"go test -v -timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestLinkbox: -verbose -test.run '^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsEncoding$/^(URL_encoding|control_chars|dot|dot_dot|leading_CR|leading_HT|leading_LF|leading_VT|leading_space|leading_tilde|punctuation|trailing_CR|trailing_HT|trailing_LF|trailing_VT|trailing_dot|trailing_space)$|^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsPutFiles$|^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsUploadUnknownSize$/^FsUpdateUnknownSize$'" - Starting (try 5/5)
=== RUN TestIntegration
fstests.go:442: Using remote "TestLinkbox:"
2025/01/22 03:35:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestLinkbox:rclone-test-xawiros6seso"
2025/01/22 03:35:04 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf"
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/control_chars
fstests.go:711: testing "␀␁␂␃␄␅␆␇␈␉␊␋␌␍␎␏␐␑␒␓␔␕␖␗␘␙␚␛␜␝␞␟␡"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C140305B156A1AAE257ED1BZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG+o6F4IWYwyZkL7+xSi1z0KTpCoE=PUT\n\n\n1737524108\nx-amz-cf-id:SYQlPtnNfG0xrSXyB6FlRGzMAm8Wk_ChA8CqJw0qpg5qblvh-QfVYw==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/609d09941387e043a0aff6841da69e5d_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 30 38 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 53 59 51 6c 50 74 6e 4e 66 47 30 78 72 53 58 79 42 36 46 6c 52 47 7a 4d 41 6d 38 57 6b 5f 43 68 41 38 43 71 4a 77 30 71 70 67 35 71 62 6c 76 68 2d 51 66 56 59 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 36 30 39 64 30 39 39 34 31 33 38 37 65 30 34 33 61 30 61 66 66 36 38 34 31 64 61 36 39 65 35 64 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/control_chars
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot
fstests.go:711: testing "."
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C140C10B15D10AB5E075291Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGzlU/cNRctD7F5gu59loxX12SUEY=PUT\n\n\n1737524111\nx-amz-cf-id:7HqYlH4E3qL7c3c13nH1hwv2YfG41y34_Fue9vP016b-HitEPOiOcg==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/2bec8cbcc09425341427609fdbe9f7c1_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 31 31 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 37 48 71 59 6c 48 34 45 33 71 4c 37 63 33 63 31 33 6e 48 31 68 77 76 32 59 66 47 34 31 79 33 34 5f 46 75 65 39 76 50 30 31 36 62 2d 48 69 74 45 50 4f 69 4f 63 67 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 32 62 65 63 38 63 62 63 63 30 39 34 32 35 33 34 31 34 32 37 36 30 39 66 64 62 65 39 66 37 63 31 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot_dot
fstests.go:711: testing ".."
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C141665B15B1A526B269B0CZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGroP1fP4O9lvYoY3lX9QadVlFQ+g=PUT\n\n\n1737524113\nx-amz-cf-id:1pHdGhdHupmn4PWJvhNFGqLwJl9yt03mQ7IHq0DCkxAzEG0uSNc-lg==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/d9b8dd9d15a1a3eedb1f12afad1e168a_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 31 33 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 31 70 48 64 47 68 64 48 75 70 6d 6e 34 50 57 4a 76 68 4e 46 47 71 4c 77 4a 6c 39 79 74 30 33 6d 51 37 49 48 71 30 44 43 6b 78 41 7a 45 47 30 75 53 4e 63 2d 6c 67 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 64 39 62 38 64 64 39 64 31 35 61 31 61 33 65 65 64 62 31 66 31 32 61 66 61 64 31 65 31 36 38 61 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot_dot
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/punctuation
fstests.go:711: testing "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C1420D1B11F4641BC637DEEZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGr81vRBeu7nX21MhHnwJ8oZhyPw0=PUT\n\n\n1737524116\nx-amz-cf-id:xmZls8_tXILOAeXfDaoZM6ZJ63wMELVv1UDiKhR_4xqV2I2E0nGW7A==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/9aab03f3c71974c432ac7a15a6017c98_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 31 36 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 78 6d 5a 6c 73 38 5f 74 58 49 4c 4f 41 65 58 66 44 61 6f 5a 4d 36 5a 4a 36 33 77 4d 45 4c 56 76 31 55 44 69 4b 68 52 5f 34 78 71 56 32 49 32 45 30 6e 47 57 37 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 39 61 61 62 30 33 66 33 63 37 31 39 37 34 63 34 33 32 61 63 37 61 31 35 61 36 30 31 37 63 39 38 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/punctuation
