 58 67 54 65 63 6d 79 34 4f 4d 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 37 64 35 36 32 63 38 35 32 36 35 36 64 64 31 37 31 66 64 33 65 32 30 64 64 35 38 34 61 35 61 30 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize/FsUpdateUnknownSize
Messages: Put
2025/02/01 01:56:22 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found
--- FAIL: TestIntegration (48.51s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir (46.23s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding (42.23s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/control_chars (2.75s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot (2.32s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot_dot (2.67s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/punctuation (2.67s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_space (2.37s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_tilde (2.69s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_CR (2.36s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_LF (2.35s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_HT (2.36s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_VT (2.68s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_space (2.32s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_CR (2.37s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_LF (2.36s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_HT (2.36s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_VT (2.33s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_dot (2.69s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/URL_encoding (2.35s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsPutFiles (1.11s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize (0.82s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize/FsUpdateUnknownSize (0.82s)
exit status 1
FAIL github.com/rclone/rclone/backend/linkbox 48.516s
"go test -v -timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestLinkbox: -verbose -test.run '^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsEncoding$/^(URL_encoding|control_chars|dot|dot_dot|leading_CR|leading_HT|leading_LF|leading_VT|leading_space|leading_tilde|punctuation|trailing_CR|trailing_HT|trailing_LF|trailing_VT|trailing_dot|trailing_space)$|^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsPutFiles$|^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsUploadUnknownSize$/^FsUpdateUnknownSize$'" - Finished ERROR in 48.968628756s (try 4/5): exit status 1: Failed [TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/control_chars TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot_dot TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/punctuation TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_space TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_tilde TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_CR TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_LF TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_HT TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_VT TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_space TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_CR TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_LF TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_HT TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_VT TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_dot TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/URL_encoding TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsPutFiles TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize/FsUpdateUnknownSize]