"./vfs.test -test.v -test.timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestOneDrive: -verbose -test.run '^TestFileRename$/^minimal,forceCache=false$|^TestRWCacheUpdate$'" - Starting (try 2/5) 2024/04/18 04:18:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "TestOneDrive:rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4" 2024/04/18 04:18:57 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/rclone/.rclone.conf" 2024/04/18 04:18:57 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/tmp/rclone1059591072" === RUN TestFileRename === RUN TestFileRename/minimal,forceCache=false run.go:180: Remote "OneDrive root 'rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4'", Local "Local file system at /tmp/rclone1059591072", Modify Window "1ms" 2024/04/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : OneDrive root 'rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4': Next delta token is: aTE09NjM4NDkwMTA3MzcwODA7SUQ9NzFBOTY3OThFN0IxRDI1MyExMDE7TFI9NjM4NDkwMTA3Mzc5ODc7RVA9MjA7U0k9NzM7RExFUD0wO1NHPTE7U089NjtQST0z 2024/04/18 04:18:58 NOTICE: OneDrive root 'rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4': --vfs-cache-mode writes or full is recommended for this remote as it can't stream 2024/04/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : vfs cache: root is "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone" 2024/04/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : vfs cache: data root is "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone/vfs/TestOneDrive/rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4" 2024/04/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : vfs cache: metadata root is "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone/vfsMeta/TestOneDrive/rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4" 2024/04/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone/vfs/TestOneDrive/rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4" 2024/04/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone/vfsMeta/TestOneDrive/rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4" 2024/04/18 04:18:58 INFO : vfs cache: cleaned: objects 0 (was 0) in use 0, to upload 0, uploading 0, total size 0 (was 0) 2024/04/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : dir/file1: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:18:58 DEBUG : dir/file1: Uploading segment 0/14 size 14 2024/04/18 04:18:59 DEBUG : WaitForWriters: timeout=30s 2024/04/18 04:18:59 DEBUG : dir: Looking for writers 2024/04/18 04:18:59 DEBUG : file1: reading active writers 2024/04/18 04:18:59 DEBUG : : Looking for writers 2024/04/18 04:18:59 DEBUG : dir: reading active writers 2024/04/18 04:18:59 DEBUG : >WaitForWriters: 2024/04/18 04:19:00 INFO : dir/file1: Moved (server-side) to: newLeaf 2024/04/18 04:19:00 DEBUG : newLeaf: Updating file with newLeaf 0xc0009be480 2024/04/18 04:19:00 DEBUG : dir: Added virtual directory entry vDel: "file1" 2024/04/18 04:19:00 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "newLeaf" 2024/04/18 04:19:01 INFO : newLeaf: Moved (server-side) to: dir/file1 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : dir/file1: Updating file with dir/file1 0xc0009be480 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vDel: "newLeaf" 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : dir: Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "file1" 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : dir/file1: Open: flags=O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : dir/file1: >Open: fd=dir/file1 (w), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : dir: Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "file1" 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : dir/file1: File is currently open, delaying rename 0xc0009be480 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : dir: Added virtual directory entry vDel: "file1" 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "newLeaf" 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : OneDrive root 'rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4': File to upload is small (25 bytes), uploading instead of streaming 2024/04/18 04:19:01 DEBUG : dir/file1: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:02 DEBUG : dir/file1: Uploading segment 0/25 size 25 2024/04/18 04:19:02 DEBUG : dir/file1: quickxor = 954e6302251b5e744b33bcf26f301bca00023794 OK 2024/04/18 04:19:02 INFO : dir/file1: Copied (new) 2024/04/18 04:19:02 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "newLeaf" 2024/04/18 04:19:02 DEBUG : newLeaf: Running delayed rename now 2024/04/18 04:19:03 INFO : dir/file1: Moved (server-side) to: newLeaf 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : newLeaf: Updating file with newLeaf 0xc0009be480 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : WaitForWriters: timeout=30s 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : dir: Looking for writers 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : : Looking for writers 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : dir: reading active writers 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : newLeaf: reading active writers 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : >WaitForWriters: 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : WaitForWriters: timeout=30s 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : dir: Looking for writers 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : : Looking for writers 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : dir: reading active writers 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : newLeaf: reading active writers 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : >WaitForWriters: 2024/04/18 04:19:03 DEBUG : vfs cache: cleaner exiting --- PASS: TestFileRename (6.87s) --- PASS: TestFileRename/minimal,forceCache=false (6.87s) === RUN TestRWCacheUpdate run.go:180: Remote "OneDrive root 'rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4'", Local "Local file system at /tmp/rclone1059591072", Modify Window "1ms" 2024/04/18 04:19:04 DEBUG : OneDrive root 'rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4': Next delta token is: aTE09NjM4NDkwMTA3NDQ1MjM7SUQ9NzFBOTY3OThFN0IxRDI1MyExMDE7TFI9NjM4NDkwMTA3NDQ4NTA7RVA9MjA7U0k9MTU7RExFUD0wO1NHPTE7U089NjtQST0z 2024/04/18 04:19:04 DEBUG : vfs cache: root is "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone" 2024/04/18 04:19:04 DEBUG : vfs cache: data root is "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone/vfs/TestOneDrive/rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4" 2024/04/18 04:19:04 DEBUG : vfs cache: metadata root is "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone/vfsMeta/TestOneDrive/rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4" 2024/04/18 04:19:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone/vfs/TestOneDrive/rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4" 2024/04/18 04:19:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/rclone/.cache/rclone/vfsMeta/TestOneDrive/rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4" 2024/04/18 04:19:04 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:04 INFO : vfs cache: cleaned: objects 0 (was 0) in use 0, to upload 0, uploading 0, total size 0 (was 0) 2024/04/18 04:19:04 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/20 size 20 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc0007516c0): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc0007516c0): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:20:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce52b0c210c63544319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "" 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=20 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc0007516c0): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:20} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:05 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:06 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc0007516c0): >_readAt: n=20, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:06 