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_space
fstests.go:711: testing " leading space"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C1429DFB0167D6BCCBA8A0BZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGcr5No/OzXQf3bFZD9PyCRo+eAFw=PUT\n\n\n1737524118\nx-amz-cf-id:uuP0OvGzjtcWrN0AhqyEM4mmoCXRtE6kvD-bswbrmCwCdnTl9o5BQg==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/03769d629befb61202255c8a5547dc9f_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 31 38 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 75 75 50 30 4f 76 47 7a 6a 74 63 57 72 4e 30 41 68 71 79 45 4d 34 6d 6d 6f 43 58 52 74 45 36 6b 76 44 2d 62 73 77 62 72 6d 43 77 43 64 6e 54 6c 39 6f 35 42 51 67 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 30 33 37 36 39 64 36 32 39 62 65 66 62 36 31 32 30 32 32 35 35 63 38 61 35 35 34 37 64 63 39 66 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_space
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_tilde
fstests.go:711: testing "~leading tilde"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C14343AB11BF7E2F03E65B0Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG2oMe9dEn+Poj33VxsukQrPwZ1eE=PUT\n\n\n1737524121\nx-amz-cf-id:dBhwZQDnuZ8bXrDrpN5piv_J-MOGu3fJO04yfqFBYEx0YgunNDWyww==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/a7137eede6659f1aee9eedc03374d2f8_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 32 31 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 64 42 68 77 5a 51 44 6e 75 5a 38 62 58 72 44 72 70 4e 35 70 69 76 5f 4a 2d 4d 4f 47 75 33 66 4a 4f 30 34 79 66 71 46 42 59 45 78 30 59 67 75 6e 4e 44 57 79 77 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 61 37 31 33 37 65 65 64 65 36 36 35 39 66 31 61 65 65 39 65 65 64 63 30 33 33 37 34 64 32 66 38 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_tilde
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_CR
fstests.go:711: testing "␍leading CR"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C143D66B1585658B867DF8FZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGQMiTuCGFVZXE26y9OsWEatEoLKc=PUT\n\n\n1737524123\nx-amz-cf-id:ZWraF1OL_BUITNojO89KvnRlGVIClAe1QzvOaS0YDFqItmJn_fZ9sg==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/5b419385f5adda852879879c9b80b774_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 32 33 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 5a 57 72 61 46 31 4f 4c 5f 42 55 49 54 4e 6f 6a 4f 38 39 4b 76 6e 52 6c 47 56 49 43 6c 41 65 31 51 7a 76 4f 61 53 30 59 44 46 71 49 74 6d 4a 6e 5f 66 5a 39 73 67 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 35 62 34 31 39 33 38 35 66 35 61 64 64 61 38 35 32 38 37 39 38 37 39 63 39 62 38 30 62 37 37 34 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_CR
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_LF
fstests.go:711: testing "␊leading LF"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C144675B01BCEC3DC3FC260Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGm5zB6AWC/uAwIn6RiwD5kpkNTrg=PUT\n\n\n1737524126\nx-amz-cf-id:NMEucf3y9YNZSD4aqh8AgFU2An2TrgZloMZX7mKWbM03EPesM5KP1w==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/afaffc9956b9c04e5b82542fb3187d92_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 32 36 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 4e 4d 45 75 63 66 33 79 39 59 4e 5a 53 44 34 61 71 68 38 41 67 46 55 32 41 6e 32 54 72 67 5a 6c 6f 4d 5a 58 37 6d 4b 57 62 4d 30 33 45 50 65 73 4d 35 4b 50 31 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 61 66 61 66 66 63 39 39 35 36 62 39 63 30 34 65 35 62 38 32 35 34 32 66 62 33 31 38 37 64 39 32 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_LF
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_HT
fstests.go:711: testing "␉leading HT"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C144F99B19282044327D138Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG9CD/gE+DzC+jl3yrOxEmoTIEilo=PUT\n\n\n1737524128\nx-amz-cf-id:X-TmfWsBUtA2mLLysfXfinbPxXCtZK99QCOf1xG2E5M5MrmydIgXvA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/d35e5d330f85a6c9968683d75faea652_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 32 38 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 58 2d 54 6d 66 57 73 42 55 74 41 32 6d 4c 4c 79 73 66 58 66 69 6e 62 50 78 58 43 74 5a 4b 39 39 51 43 4f 66 31 78 47 32 45 35 4d 35 4d 72 6d 79 64 49 67 58 76 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 64 33 35 65 35 64 33 33 30 66 38 35 61 36 63 39 39 36 38 36 38 33 64 37 35 66 61 65 61 36 35 32 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_HT
