"./operations.test -test.v -test.timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestB2: -list-retries 5 -verbose -fast-list" - Starting (try 5/5) 2024/11/18 04:17:39 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestB2:rclone-test-fezafab6cofi" 2024/11/18 04:17:39 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf" 2024/11/18 04:17:40 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/rclone3343867612" === RUN TestDoMultiThreadCopy --- PASS: TestDoMultiThreadCopy (0.00s) === RUN TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks === RUN TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1_chunkSize:65536_wantNumChunks:1} === RUN TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1048576_chunkSize:1_wantNumChunks:1048576} === RUN TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1048576_chunkSize:2_wantNumChunks:524288} === RUN TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1048577_chunkSize:2_wantNumChunks:524289} === RUN TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1048575_chunkSize:2_wantNumChunks:524288} --- PASS: TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks (0.00s) --- PASS: TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1_chunkSize:65536_wantNumChunks:1} (0.00s) --- PASS: TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1048576_chunkSize:1_wantNumChunks:1048576} (0.00s) --- PASS: TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1048576_chunkSize:2_wantNumChunks:524288} (0.00s) --- PASS: TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1048577_chunkSize:2_wantNumChunks:524289} (0.00s) --- PASS: TestMultithreadCalculateNumChunks/{size:1048575_chunkSize:2_wantNumChunks:524288} (0.00s) === RUN TestMultithreadCopy run.go:180: Remote "B2 bucket rclone-test-fezafab6cofi", Local "Local file system at /tmp/rclone3343867612", Modify Window "1ms" 2024/11/18 04:17:41 DEBUG : chunksize-probe: Cancelling large file upload === RUN TestMultithreadCopy/upload=false,size=201326591,streams=2 2024/11/18 04:18:09 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: disabling buffering because destination uses OpenWriterAt 2024/11/18 04:18:09 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: write buffer set to 131072 2024/11/18 04:18:09 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: using backend concurrency of 4 instead of --multi-thread-streams 2 2024/11/18 04:18:09 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: number of streams 4 was bigger than number of chunks 3 2024/11/18 04:18:09 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: Starting multi-thread copy with 3 chunks of size 64Mi with 3 parallel streams 2024/11/18 04:18:09 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 3/3 (134217728-201326591) size 64.000Mi starting 2024/11/18 04:18:09 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 1/3 (0-67108864) size 64Mi starting 2024/11/18 04:18:09 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 2/3 (67108864-134217728) size 64Mi starting 2024/11/18 04:18:10 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: writing chunk 2 2024/11/18 04:18:10 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: writing chunk 0 2024/11/18 04:18:10 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: writing chunk 1 2024/11/18 04:18:15 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 3/3 (134217728-201326591) size 64.000Mi finished 2024/11/18 04:18:15 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 1/3 (0-67108864) size 64Mi finished 2024/11/18 04:18:15 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 2/3 (67108864-134217728) size 64Mi finished 2024/11/18 04:18:15 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326591-2: Finished multi-thread copy with 3 parts of size 64Mi === RUN TestMultithreadCopy/upload=false,size=201326592,streams=2 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: disabling buffering because destination uses OpenWriterAt 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: write buffer set to 131072 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: using backend concurrency of 4 instead of --multi-thread-streams 2 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: number of streams 4 was bigger than number of chunks 3 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: Starting multi-thread copy with 3 chunks of size 64Mi with 3 parallel streams 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 3/3 (134217728-201326592) size 64Mi starting 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 2/3 (67108864-134217728) size 64Mi starting 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 1/3 (0-67108864) size 64Mi starting 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: writing chunk 2 2024/11/18 04:18:52 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: writing chunk 1 2024/11/18 04:18:53 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: writing chunk 0 2024/11/18 04:18:57 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 3/3 (134217728-201326592) size 64Mi finished 2024/11/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 2/3 (67108864-134217728) size 64Mi finished 2024/11/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 1/3 (0-67108864) size 64Mi finished 2024/11/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326592-2: Finished multi-thread copy with 3 parts of size 64Mi === RUN TestMultithreadCopy/upload=false,size=201326593,streams=2 2024/11/18 04:19:31 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: multi-thread copy: disabling buffering because destination uses OpenWriterAt 2024/11/18 04:19:31 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: multi-thread copy: write buffer set to 131072 2024/11/18 04:19:31 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: multi-thread copy: using backend concurrency of 4 instead of --multi-thread-streams 2 2024/11/18 04:19:31 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: Starting multi-thread copy with 4 chunks of size 64Mi with 4 parallel streams 2024/11/18 04:19:31 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 1/4 (0-67108864) size 64Mi starting 2024/11/18 04:19:31 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 2/4 (67108864-134217728) size 64Mi starting 2024/11/18 04:19:31 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 3/4 (134217728-201326592) size 64Mi starting 2024/11/18 04:19:31 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 4/4 (201326592-201326593) size 1 starting 2024/11/18 04:19:31 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: writing chunk 0 2024/11/18 04:19:42 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: writing chunk 1 2024/11/18 04:19:54 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: writing chunk 2 2024/11/18 04:19:54 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: writing chunk 3 2024/11/18 04:19:54 DEBUG : test-multithread-copy-false-201326593-2: multi-thread copy: chunk 4/4 (201326592-201326593) size 1 finished "./operations.test -test.v -test.timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestB2: -list-retries 5 -verbose -fast-list" - Finished ERROR in 2m18.864021875s (try 5/5): signal: killed: Failed []