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc0007516c0): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:06 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:20:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:06 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc0007516c0): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:06 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:06 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:06 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:06 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/20 size 20 2024/04/18 04:19:06 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e0c0): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e0c0): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:21:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce72b0c210c63544319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:20:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce52b0c210c63544319aa00073284" 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removing cached entry as stale (remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:21:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce72b0c210c63544319aa00073284" != cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:20:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce52b0c210c63544319aa00073284") 2024/04/18 04:19:07 INFO : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed cache file as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed metadata from cache as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=20 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e0c0): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:20} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e0c0): >_readAt: n=20, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e0c0): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:21:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e0c0): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:07 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:08 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:08 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/20 size 20 2024/04/18 04:19:08 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982500): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982500): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:22:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce12b0c210c63544319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:21:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce72b0c210c63544319aa00073284" 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removing cached entry as stale (remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:22:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce12b0c210c63544319aa00073284" != cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:21:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce72b0c210c63544319aa00073284") 2024/04/18 04:19:09 INFO : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed cache file as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed metadata from cache as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=20 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982500): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:20} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982500): >_readAt: n=20, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982500): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:22:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982500): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/20 size 20 2024/04/18 04:19:09 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a382c0): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a382c0): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:23:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce32b0c210c63544319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:22:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce12b0c210c63544319aa00073284" 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removing cached entry as stale (remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:23:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce32b0c210c63544319aa00073284" != cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:22:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce12b0c210c63544319aa00073284") 2024/04/18 04:19:10 INFO : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed cache file as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed metadata from cache as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=20 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a382c0): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:20} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a382c0): >_readAt: n=20, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a382c0): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:23:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:10 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a382c0): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:11 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:11 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:11 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:11 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/20 size 20 2024/04/18 04:19:11 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:11 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982ec0): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982ec0): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:24:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ced2b0c210c63544319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:23:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce32b0c210c63544319aa00073284" 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removing cached entry as stale (remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:24:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ced2b0c210c63544319aa00073284" != cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:23:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce32b0c210c63544319aa00073284") 2024/04/18 04:19:12 INFO : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed cache file as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed metadata from cache as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=20 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982ec0): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:20} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982ec0): >_readAt: n=20, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982ec0): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:24:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000982ec0): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/20 size 20 2024/04/18 04:19:12 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000878c00): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000878c00): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:25:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cef2b0c210c63544319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:24:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ced2b0c210c63544319aa00073284" 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removing cached entry as stale (remote fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:25:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cef2b0c210c63544319aa00073284" != cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:24:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ced2b0c210c63544319aa00073284") 2024/04/18 04:19:13 INFO : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed cache file as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed metadata from cache as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=20 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000878c00): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:20} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000878c00): >_readAt: n=20, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000878c00): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:25:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000878c00): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:13 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/21 size 21 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e000): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e000): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "21,2024-04-18 03:26:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce98b0e210c63554319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:25:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cef2b0c210c63544319aa00073284" 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removing cached entry as stale (remote fingerprint "21,2024-04-18 03:26:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce98b0e210c63554319aa00073284" != cached fingerprint "20,2024-04-18 03:25:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cef2b0c210c63544319aa00073284") 2024/04/18 04:19:14 INFO : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed cache file as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed metadata from cache as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=21 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e000): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:21} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e000): >_readAt: n=21, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e000): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:26:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:14 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000b0e000): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:15 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:15 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:15 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:15 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/22 size 22 2024/04/18 04:19:15 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:15 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38a40): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38a40): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "22,2024-04-18 03:27:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ceb8b0e340c63564319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "21,2024-04-18 03:26:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce98b0e210c63554319aa00073284" 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removing cached entry as stale (remote fingerprint "22,2024-04-18 03:27:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ceb8b0e340c63564319aa00073284" != cached fingerprint "21,2024-04-18 03:26:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ce98b0e210c63554319aa00073284") 2024/04/18 04:19:16 INFO : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed cache file as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed metadata from cache as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=22 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38a40): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:22} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38a40): >_readAt: n=22, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38a40): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:27:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38a40): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/23 size 23 2024/04/18 04:19:16 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38bc0): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38bc0): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "23,2024-04-18 03:28:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cf58b0e34a463574319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "22,2024-04-18 03:27:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ceb8b0e340c63564319aa00073284" 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removing cached entry as stale (remote fingerprint "23,2024-04-18 03:28:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cf58b0e34a463574319aa00073284" != cached fingerprint "22,2024-04-18 03:27:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92ceb8b0e340c63564319aa00073284") 2024/04/18 04:19:17 INFO : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed cache file as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed metadata from cache as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=23 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38bc0): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:23} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38bc0): >_readAt: n=23, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38bc0): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:28:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38bc0): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Starting multipart upload 2024/04/18 04:19:17 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Uploading segment 0/24 size 24 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=---------- 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Open: flags=O_RDONLY 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: newRWFileHandle: 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >newRWFileHandle: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >Open: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: >OpenFile: fd=TestRWCacheUpdate (rw), err= 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38d40): _readAt: size=512, off=0 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38d40): openPending: 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: checking remote fingerprint "24,2024-04-18 03:29:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cf78b0e34a4235d4319aa00073284" against cached fingerprint "23,2024-04-18 03:28:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cf58b0e34a463574319aa00073284" 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removing cached entry as stale (remote fingerprint "24,2024-04-18 03:29:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cf78b0e34a4235d4319aa00073284" != cached fingerprint "23,2024-04-18 03:28:04.894 +0000 UTC,d526a69ce92cf58b0e34a463574319aa00073284") 2024/04/18 04:19:18 INFO : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed cache file as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: removed metadata from cache as stale (remote is different) 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: truncate to size=24 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : : Added virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38d40): >openPending: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : vfs cache: looking for range={Pos:0 Size:24} in [] - present false 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from -1 to 0 length -1 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:18 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38d40): >_readAt: n=24, err=EOF 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38d40): close: 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2024-04-18 03:29:04.894 +0000 UTC 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate(0xc000a38d40): >close: err= 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : : Removed virtual directory entry vAddFile: "TestRWCacheUpdate" 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: Reset virtual modtime 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : WaitForWriters: timeout=30s 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : : Looking for writers 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : TestRWCacheUpdate: reading active writers 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : >WaitForWriters: 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : vfs cache: cleaner exiting 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : : forgetting directory cache --- PASS: TestRWCacheUpdate (15.10s) PASS 2024/04/18 04:19:19 DEBUG : OneDrive root 'rclone-test-renasil0lojatuj4jocusel4': Purge remote "./vfs.test -test.v -test.timeout 1h0m0s -remote TestOneDrive: -verbose -test.run '^TestFileRename$/^minimal,forceCache=false$|^TestRWCacheUpdate$'" - Finished OK in 22.82208084s (try 2/5)