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_VT
fstests.go:711: testing "␋leading VT"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C1458C0B0D485A3C8AE4716Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGlLrpLrEY9cPG5JbPOb46tZJ3yGw=PUT\n\n\n1737524130\nx-amz-cf-id:a88oY_jhXn99hQ5GtPXQZVn7S5v9BOewb6oFAexd58FK5LGKEGu2vQ==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/72f7171dc4864ba6fb9102f78d75e386_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 33 30 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 61 38 38 6f 59 5f 6a 68 58 6e 39 39 68 51 35 47 74 50 58 51 5a 56 6e 37 53 35 76 39 42 4f 65 77 62 36 6f 46 41 65 78 64 35 38 46 4b 35 4c 47 4b 45 47 75 32 76 51 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 37 32 66 37 31 37 31 64 63 34 38 36 34 62 61 36 66 62 39 31 30 32 66 37 38 64 37 35 65 33 38 36 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_VT
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_space
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing space "
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C146320B1943F2A24EC97DDZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG9yzDSK+XnvwfhBg5M7Z4xvVBqUY=PUT\n\n\n1737524133\nx-amz-cf-id:YgaMXRVzNiZxlHNudcm2WX_AuHbfIKdJySKmUklR8eXyYX5Z64LOLA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/8be47ee88b56d89bc838913998a47369_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 33 33 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 59 67 61 4d 58 52 56 7a 4e 69 5a 78 6c 48 4e 75 64 63 6d 32 57 58 5f 41 75 48 62 66 49 4b 64 4a 79 53 4b 6d 55 6b 6c 52 38 65 58 79 59 58 35 5a 36 34 4c 4f 4c 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 38 62 65 34 37 65 65 38 38 62 35 36 64 38 39 62 63 38 33 38 39 31 33 39 39 38 61 34 37 33 36 39 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_space
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_CR
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing CR␍"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C146C54B0DE9DBB582CA917Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGKoX+SmVzdGc6h4KLr3lp+Jb8XAo=PUT\n\n\n1737524136\nx-amz-cf-id:dMdcwXEgio4l3s_N3QZKgw-RPZa0yiXcFdF7jeCd6qGKSuYTxnrAUA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/fec1ea53330e7a7dbc1bf1c41daeb7d9_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 33 36 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 64 4d 64 63 77 58 45 67 69 6f 34 6c 33 73 5f 4e 33 51 5a 4b 67 77 2d 52 50 5a 61 30 79 69 58 63 46 64 46 37 6a 65 43 64 36 71 47 4b 53 75 59 54 78 6e 72 41 55 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 66 65 63 31 65 61 35 33 33 33 30 65 37 61 37 64 62 63 31 62 66 31 63 34 31 64 61 65 62 37 64 39 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_CR
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_LF
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing LF␊"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C147554B01BCE8EE24784C1Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGvh9lsQH3hXS//dTrRWWDJxyWOac=PUT\n\n\n1737524138\nx-amz-cf-id:KxEr2WnDuZCRKOJMxHBLqd2iUvjYF9Bcnvkgr1Jyo8dfm_RSjtl4gw==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/a6d702569043ffd1f55bd9e8460636e4_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 33 38 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 4b 78 45 72 32 57 6e 44 75 5a 43 52 4b 4f 4a 4d 78 48 42 4c 71 64 32 69 55 76 6a 59 46 39 42 63 6e 76 6b 67 72 31 4a 79 6f 38 64 66 6d 5f 52 53 6a 74 6c 34 67 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 61 36 64 37 30 32 35 36 39 30 34 33 66 66 64 31 66 35 35 62 64 39 65 38 34 36 30 36 33 36 65 34 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_LF
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_HT
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing HT␉"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C147FBCB0D3049F87496788Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGUUAMG7KUVCkt5khAxUWdSvH5Spc=PUT\n\n\n1737524140\nx-amz-cf-id:3Rnd7u_OKycTC5aTAh1pkCN65PxqMedhQ7tp6e3rbLZOAZKEDD14Xw==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/ce56889de929cbb4fade69cd1d9be96a_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 34 30 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 33 52 6e 64 37 75 5f 4f 4b 79 63 54 43 35 61 54 41 68 31 70 6b 43 4e 36 35 50 78 71 4d 65 64 68 51 37 74 70 36 65 33 72 62 4c 5a 4f 41 5a 4b 45 44 44 31 34 58 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 63 65 35 36 38 38 39 64 65 39 32 39 63 62 62 34 66 61 64 65 36 39 63 64 31 64 39 62 65 39 36 61 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_HT
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_VT
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing VT␋"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C1488D7B2DAE5B803EC7F24Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGmUodOW0MEPExHDJfO1n1aSLjX9M=PUT\n\n\n1737524143\nx-amz-cf-id:6hCOFjsnnTFQGbzQvGIPrR4p0akKrirvdH7RlfET3vwLr-WlwxEkNw==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/189c4f3b5bc190b989b0cb4e0f6de355_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 34 33 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 36 68 43 4f 46 6a 73 6e 6e 54 46 51 47 62 7a 51 76 47 49 50 72 52 34 70 30 61 6b 4b 72 69 72 76 64 48 37 52 6c 66 45 54 33 76 77 4c 72 2d 57 6c 77 78 45 6b 4e 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 31 38 39 63 34 66 33 62 35 62 63 31 39 30 62 39 38 39 62 30 63 62 34 65 30 66 36 64 65 33 35 35 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_VT
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_dot
fstests.go:711: testing "trailing dot."
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C149256B194404E28344F8CZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGt1BoEWuy+gWGfgiglD9HED+UmXQ=PUT\n\n\n1737524145\nx-amz-cf-id:iaH2ojpGQsRCp-_UAI6SlHmad1bFVBbEHCoGdbRDL46tRi9rrnEU_Q==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/3d989e00d5eff533642093f26c48ae14_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 34 35 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 69 61 48 32 6f 6a 70 47 51 73 52 43 70 2d 5f 55 41 49 36 53 6c 48 6d 61 64 31 62 46 56 42 62 45 48 43 6f 47 64 62 52 44 4c 34 36 74 52 69 39 72 72 6e 45 55 5f 51 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 33 64 39 38 39 65 30 30 64 35 65 66 66 35 33 33 36 34 32 30 39 33 66 32 36 63 34 38 61 65 31 34 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_dot
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/URL_encoding
fstests.go:711: testing "test%46.txt"
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C149CCDB2D60769E75FDFCEZ9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG1YINSltfEJNr0BtT6C7zsQVbnjY=PUT\n\n\n1737524148\nx-amz-cf-id:AICDVHC0_4ZdQOuBCymXVrB0fFOpxn1FbrHvJuYLpzi39g_j_0sRxA==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/d75ad6a02be5d01e16d8acf33f290496_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 34 38 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 41 49 43 44 56 48 43 30 5f 34 5a 64 51 4f 75 42 43 79 6d 58 56 72 42 30 66 46 4f 70 78 6e 31 46 62 72 48 76 4a 75 59 4c 70 7a 69 33 39 67 5f 6a 5f 30 73 52 78 41 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 64 37 35 61 64 36 61 30 32 62 65 35 64 30 31 65 31 36 64 38 61 63 66 33 33 66 32 39 30 34 39 36 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/URL_encoding
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsPutFiles
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C14A01BB019B8BD9CE9D0F9Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABGdE5Fmat3iyXhrHQw3kDKLZAYQTQ=PUT\n\n\n1737524149\nx-amz-cf-id:af022sWSaYO8nKcByFpOlpWsUzjf10ThHbgQwLv4g_T6Z5cmUDSUSw==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/0d3cc4336ec7bbb3f78df529d53d34a4_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 34 39 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 61 66 30 32 32 73 57 53 61 59 4f 38 6e 4b 63 42 79 46 70 4f 6c 70 57 73 55 7a 6a 66 31 30 54 68 48 62 67 51 77 4c 76 34 67 5f 54 36 5a 35 63 6d 55 44 53 55 53 77 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 30 64 33 63 63 34 33 33 36 65 63 37 62 62 62 33 66 37 38 64 66 35 32 39 64 35 33 64 33 34 61 34 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsPutFiles
Messages: Put
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize
=== RUN TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize/FsUpdateUnknownSize
Error Trace: /home/rclone/go/src/github.com/rclone/rclone/fstest/fstests/fstests.go:145
Error: Received unexpected error:
update err in uploading file: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "SignatureDoesNotMatch
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.000001948C14A32CB1943FCF29956C43Z9v+cC1sRnaWw6x0vi8pxxYA0YVnKxbYHUPAFpnxkX8sLV44u5b02Z+ailn2wCnRZAUGMKBTPLNX0FBOCABG/a5j5fAbajW+srDrqC6QhhTO9Aw=PUT\n\n\n1737524150\nx-amz-cf-id:AZ7JRBZAL9LkCnTmXPqXPmcm4RNKtEppvDpKn7ulMtph7uZ2qjerRg==\n/ozadj95fviptne/tmp/recycle/1d/user/922460207/2ae7b53bfa9fa29b7eee2487e5ed015d_10050 55 54 0a 0a 0a 31 37 33 37 35 32 34 31 35 30 0a 78 2d 61 6d 7a 2d 63 66 2d 69 64 3a 41 5a 37 4a 52 42 5a 41 4c 39 4c 6b 43 6e 54 6d 58 50 71 58 50 6d 63 6d 34 52 4e 4b 74 45 70 70 76 44 70 4b 6e 37 75 6c 4d 74 70 68 37 75 5a 32 71 6a 65 72 52 67 3d 3d 0a 2f 6f 7a 61 64 6a 39 35 66 76 69 70 74 6e 65 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 2f 31 64 2f 75 73 65 72 2f 39 32 32 34 36 30 32 30 37 2f 32 61 65 37 62 35 33 62 66 61 39 66 61 32 39 62 37 65 65 65 32 34 38 37 65 35 65 64 30 31 35 64 5f 31 30 30"
Test: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize/FsUpdateUnknownSize
Messages: Put
2025/01/22 03:35:52 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found
--- FAIL: TestIntegration (48.19s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir (45.96s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding (42.35s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/control_chars (2.72s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot (2.31s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot_dot (2.66s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/punctuation (2.65s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_space (2.32s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_tilde (2.66s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_CR (2.35s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_LF (2.31s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_HT (2.34s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_VT (2.34s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_space (2.67s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_CR (2.34s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_LF (2.31s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_HT (2.66s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_VT (2.36s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_dot (2.41s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/URL_encoding (2.73s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsPutFiles (0.79s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize (0.78s)
--- FAIL: TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize/FsUpdateUnknownSize (0.78s)
exit status 1
FAIL github.com/rclone/rclone/backend/linkbox 48.204s
"go test -v -timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestLinkbox: -verbose -test.run '^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsEncoding$/^(URL_encoding|control_chars|dot|dot_dot|leading_CR|leading_HT|leading_LF|leading_VT|leading_space|leading_tilde|punctuation|trailing_CR|trailing_HT|trailing_LF|trailing_VT|trailing_dot|trailing_space)$|^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsPutFiles$|^TestIntegration$/^FsMkdir$/^FsUploadUnknownSize$/^FsUpdateUnknownSize$'" - Finished ERROR in 48.744839842s (try 5/5): exit status 1: Failed [TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/control_chars TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/dot_dot TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/punctuation TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_space TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_tilde TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_CR TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_LF TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_HT TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/leading_VT TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_space TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_CR TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_LF TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_HT TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_VT TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/trailing_dot TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsEncoding/URL_encoding TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsPutFiles TestIntegration/FsMkdir/FsUploadUnknownSize/FsUpdateUnknownSize]